Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Back in the Saddle again...

Good morning world! Well, it's been some time since my last blog was written, and to be honest there are a variety of reasons for that. You see, I blog when I have something that just can't wait to "get out" of me. Everyone needs an "out" when they get stressed or put under pressure. For some, that's a round of golf or a 3 mile run. For me, I've found, it's sitting down with a laptop in front of me and writing. I love to write. So here I am, for the first time in a while, venting my overflowing heart to you, my faithful few. And can I just begin with a very simple phrase that is so HUGELY filled with truth - God IS faithful!

So approximately 3 months go my world changed - TOTALLY. Without going in great detail for the benefit of others, choices were made that weren't in my scope of control, that turned everything I knew upside down. And for a moment - a brief, passing moment - I didn't think I could stand to live in my new reality. I didn't think it was worth it at all. My dreams, my plans, my goals - all flushed in an instant. And everything, or so it seemed, had changed and vanished before my eyes. But there were those faithful few that stood around me, though my gratitude at the time was lacking. There were those who drove miles and miles to simply be there with me. They did my laundry, did my cooking, cleaning my house, and even just sat in the same room as me, even at all hours of the night, so I wouldn't be alone. They love me - unconditionally. And this time those that claim that love really do mean it - they prove it daily.

So time has passed since that horrible valley. The darkness has faded into light. The deep, dark valley is fallen behind me and the sunny mountaintop is within view again. I actually find myself smiling for absolutely no reason again. It's been a long time since that's been my reality. But nonetheless, here I am. And it's all because of three little letters - GIF. God IS Faithful. Even when we don't understand why He's allowed such horrible circumstances to fall upon us, He is faithful. Always. Never fails. Boy, that's medicine to a sick soul!

And so today I woke up "giddy." Seriously. I have some folks that have become very important to me in recent days. I won't launch into a list of thank yous, because the list would be way too long for a blog, and I'd inevitably leave someone out and hurt their feelings. But my family, my PB, my LH family, my FD family...and my new best've all held me up when I couldn't stand on my own. And for that I'm grateful. The "under shepherd" got to be ministered to in a time when he really wasn't up to ministering. God gave all of you to me for such a time as this. And a bright future lies ahead, I can feel it in my bones.

Jim, our FD mechanic, an amazing man of God with a testimony that would make you fall to your knees, told me just a few weeks after that life changing day that I would eventually be "happier than I've ever been." I respect him, but I also thought that though he'd been where I was, he didn't understand my particular situation. I thought that it just wasn't possible to be happy period, let alone "happier than I'd ever been." But boy did God have different plans. And though I don't know what tomorrow holds when the "right now" ;) is over, I know this: He's shown me I can smile again. He's shown me I can trust again. He's shown me I can have a friend and be a friend again. And He's shown me I can experience a deeper fulfilment and joy than ever before again.

So guess what...GIF! And because of His faithfulness, I'm back in the saddle again, and loving every minute of it. What a life He's given me - and a joy to be the one living it. GIF!

Until next time,

That's just a thought from my heart, and I welcome your's.
I welcome your emails anytime at .

Saturday, October 24, 2009

What is a "Real Man?"

It's been some time since my last blog post, which has much to do with the leg of this journey of life that God has me in right now. The current time is 2:55am on Saturday morning, and since I was awakened unexpectedly by a phone call which was followed about 15 minutes later by a fire department call, and I don't see myself going back to sleep anytime soon, I decided to make good use of time. I have had millions of thoughts racing through my mind over the past several weeks, many of which I am honestly not ready to share yet openly. One that has been racing through my mind that was raised this morning is the issue I'd like to tackle: What is a "real man?"
Hollywood would have us believe that a "real man" is 6'8" tall with biceps as large as the average watermelon, and an ego to match them. But let's not just go after Hollywood - it has become apparent to me that many of us in the world of "church" have absolutely no idea what a "real man" is, either. I have been made aware of this due to the fact that some that are very close to me that I have been in worship times with for years have an apparent massive misunderstanding of the definition of a "real man." So I thought instead of looking at a man's attempt to define the term, we might look at God's.
First off, in Genesis 1:26, God's Word says that He created man "in His own image." That's something we all have in common as humans - we are a "triune being," that is we have a body, mind and spirit, just as God is the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. So we were born in His image in that respect. However, anyone that understands the concept of salvation remembers that when we come to Christ we are "born again" as Jesus said in John 3. So when that rebirth happens, Scripture tells us that we then begin the journey of being "transformed into the image of Christ." That takes this thing to a whole new level - what does it mean to look like Jesus?
Christ as God has many character traits that tell us what a "real man" is, as He was the ultimate "real man." One was compassion, therefore a "real man" has compassion. When He sees someone that has fallen, He feels their hurt to the extent that it motivates him to do what he can do to help them. So, "real man", do you want to help people? Another trait is integrity, as Jesus was the same "real man" when people were around as when people weren't. So, "real man", do you have integrity, or are you living a life of secrets having to constantly watch over your shoulder to see who's able to see what you're doing at that moment? Oh, and then there's forgiveness - Jesus even prayed for the forgiveness of those who were crucifying Him. "Real man" - are you forgiving, or do you want to get even all the time? Of all of the many traits that Jesus had that a "real man" will possess, there's just one final traitI want to mention: commitment. A "real man" honors his commitments. When Christ was on His way to the cross, it wasn't fun, and it didn't look easy, but He had committed to accomplish the mission that God the Father had given Him to accomplish. So He did. There's no other way to look at it - He just did. In a world where commitment is a joke - where it's as simple as one choice to break our commitments - where nothing is permanent, even the institution that is built on the premise of a "life long covenant" - a "real man" keeps his commitments, even when it's not easy, convenient, or he doesn't feel like it.
A "real man" will be a blessed man, according to Psalm 1, because he won't "walk in the counsel of the wicked, nor stand in the path of sinners, nor sit in the seat of scoffers, but rather he delights himself in the law of the Lord, and in His law he meditates day and night." Wow - a "real man" is a man of the Word. So "real man" - how much time do you spend in the Word on a regular basis? Does the occasional "picking up my Bible for church" constitute as "meditating day and night?"
Jesus Himself said in Luke 9:25, "What is a man profited if he gains the whole world, and loses his own soul?" A "real man" has the right priorities. The stuff of this world - the pleasures of this world - all that this world has to offer - pale in comparison to the leadership of God in his life and what God is saying to him about his life's direction. So, "real man", where are your priorities - fun, pleasure, your happiness above all else, or God's will based upon His Word?
There's one more aspect of being a "real man" that's worth mentioning in this age of promise breaking. In Ephesians 5 Paul had strong words to say about what a "real man" is. In verses 25 - 27, Paul tells us that a "real man" will love his wife as Christ loves the Church. He tells us that not only will the "real man" love her unconditionally, but that he will also look out for her well-being. That his goal for her will be nourishing her in the walk with the Lord that she has, and even being willing to sacrifice himself for her well-being if required. He goes on to say that this is the entire point of the Scripture that says, "For this cause a man shall leave his father and mother, and shall cleave to his wife; and the two shall become one flesh." A "real man" marries into a life-long commitment of "cleaving" - that is, to holding on for dear life to the woman God has given him, through sickness and health, poverty and wealth, good times and bad, better or get the idea. He doesn't just hold on "until he has found something better." You see, a "real man" doesn't see anything better. The one God has given him is the best in the eyes of the "real man."
So I present to you at this amazing hour of the day that there are many in this world that think that their height, weight, muscle mass, or ego size determines that they are a "real man." When they stand before God, if that's all that they've had in this life, they will be sorely disappointed when the ultimate "Real Man" says to them, "Depart from me you worker of iniquity, I never knew you." Oh, they may have thought their "manhood" gave them the ability to fight their way out of anything here. They may have been able to whoop anybody that came into their path in this world. But when faced with the reality of the very presence of the God of the universe, who they really are, and their tiny spiritual stature will be all that matters.
And to all you "little guys" out there - guys who aren't 6'8" tall, who don't have watermelon sized biceps, and certainly don't have the egos to match them - but you love the Lord with all your heart, mind, and strength: even if nobody in this world sees it, even if there don't seem to be any women that see it, and even if sometimes you don't even see it - you have no need to worry. You are a "real man." And regardless of the opinions of all those that seem to surround you - the One that you serve, the One that you'll stand before some day soon - the One that sustains you and gives you all you need in this life to serve Him - He's sees you. And believe you me - He knows what a "real man" is.

Until next time (hopefully not 3am then...),

That's just a thought, and I welcome yours.
Feel free to email me anytime at .

Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Everything in my life is...

A Gift. Everything in my life is a GIFT! I have been very unappreciative, many times, of the goodness of God in my life. I can't list all of His good gifts in my life, but there are a few that stand out to me this morning...

...My Savior. Oh what a Savior, oh Hallelujah! He gave His lifeblood, for even me! And I fail, fail, fail...and He loves, loves, loves! Oh, how He loves you and me! Oh, how He loves you and me! He gave His life, what more could He give? Oh how He loves you, oh how He loves me, oh how He loves you and me! I love Him today - but only because He first loved me!

...My calling. Not only does He love me, but He gave me a purpose! Sharing the Word of God with people is not only something I greatly enjoy doing, it's something I would not be able to survive without! And I get to do it daily!

...My family. God gave me Christian parents, grandparents, and two great sisters, and now brother in laws, that I wouldn't trade for anyone or anything in the world. I love my family, even though I don't get to see them nearly as often as I'd like. I love them - and my nieces, even my brand new one, are such dolls I can't even describe them in words. God is good.

...and my Shauna. I couldn't make it without her. She's my heartbeat - she's my dream girl. I am so head over heels in love with her that if she were gone a hole in my heart would exist that would be so big nothing to even begin to attempt to fill it except God Himself. I love her - and I'm thanking God everyday, more now than ever before, for giving her to me.

The greatest day of my life - Oct. 31st, 1997 - the day I became a child of God.

The close second - February 14, 2004 - the day I became Shauna Erman's husband...she took my name (Martin) and my heart too.

Thank Him today for all He's given you. He truly is good.

Until next time,

That's just a thought, and I welcome yours.
Feel free to write to blake anytime at .

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Thursday, August 20, 2009

To win the war...

Today's blog thought will probably be brief, because it's basically just a question. A couple of weeks ago, I had a conversation with someone that was seemingly "on fire" for the Lord. After a brief bit of talking, you'd walk away thinking that this person was ready to "charge hell with a bucket of ice water" as Bro. Bill Birdsong used to say. But a statement was made that concerned me. No, I'm not their judge, nor do I want to be because I am very much imperfect myself, I assure you. But the statement troubled me, nonetheless. Okay, you are curious now aren't you? Well, here it is: "I'm ready to beat the S*** out of the devil and really kick his a**!" I don't even like putting that in this blog with the letters "bleeped" out, because it's obvious what's being said there.
Was there a "fire" there? Obviously. Was there some "fervor" there? I think it's clear to see. The issue that troubled me was this: can we really win the war using the enemy's tactics? If we want to live in victory in this spiritual battle on earth called the Christian life, my understanding is that we've got to make the commitment to do it His way.
"Watch the way you talk. Let nothing foul or dirty come out of your mouth. Say only what helps, each word is a gift." (Ephesians 4:29, The Message)
I had this discussion with that person a couple days after that conversation because I was troubled. They understood, we prayed, and moved on. And since that moment I've tried to watch what I say, as well. After all, I'm fighting on the winning side...but I don't want to lose even one soul in the process.

Serving them for Him,

That's just a thought, and I welcome yours.
Feel free to write to blake at .

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Tuesday, August 18, 2009

I Finally Did It!

Good morning all you blog readers out there...I finally did it! After being both guilt-tripped and shamed, I finally went to the gym with my Shauna this morning at 5am, and I loved it. It's now 7:45am, and I am awake and ready for the day ahead, after working out, showering, drinking a cup of coffee with the love of my life, and spending some time with the Lord - I've made it to the office to do some writing. What a day this has already become - with a beautiful sunrise to boot! Let me tell you a few things about this morning's workout that you might find amusing...
First of all, I'm so badly out of shape it's not even funny anymore. Shauna, who has been going to the gym every weekday since the first of the year, got on her machine (I think it's called an elliptical) and went to town. In the amount of time it took me to jog/run/walk/gasp for air for 2 miles, she had gone 3.5. So here it is - an admission: my wife could beat me up if she so tried. And I guess I'm okay with that...she's earned it. Back to my point.
Since being diagnosed as a diabetic a couple of months ago, well meaning people in my life, several of them, have strongly encouraged me to get back into the routine of exercising. The bottom line is - it's good for everyone to exercise, but it's phenomenal for a diabetic to. It's such a good decision both for my health and for my mindset. When I exercise, it's my way of reassuring myself that this disease doesn't control me - I control it. No, I'm not a control freak, but some of you can understand how it feels to wake up every morning knowing that your body doesn't work right and the day before you could end with you feeling about 4" tall because of a blood sugar "malfunction." And exercise is a way for me to be offensive, and stop just playing defense with this condition.
So, tomorrow morning the alarm will go off at 5am, and I will get up, put on the ole' gym shorts that I'd prefer not to ever be seen wearing in public after daylight, and go with my bride to the gym to exercise. But this entire time I can hear the words of Paul echoing in my mind..."Bodily exercise profits little...Godly discipline profits much..." So I've gone a while without exercise, and I'm out of shape, so much to the point that it'll take me a while to be back where I used to be strength and stamina wise. How many of us are that badly out of shape spiritually?
Here's the point: I got out of shape by not exercising. We can allow ourselves to become spiritually weak and shallow if we refuse to spend some "exercise" time with the Lord - talking to Him and letting Him talk back - regularly. Otherwise, our walk with Him won't be a long distance run - it'll be a sprint - one that ends and allows us to give up and quit every time it hurts a little.
I'm tired of sprinting in my life...I'm ready for the marathon! What about you?

If you need help training for that marathon, let's talk.

That's just a thought, and I welcome yours.
Feel free to email blake at anytime with your questions or comments.

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Thursday, August 6, 2009

The truth behind "Vacation"...

So here goes - my last post before leaving on a week long adventure to Florida (exact location will remain undisclosed... :) ). Shauna and I are leaving Saturday morning for a week of absolutely nothing but R&R. It'll be great - and did you know it's also Biblical?
In the book of Genesis we can see the story of how everything that we know began. It took our amazing God just 6 days to create everything that is - just 6 days. A friend of our here at the church is building a deck on his house - and it's taken longer than 6 days to get that done! But God made it all in that amount of time...but the next day, the 7th, is where we get the principle of rest and vacation.
When I was young in the ministry and knew everything (it's amazing that as I grow older I lose that vast, unending knowledge more and more...) I was the guy that said, "I'm never on vacation - I'm a servant of Christ!" I didn't know much, turns out. See, I thought it wasn't "spiritual" to take time off. I thought it was a waste of the little time we have left in this world to reach the lost. I didn't think it was a good practice. And so for years, I didn't. I just didn't take time off. And if I actually did take a vacation time, it was usually because and loving and caring Pastor I served under made me do it. And even then - I usually had a preaching appointment wherever we decided to go on vacation to.
And then I wandered upon this HUGE dose of truth straight from God Himself: am I more "spiritual" than He is? "Of course not" is the obvious answer. So if it's nonspiritual for a servant of God to take some time off for R&R, why did the God that servant is devoted to take time off? That's a simple answer: to set an example for us. Our bodies need rest!
So, after a year of intense ministry both at Lake Hamilton Church and the Lake Hamilton FD, we're leaving for a week and turning off the cell phone & the fire radio. It's all going to be off, and we are going to be on the beach working on a sun tan that will make my missionary friend in Mexico jealous! (Granted, I have, as of now, a "farmer's tan" so that will be probably be baked like a lobster, but I'll enjoy every minute of it!)
So what's the point? Don't run yourself ragged! Don't run until you fall apart! Take the example that God Himself gave us - rest when you need to! At least once a week, take a day off and focus on refueling yourself for the work He's called you to. But, vacation from ministry doesn't mean vacation from Him.
Mark it down - Sunday morning we'll be in a place of worship with fellow believers in Pensacola, FL lifting up the name of Christ. Why? Because I don't desire or require a vacation from my God - it's not a job, it's a relationship.

Until next time,

That's just a thought, and I welcome yours!
Email pastor blake anytime at !

Pastor blake will be on vacation next week, but upon his return stay tuned for our next blog, "Make it your best ever..."!

Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Passion or play?

I'm sitting down this morning to write after completing the preparation of Sunday's sermon...and a question is heavy on my heart. What are we about - passion or play?

Passion - a drive to accomplish a purpose that you are sold out to.
Play - recreation for the purpose of personal benefit.

Hell - the destination for all those who do not know Christ.

2009 Christian - someone who attends church every Sunday for what they can receive (mushy, gushy emotional high) oblivious to the calling of God to share Him with the lost around them daily

Guilty - all of us who sit in our comfortable Christianity while those around us live one heart-beat from eternal torment

Question - will we continue to live with blood on our hands, or will be rise up at the Body of Christ and do something about it?

Share Him - it's our job - it's our calling - it's our greatest responsibility.

Until next time

That's just a thought, and I welcome yours.
Feel free to email blake anytime at .

Monday, July 20, 2009

The Not-so Simple Life

God is teaching me that I'm not in control. I mean, I say that I know that all the time, but then I move on in life as if I am in control. But I'm learning, I'm not. What brought all this about, you ask? Well, in explaining this I don't want to run the risk of sounding whiny - I'm not whining. I'm simply sharing with you how God is teaching me to trust, totally, in Him with every aspect of my life and ministry.

About 2 months ago my doctor looked me straight in the eyes and told me I had diabetes, type 2. I am 25 years old and far from obese, though I have a little bit of extra weight that I could probably do without. Turns out, you can be 25 and not too bad overweight and still have diabetes - who knew? Do you know one thing I've learned about diabetes in the past couple months: as much as you re-work your diet and do our best to manage the disease, you still have it - it's out of your control. So now, 4 times a day, I stick the ole' finger to see what my blood sugar is up to today. I can't control that...only He can.

I am a pastor - a shepherd over a flock of Christ-followers in Hot Springs, AR. And do you know what I'm learning more and more each day that I live in that role: a shepherd can't make decisions for his sheep. No, I'm not a control freak really, but there are times that I see things that some of my church folks are doing that I know will hurt them later on, or hurt others later on. And in those times, all I can do is pray and encourage them in their walks with Christ in the right direction...but the decisions are still theirs. I can't control that...only they can.

I am a husband - to an amazing woman named Shauna. We were married on February 14, 2004 in a beautiful ceremony at Victory BC in Cabot. It was very easily one of the best days of my life thus far - an amazing day. All my life I have dreamed of the day when some little stinker would look up to me and call me "Daddy." That's been my highest aspiration and dream in life, honestly. Thus far in our 5+ years of marriage, we haven't been blessed with that opportunity yet. For reasons that are far too big for my mind to understand, God has chosen to not make that one happen yet. As much as I crave that title of Daddy, and as much as I long to see Shauna have the opportunity to be the best mom in the world as I know she would be, it's just not our reality yet. I can't control that...only He can.

So all that to say this: God is God, and we are not. The sooner we accept that and begin to live our lives under His Lordship and guidance, the sooner we experience real life the way He intended for us to.

Until next time,

That's just a thought, and I welcome yours.
Feel free to email blake anytime at .

Wednesday, June 24, 2009

I'm so not writing this...well...

I'm torn about whether or not to even write today. I have a lot on my mind, and to be honest I'm afraid of what might work its way into this blog. I usually try to write when I'm on a mountaintop and God's speaking things to me that I am just about to explode to share. Today isn't one of those days, but I still feel led to write. Here's the problem with being vulnerable - people can use your words against you if they so choose. But to tell you the truth, I need to be vulnerable, open, and honest today. I need to blog. So here goes.
Shauna and I had a conference call last night with our new adoption agency. It's an incredible agency, made up of adoptive moms that understand the process firsthand, which makes it so much easier on the couples they work with. It was a long call - about 40 minutes. They answered every question, and basically explained the process to us. Should we proceed with this agency, we're working with Christians, and we'll be flying to a hospital in a few months to pick up our new angel straight from a delivery room. Exciting, huh? Yeah, I thought so to. Then the call continued to the cost.
I have always known adoption was incredibly expensive, but when I found this agency I thought we'd found one that was very reasonable when it came to cost. Now, I sit at my desk with a computer in front of me realizing this dream is a really far stretch, and a long way from becoming reality. This program only accepts 30 couples at a time, and we're one of them. The problem is they need to know within 10 days of the phone consultation whether or not we want to move forward, otherwise they have to give our spot away. $20,000 - and 10 days to decide if we can do it. You do the math.
To say the least, I've been down since that call ended. For the benefit of the reader I've got to admit that's not all that's on my mind right now, it's just the HUGE cherry on top of an already heavy load of concerns and issues beating me up right now. Some of you will write and offer great words of advice, and probably even share some Scripture with me, which is fine. But, I just want to remind you - I'm simply being open, honest, and see-through. This is what I feel right now.
If you were to ask me what I want most right now in my life - more than anything else, my answer would be so quick and simple. See, God has already blessed me beyond all imagination. My wife, Shauna, is an angel straight from God Himself, the most amazing wife I could ever imagine anyone having ever, and He gave her to me. I love her dearly. He's given me the opportunity to share His Word on daily occasions, which is a huge blessing considering that's my calling in life. So what do I want, honestly, more than anything else in this world: to be called Daddy. I dream about it - I think about it constantly. And every time I hear that word mouthed by a small child, my heart breaks. That's the truth from my heart this morning.
Then I turn on the news last night and see 3 different stories about abused or neglected children. One of them from Austin, AR - the town that Shauna's parents live in - where two folks were cooking meth in the home with their 2 year old right there with them. Not long after that story was a story on abortion rights and the Presidents comments regarding them. Seriously? I know for a fact there are thousands upon thousands of couples just like us across this nation that are longing for the amazing privilege of being parents - and we're debating whether or not to kill the innocent babies we can't seem to have?
As I said earlier and you can see now, a lot is going through my mind. And I'm writing for one reason - it's therapy for me I guess. And I'm going to be honest once more with my readers: I really don't need advice or all the answers that everyone thinks they have. Just be understanding with us this morning and do this one thing: pray. I long for your prayers for Shauna and I. The desires of my heart are for her to get the chance to be the amazing mom I know she'd be, and for me to get the chance to be a dad as well. So just pray - I appreciate it.

That's just a thought.

Monday, June 8, 2009

A day in the life...

What a day yesterday was! Let me give you an idea of what I went to sleep last night having experienced on Sunday:
*A great 8:30 service with a group of people I love dearly,
*An awesome 10:45 service seeing God move among us through His Spirit,
*Lunch with the love of my life (Shauna), and my amazing deacons and their wives,
*A family meeting that went, as usual, very well with our hearts united,
*An evangelism training session, where I can see God's people being stirred up to reach the lost (even getting to hear one story from Whitney Heird of winning 5 girls to Christ at Girls' State last week!!!)
*A simply awe inspiring, amazing time of laying on of hands and prayer with Michael, Gary K, Joel, and Doug over a man in much need of a touch from above last night after Evangelism Training (the Holy Spirit was there in a powerful way and we were reminded by Him that this is what we're called to do - almost felt like we were in the book of Acts in the early was sweet!)
*I then went home to my amazing gift of God of a wife. Life is good.

God has renewed my passion to do what He's called me to do. In all my life I've had different aspirations. When I was young I thought I wanted to be a policeman. I truly thought that would be my profession. For a while it was a C-130 pilot in the air force. And I'll admit - for a while I even thought I'd be in politics eventually...(some still think that should happen, but I've referred them to some really good doctors for counseling... :) ).
However, as I've really searched my heart God has confirmed something within me: in all my life, there's only been two things I've realized I could not live without. There have only been two things that my heart BURNED to do - that I realize I would have an inescapable void in my life if they weren't there. Two things, just two. One - be a husband to Shauna. From the first time I met this amazing woman, I realized she would be my just took me 10 months to convince her. :) I want to be her husband - I HAVE to be her husband. Without her in my life, I'd not be who I am today. I need my wife. That's one.
The other holds just as strong of a hold on my heart. God called me, at the age of 14, to preach. There's no doubt in my mind - nothing had ever been clearer to me in my life that far - He was calling. And I answered. Along the way there have been distractions. In the past year and a half there have been distractions. Pastoring a church is not a breeze, let me tell ya. There's overseeing staff, budgets, ministries, dealing with possible conflicts, counseling, being on call 24/7...and then brilliant me went off and joined the Fire Department and became a Chaplain...which added another on call 24/7 hat to my head. I'm not knocking that, though, God has been good in giving me so many opportunities to share Him through that ministry, and I wouldn't trade that for anything in the world! If you think I am tired of being on the FD you must realize: if I got tired, I'm simply quit - it's just that simple. I'm not tired - I LOVE IT!
All that to say this: I love what He's given me the privilege of doing. He called me to preach, and I get to do that 7 days a week - not just on Sunday! And on Sunday - I get to do it twice in the morning alone! Sure there are "down days" when things seem tough and mountains seem too tall to climb. But you see, it's in those days that He speaks to my word and reminds's with faith the size of a mustard seed that those mountains can be MOVED, not just climbed! What a mighty God we serve, and His grace, mercy, goodness, and benevolent blessings blow my mind.
In December 2007, Shauna and I left "home" at Victory Baptist Church in Cabot. We left Shauna's family who lived 5 minutes from us, and mine that lived 15 minutes from us. We left DEEP friendships that had developed over 5 years or more of ministry. We left a good, vibrant ministry that had a very bright future with all kinds of possibilities to reach students and their families. Sure, we LEFT a lot. But more and more each day, I'm realizing what we GOT. We GOT a church family that's second to none, that loves one another and will fight to the finish to support one of us in need. We GOT friends that are amazing. I don't mean to single anyone out, but Joel, Michael, Doug, John, Charlie...and the list goes on and on. I got friends - people I can unload to without worry of it backfiring. And then God brought Josh and Marty back to me by bringing them here, as well. Since that unanimous vote in December of 2007, our lives have changed drastically - but only for the better. We still have lasting friendship with folks in Cabot - don't know where I'd be today without Bro. Ben, just to name one. He's a second dad, or grandpa...whichever title he chooses! God brought us here, but allowed us to continue friendships that matter so deeply to us. Whoa...God overwhelms me sometimes.

So today, take great JOY in what you do - He's placed you there for a reason.
You are a missionary - every single one of you. Don't let anyone slip into hell without fighting for their soul.

Your Pastor loves you more than you know.

Thursday, June 4, 2009

Dreams from a dreamer

I have been thinking back, today. Do you remember the days early in life when anything seemed possible? I mean, ANYTHING. If you had a dream of some job you wanted to have, you could not only achieve that, but be the best in the field? If you wanted to be a police officer, you would not only become one, but you'd nab every most wanted felone in the continental United States...all on your first day at work. Remember those days?
My dream was always just that - to be a police officer. I played "cops and robbers" with neighbors constantly as a child, and never stopped to think until later that maybe they didn't want to be the bad guys all the time...nevertheless, they were, and they always got busted! I just assumed that some day, when the time came, I'd go to the academy and follow that dream. But along about the age of 14, something else directed my future plans - a call of God to be a preacher. There was no doubting it - it was a clear cut thing. That would be my future, and I have no regrets about taking this road, either.
When I first began this journey of ministry, I must admit I was still a dreamer. I had envisioned that I would be some amazing preacher that had all the ideas the church world had been waiting for. I thought, deep down inside, that I would eventually be that pastor that everyone thought hung the moon - that you wouldn't be able to stop people from coming through the doors of the church I would pastor, because it would be so incredible. Yes - those were dreams, and I'll admit that at the age of 14 I was not only a lofty dreamer, but a tad bit ego-centric as well.
Now to reality: pastoring isn't easy, and having good "ideas" doesn't equal the instant success of reaching untold multitudes in a short amount of time. I'm finding more and more each day that the more I depend on my own talents or abilities, however strong or weak they are, the less I get to see Him accomplish in ministry. More days than not it's a struggle, even when I'm on the mountaintop of ministry. The simple fact of the matter is that I have an enemy, and so do you. He despises the work of God, and the more lost folks that come to Christ and begin a discipleship journey with Him, the more the enemy fights.
I don't know why people walk away from the fight. I don't know why people turn their backs on the church or its leadership. And to be perfectly honest, I don't know why people neglect commiting to follow Him in what He's calling them to do. But I do know this: our King is coming back any minute, and I don't want to be doing my own thing when He does.
So, here ya go - some "dreams from a dreamer." I have an undying dream of reaching the community that God has placed me in. I have an undying dream to see men and women, boys and girls come into a relationship with Jesus and follow Him the rest of their lives. I have an undying dream to see His church grow, and the local church He's placed me in explode because its members can't STOP sharing Him with the world. I have an undying dream of a time when financial meetings are a breeze and there aren't ever any tough decisions to be made as to what to cut next. And I have an undying it a passion, see Him lifted up in all I do, and in all that the church I serve does, until the day He calls us all back to Himself in the "twinkling of an eye."

That's just a thought, and I welcome your's.
Until next time,

Feel free to email Pastor Blake anytime at .

Thursday, May 21, 2009

American Idol..atry

OK, OK...before I go any further I'll admit: I, too, watched this season of American Idol. I did, see - I'm open and transparent. And I'll admit this, as well: I was pulling BIG TIME for Kris Allen to win. I felt that he was the one worthy of the title, and was truly a good guy that could make an impact through his music and testimony. We'll wait and see on that one, I guess. Only time will tell. But in all the hustle and bustle of over 100 million votes being cast in this competition, God's been stirring my spirit up in concern, so I thought I'd blog since it'd been a while anyway.
You see, America is hurting right now. I'm not even referring to the economy or jobless rates at all - they are obvious. America is hurting morally, and we're hurting worse today than ever in our nation's history. Not only do I believe that, but I don't understand how anyone on this earth wouldn't see that as an obvious fact. From the huge "cultural issues" of the definition of marriage (or re-definition should I say), to the murdering of what equates to an entire generation of innocent human beings on the altar of personal convenience, we're in trouble. It's as plain as day.
There's just no more right and wrong. Even men who stand and claim to the "spokesmen for God" or "preachers of the Book" will proclaim to the world that much of our society today is gray. Moral absolutes have seemingly left town as quick as we can turn around and realize they're gone. It's all about relativism these days - "What's right and wrong to you in the moment..." And boy have we played the blame game. As a matter of fact, we've blamed just about every possible source.
There's the media - and we LOVE to blame them. "If all that smut wasn't on TV for all the world to see at any hour of the day this would all be different." Really? Would it? Is it really the media's fault that Christians sit on their couch and watch the garbage? By the way, the R on the back of that movie case doesn't stand for "really good"... I truly believe that the media is fed by the market - and the fact of the matter is, Christians make up a HUGE chunk of that market. Simple fact: if everyone who is opposed to such vulgarity and indecency in the media would simply stop giving them their money, things would have to change, otherwise they'd go broke. That fact is proven every time a "G" or "PG" movie does better than an "R" rated movie in the theaters. Listen - the powers that be in the media really don't care how much we protest or use great verbiage against them. At the end of the day, they're making money, and that's what business is about.
Oh, and don't forget politicians. Man, do they ever get the brunt of the "can o' blame" on a daily basis. Can I go on record as saying that there are, believe it or not, actually a few folks in government that are good, decent, well meaning, moral people? Yes - seriously - there are! I happen to know a few. But regardless, if we have a government that is making decisions that are totally in opposition to where we stand morally, why haven't we done something about it? This is still a democratically elected government, isn't it? So you are abhorred by the number of abortions performed each year? You tremble at the thought of marriage being redefined for the first time in human culture? You don't like greedy CEOs getting bailed out with regular folks like you and I go broke without our bailout? Then when election day comes get up off your Lazy Boy and go vote! And tonight when you lay down in bed or tomorrow when you wake up, start doing something so radical that the world might just call you crazy: pray for those "crooked, immoral politicians." Don't think it'll do any good? Oh yes it will - God's still bigger than Washington DC, trust me.
Can I just sum this book all up with one point? I'm going to talk directly to my fellow followers of Christ - my bros and sis's in the family of God. It's our fault. Period. Christ said we'd be the salt of the earth and the light of the world. So if darkness is prevailing it's not the innocent bystanders who's eternities are hanging in the balance - it's the carriers of the Light that have failed. And just before you decide to get angry and me and write me off, just ask yourself: when was the last time you led a lost person without Christ to Him? Whens the last time you spend tear filled hours on your face before God praying for this nation and its leaders? Whens the last time you demonstrated the love and compassion of Christ in His Name to those in need around you? If it's been a while, or you can't even remember a time...turning yourself around is the first step to turning this nation around. Period.
If we believe the Bible truly is God's Word, then we have to believe that what it tells us as Christians to do is really our responsibility. And if we aren't busy making disciples that will grow and follow Christ, we are sleeping on the job. Meanwhile, America is on fire with passion for everything BUT Him. Our American idols have begun to gain all of our focus, and Christ is slowly being pushed aside. And as He is pushed aside, so is the future of this amazing nation we call the United States of America.

That's just a thought, and I welcome yours.
Feel free to email me anytime at .
Until next time, live blessed!

Tuesday, April 21, 2009

A squirrel's life...

Okay, so yesterday afternoon I was returning from a first responder/Chaplaincy call and I pulled up to park in my normal parking spot next to the church/house. As I pulled up to turn around to back in I spotted him - a HUGE grey squirrel laying out on the top of the entryway to the church. I promise you it looked like he was just laying out tanning or something - he was totally relaxed...well, until I pulled up and disturbed him that is. And that got me thinking...
How much are we like that squirrel, Christians? Enjoying the sun - just laying out and letting life flow by. After all, we've got plenty of time to do what Christ has called us to do (reach those without Him), so we can just sit back and let life do its thing for a while. This squirrel was doing just that - enjoying some peace and quiet. But it didn't last forever - and then he was back to work...doing squirrel things I suppose...
What's it going to take to get us on track? What "disturbance" will enter our life to wake us up? People are dying - every single day. I know - I see it. Suicide, homicide, domestic violence, cardiac arrest, stroke...the list goes on and on. But the bottom line: people ARE dying, and if statistics are anywhere close to right - the majority of them are leaving this world to enter an eternity separated from God in a place called Hell. That's not Blake Martin theology - that's biblical truth. But don't let that bother you...just keep enjoying the sun.
Just a warning, though: something is coming that will wake us up. Whether it happens while we can still reach people, or when He comes back to take us home - a wake up is on its way. So people who call ourselves Christians - what are we doing to offer hope to the hopeless - life to those trapped in a death sentence? It's not just the pastors job, or the evangelists job.
And one final thought: the other day someone made this statement to me, "I'm just not called to evangelize - I've got other things God's calling me to." So who was the Great Commission spoken to? Sure God can call us to a plethora of things - but every single person who has been rescued by Christ into a relationship with Him is not just called to share that with others - it's our primary responsibility in this life! enjoying the sun and letting life flow by?
Why not join the team...let's enjoy the Son and reach this world for Him!
It all begins with you...

That's just a thought, and I welcome yours.
Feel free to write anytime to .
Until next time,

Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Hurting people...

Just a few things going through my mind today, so I thought I'd share them.

People are hurting. There are folks within my little circle of "close friends" who are going through the breaking up of long-time marriages/relationships. My friends are facing the nearing end of lives, ministries, careers...people are hurting. And what do I want? I want to be able to say some "magic, spiritual word" that will take all their pain away. But no words like that ever come. There's just this one thing: Trust Him.

Does that make the pain go away? No. Does that heal the disease or fix the broken heart? No. These things still hurt - and they should. If they didn't there would be something wrong with us. But those two words - trust Him - speak volumes about Who it is that holds our lives in the palm of His hand.

He cares for us - enough to send His only begotten Son to the cross. But His love for us didn't end there. He sent His Son to the cross, and He sent His Spirit into our hearts. If we know Christ as Savior and Lord, His Spirit gives us comfort, strength, peace, assurance, and plain and simple love when we need it.

So my answer to all these hurts? Trust Him. He knows what He's doing with your life. So when you come to that inevitable moment in prayer when you just don't know what to say, just lay it all down with those words: "I trust You." And the Spirit will take it from there.

That's just a thought, and I welcome yours.
Feel free to contact me anytime at

Until next time - live blessed in trust Him!

Wednesday, April 1, 2009

The Voice of God...

Wow...where can I begin. As many of you know a friend of mine said a temporary good-bye to his wife this past Sunday due to cancer. He's a pastor on the Navajo Nation Reservation, where we've done some mission work in the past. When I got the news, I felt compelled to go - I wanted to be there to support him and show my appreciation for what he does for the Lord in a place where you aren't always welcomed with open arms. So I made my plans - I would leave Hot Springs Thursday morning at 3am to head out there, and come back Monday. Then last night happened.
I can't explain it - all I can say is that God's voice still rings loud and clear when He wants us to hear it. Last night I laid down in bed and had an strange unsettled feeling in my heart. I began to pray that if God wanted me to make this trip to Arizona (all 1025 miles) that He'd give me a peace. I love it out there, and was really looking forward to it - so you can understand my surprise when I just felt uneasy about it.
The more I prayed for peace, the more I felt uneasy. All night we went back and forth like that, and I'll give you 2 guesses about Who won...okay, maybe I gave it away with the capital "W" in Who...yes, I finally recieved my peace when I muttered the words, "I'm not going to Arizona." It was like a load off my shoulders, but I still couldn't understand why He didn't want me to go. It was a noble cause - a good reason to make the trip. Then I called my cousin Bill, who lives out there.
He totally understood! As a matter of fact, he said there's a big storm coming through that area on Saturday, according to the weather man, and he was nervous about me making the trip. Seriously? There's really bad weather predicted for the area? Yup, God's in control.
Now, I'm not a prophet OR a weatherman, so I'm not saying that Saturday the weather's going to be terrible in Fort Defiance, Arizona. I actually hope it isn't. But I can tell you this: either someone in Hot Springs needs me this weekend, or somewhere between here and there was a place He didn't want me to be. Regardless, He spoke, and I listened. And now that I think about it - if I listened this well to His voice all the time life would probably be a bit different...
When's the last time He spoke to you? Did you listen? It seems like the more we don't listen, the harder it becomes to hear Him...maybe we all need to just stop today and open up our hearts to His voice and admit we need to listen more. "Lead me Lord, I will follow. Lead me Lord, I will go. You have called me, I will answer. Lead me Lord, I will go."

That's just a thought - and I welcome yours.
Feel free to email me anytime at
Until next time,

Wednesday, March 25, 2009

It's been a while...

Yes it has. It seems like a year since I last blogged...even though it's just been a few weeks. This is such a good way to "vent" in a way. Writing is such a great way to express what God's saying to my heart. My absence on this blog hasn't been because He hasn't been speaking, I assure you. Things have just been a little "hectic" to say the least. But I am back, now, and that's all that counts. I want to share the experience of a lady I just met with you today. The reason that this experience of meeting this young lady means to much to me is that God used it to speak great truth to my heart.
Kroger is a great place to talk to people. I don't know what it is about the store itself, but I often find myself in conversations with people I've never met before while I'm strolling the isles looking for that perfect box of Apple Jacks. Anyway, yesterday as I was checking out at the self checkout lane a lady suddenly said to me, "You make me chuckle." "Okay," I thought, "it's good to know I bring joy to someone by simply scanning my groceries and bagging them..." I looked up and she said, "You must be single!" Why on earth would she say that?
Could it be that everything I had in my cart was instant or microwave-able? TV dinners, lunch meat, Dr. Pepper by the ton, Snickers by the crate...okay, maybe I exagerated on the Dr. P and Snickers part (see earlier blog, "Dr. Pepper and Snickers...hmmm). You get the idea, though - I was purchasing what appeared to be stapple diet items for a bachelor pad. I know this from experience, too. Before Shauna and I married, I lived on Romaine Noodles, Tony's pizzas, sodas, and TV shopping habits haven't changed much, either.
Now, it's not that Shauna doesn't cook - she's an amazing cook! But she also works during the day, so when I go home for lunch during the day - I want something quick. Hence the instant stuff...but it didn't appear that way to the kind, chuckling lady behind me in line...which made me think...
How much more of my life isn't what it appears to be to the general public? My occasional bad attitude may communicate that I'm an unhappy, bitter person - even though I have the best life Christ could ever give anyone! My speed on the highway may communicate that I have no respect for authority or the government - even though I have the utmost respect for my leaders and those who are sworn to protect me. My hard head may communicate that I want things my way or no way - even though I am so open to others ideas it's not even funny.
Now comes the question: what does your life communicate to the world? The church I am blessed to pastor has a new "slogan" and pattern for ministry: Loving God, Loving People, Serving the World. It's simple - but it's the bottom line. I want everything I say, do, and communicate to scream this to the world! "I exist to love God, love people, and serve the world!"
What do you exist for? And is that what you are communicating to the world around you?

That's just a thought - and I welcome yours.
Feel free to email me anytime at
Until next time,

Saturday, February 28, 2009

A Recent Discovery...

Today's blog will be short - I can assure you. There's just something I've discovered in the last few days that has helped me realize how much I have to be thankful for these days...I am so FREE!

God has placed me in a country that is the model of freedom in our world. He's given me a church to serve in that allows me the freedom to do ministry the way God is leading me to do it. He's given me a wife that allows me to have the freedom to follow God's voice in my life. And He's given me the liberty of realizing that life is all about relational living with Him!

I'm not bound to a long list of "strict traditions" in order to serve Him - He set me free! Who I am and what I do in Him is based on what He says it should be (Scripture), yes. But His mercies are new every morning!

And thank You Lord that I've come to realize there's more to following You than simply making sure I have an AV 1611 KJV Bible... :) (Some of you will get a chuckle out of that...others will probably get mad...but hey, everything in life is a risk right? ;) )

I've simply realized that God has set me free from holding strictly to empty traditionalism. If something works and is found in Scripture, we'll practice and teach it. If it doesn't work and isn't found in Scripture (like having a HUGEMONGO pulpit that's 5 times bigger than me), we'll chunk it and find what works better for us.

No, I'm not saying that those who are more traditional are wrong - if that's the way God's leading them then they aren't by any means. However, I'm thankful that He's given us the option of following Him - not some man-made rulebook...(I'll leave that statement open for interpretation to protect the innocent... ;) )

I am free to run!

I am free to dance!

I am free to live for YOU!

I am free!

That's just a thought - and I welcome yours!Feel free to email me anytime at .

Friday, February 27, 2009

Psalm 23 Sermon Series - the Outlines

I Shall Not Want! (Part 1)
Psalm 23:1 – 2 (NASB)

I. (Intro.)
a. Our society is a “More, More!” Society
i. We are never content – we always want more than we have!
ii. Nevermind that we are some of the wealthiest people in the world!
1. (Read statistics of American wealth…)
b. Yet, God’s Word teaches us to learn contentment!
i. Paul said, “Not that I speak from want; for I have learned to be content in whatever circumstances I am. I know how to get along with humble means, and I also know how to live in prosperity; in any and every circumstance I have learned the secret of being filled and going hungry, both of having abundance and suffering need. I can do all things through Him who strengthens me.” (Philippians 4:11 – 13 NASB)
ii. Jesus told the Roman soldiers in Luke 3:14 to “Be content with your wages…”
iii. Paul told Timothy, “But godliness actually is a means of great gain, when accompanied by contentment. For we have brought nothing into the world, so we cannot take anything out of it either. And if we have food and covering, with these we shall be content. But those who want to get rich fall into temptation and a snare and many foolish and harmful desires which plunge men into ruin and destruction. For the love of money is a root of all sorts of evil, and some by longing for it have wandered away from the faith, and pierced themselves with many a pang.” (1 Timothy 6:6 – 10 NASB)
iv. The writer of Hebrews said, “Let your character be free from the love of money, being content with what you have; for He Himself has said, ‘I will never desert you, nor will I ever forsake you,’ so that we confidently say, ‘The Lord is my Helper, I will not be afraid. What shall man do to me?’”
c. So how can we be content?
i. This series is titles, “I Shall Not Want: Learning to Live in Contentment.”

II. (Body)
a. Realize Our Shepherd’s Identity! (Psalm 23:1a)
i. We have an AMAZING Shepherd!
1. He knows the way – He created it!
2. He isn’t a young boy with a staff to defend us from harm – He’s GOD!
3. He is the Name that every knee shall bow to!
4. He is:
a. Alpha & Omega
b. The Creator of all we know!
c. The Bright and Morning Star!
d. Almighty, Omniscient, Omnipotent, Omnipresent!
e. Emanuel – God with us!
5. That’s my Shepherd!
ii. I don’t have a hard time following when I realize Who’s leading me!
b. Realize Our Shepherd’s Provisions! (v. 1b)
i. “I shall not want”
1. God is not only able to provide for us – He’s faithful to do so!
2. Psalm 34:8 – 10, “O taste and see that the Lord is good; How blessed is the man who takes refuge in Him! O fear the Lord, you His saints; For to those who fear Him, there is no want. The young lions do lack and suffer hunger; But they who seek the Lord shall not be in want of any good thing.”
3. Psalm 78, TURN IN BIBLE!!!
4. Philippians 4:19, “And my God shall supply all your needs according to His riches in glory in Christ Jesus.”
a. Do you want to talk about resources???
ii. God’s people who depend on Him, follow after Him, and are faithful to Him will survive!
1. Many want God’s provisions, but not His providence and leadership!
a. “God, please provide for my needs, but I can’t make any sacrifices for You…”
2. Look at the context of Philippians 4:19!
a. The Philippians were giving in THEIR NEED – and Paul promised God would provide for them because of their faithfulness!
3. We aren’t promised all our wants – but our needs are GOING to be met!
a. Listen to Jesus in Matthew 6:24 – 34! (TURN IN BIBLE!)
i. He’s saying, “Commit to Me and I’ll take care of you!”
ii. But – you can’t have it both ways – either GOD or STUFF!
4. I shall not want when I realize my Shepherd’s provisions!
c. Realize Our Shepherd’s Compassion! (v. 2)
i. God knows your deepest hurts and struggles!
1. He can see how tired you are –how empty you feel.
2. He understands – better than you do – what you need right now!
3. He knows about your worries – your stressers – your concerns.
4. He knows.
ii. That’s why sometimes He allows us to just LIE DOWN in those peaceful green pastures, and rest beside those quiet waters!
1. The green pastures for a sheep meant FOOD!
a. Good allows us, as the Master Shepherd, to lay down into His living WORD – and find filling and rest there!
2. The quiet waters for a sheep meant DRINK!
a. The busy, noisy, chaotic, rushing waters terrified the sheep and they wouldn’t drink!
b. God sends His Holy Spirit to help quench our thirst in life for Him – for contentment!
c. When our world is hectic, crazy, and chaotic – we can hear that still, small voice saying, “Peace – peace, be still” if we are listening!
iii. Our world is searching for something to fill their void – their emptiness!
1. Our Shepherd has compassion on them!
a. Matthew 9:35 – 36, “And Jesus was going about all the cities and villages, teaching in their synagogues, and proclaiming the gospel of the kingdom, and healing every kind of disease and every kind of sickness. And seeing the multitudes, He felt compassion for them, because they were distressed and downcast like sheep without a shepherd.”
III. (Conc.)
a. We are all searching for contentment!
i. Our search brought us to Psalm 23!
ii. Psalm 23 brought us to the Shepherd!
iii. The Shepherd brought us to the green pastures of His Word and the quiet and still waters of His Spirit.
b. But it all begins…
i. With knowing the Shepherd.
c. And it continues…
i. With falling in love with Him!
1. And that will fix our volunteer shortage, or need for more giving, or church faithfulness, or whatever else we run across in the future!
d. Will you listen to the Shepherd’s voice today, and follow Him – into whatever He’s calling you into?


I Shall Not Want! (Part 2)
Psalm 23:3 (NASB)

I. (Intro.)
a. Living a Life of Contentment Series of Psalm 23
i. Our society teaches us to crave more!
1. Even though we have more than most others in our world!
ii. Yet God’s Word teaches us words of contentment!
1. Paul said he’d learned to live contently whether he had much or little! (Phil. 4:11 – 13)
2. Jesus instructed the Roman soldiers to be content with their wages (Luke 3:14)
3. Paul even told Timothy that godliness, accompanied by contentment, equals great gain! (1 Timothy 6)
b. The key is to know our Shepherd! (“The Lord is my Shepherd”)
i. And to know His Provisions! (“I shall not want…”)
ii. And to know His Compassion! (“He makes me to lie down in green pastures (The Word), and leads me beside the still waters (His Spirit).”)
c. Now let’s look at the Shepherd’s work (v.3)

II. (Body)
a. “He Restores My Soul” (v. 3a) – Our Promise!
i. Restore: to make something alive and new again
1. David understands the need for restoration!
a. A very imperfect man, who apparently jotted down some notes on how to deal with women for his son, Solomon.
b. And he knew how things worked when he tried to fix them (Look at Bathsheba – adultery – lying – murder)
2. Yet as a sinner living in GRACE, this man after God’s own heart had been RESTORED!
ii. Some of us are still trying to survive on what we got way back when we accepted Christ!
1. And you wonder by your relationship with God is just dry bones religion!
2. We need to be restored – DAILY!
iii. We need to be giving our Shepherd time EVERY DAY to restore our soul!
1. That’s living in contentment!

b. “He Guides Me in the Paths of Righteousness” (v. 3b) – Our Pathway!
i. We don’t know a terribly incredible amount about this life.
1. There are times when we don’t know where to go or what to do.
2. Sometimes – LIFE IS HARD!
ii. Yet look at David’s words: “He guides me in the TRACKS of righteousness…”
1. Our Shepherd has already been this way!
a. All we’ve got to do is follow His tracks!
b. And He’s even promised to guide/lead us!
iii. Our goal – our job – is to follow our Shepherd!
1. And as we follow, we’ll look more and more like Him!
iv. That’s living in contentment!

c. “For His Name’s Sake” (v. 3c) – Our Purpose!
i. Paul said, “Now to Him who is able to do exceedingly, abundantly beyond all that we ask or think, according to the power that works within us, to HIM BE GLORY IN THE CHURCH and in Christ Jesus to all generations forever and ever, Amen!” (Ephesians 3:20 – 21 NASB)
1. Who are you living for?
a. You’ll never been content living & working for yourself.
b. Another lie of our society: “It’s all about you!”
i. That’s a sad, shallow life!
ii. Our Shepherd leads us in the TRACKS of RIGHTEOUSNESS FOR HIS NAME’S SAKE!
1. Why?
2. The other paths lead to destruction!
a. (The two roads Jesus talked about in Matthew 7.)
3. Sin = death & destruction!
4. Righteousness = life & contentment!

III. (Conc.)
a. Living in contentment begins with knowing the Shepherd!
i. He desires to lead you in the tracks of life and eternal joy!
b. But you can choose.
i. Either road – life or destruction.
c. It’s your choice – but would you Come to Jesus?
e. Living in Contentment begins with surrender to the Shepherd.
i. “The LORD is my Shepherd (the Shepherd is my Lord), I shall not want (I am content), He makes me lie down in green pastures (of His Word), He leads me beside the still waters (of His Spirit), He restores my soul (daily), He guides me in the paths of righteousness (His own tracks), for His name’s sake (because His name is worthy and wonderful).”
ii. Which tracks are you walking down?
1. Who are you following right now?
2. Will you come to Jesus?


I Shall Not Want – Part 3
Psalm 23:4a (NASB)

I. (Intro.)
a. Psalm 23 – Living a Life of Contentment
i. In a world constantly craving more – God is calling us to quit craving stuff and be content!
ii. Throughout Scripture, we are called to be content with God’s provisions!
b. The key is knowing our Shepherd! (“The Lord is my Shepherd…”)
i. And knowing His provisions (“I shall not want…”)
ii. And knowing His compassion (“He makes me lie down in green pastures, He leads me beside the still waters…”)
iii. And knowing our promise (“He restores my soul…”)
iv. And knowing our pathway (“He guides me in the paths of righteousness…”)
v. And knowing our purpose (“For His name’s sake…”)
c. But what about when it’s hard to be content?
i. What about when verse 4 is where you are?
ii. What then?
II. (Body)
a. “Even Though I Walk Through the Valley of the Shadow of Death…” (v. 4a) – Our Location
i. One literal translation says, “the valley of deep darkness” – WOW!
1. Regardless of the wording – we all understand that place!
a. Some of us may be there right now!
ii. Life sometimes takes us to that valley!
1. Reality Check: sometimes, as we follow Christ, He leads us there!
a. After all, this Psalm is written in the context of following a Shepherd!
2. So anyone that tells you that a relationship with Christ is a bed of roses or a bowl of cherries is WRONG or LYING!
a. Sometimes our Shepherd leads us through the TOUGH STUFF!
iii. Reality Check #2: Everybody’s “valley” is different!
1. You probably don’t have all the answers to my valley!
a. But the Shepherd does!
iv. The honest truth: DARKNESS STINKS!
1. Anyone afraid of the dark?
a. I AM!
2. What about dark, empty churches?
a. If a dark CHURCH is spooky – just think about the dark VALLEY!
3. Darkness is scary – you don’t know what’s out there!
v. But, if we’re following the Shepherd into a life of contentment, we can honestly say:

b. “I Fear No Evil…” (v. 4b) – Our Strength
i. Everyone has a fear, deep down inside.
1. Just listen to these:
a. Chronophobia: fear of time
b. Aphenphosmphobia: fear of being touched
c. Ouranophobia: fear of heaven
d. Xenoglossophobia: fear of foreign language
e. Tetanophobia: fear of lockjaw, tetanus
f. Galeophobia: fear of cats
g. Pteronophobia: fear of being tickled by feathers
2. Some fears can ruin your life:
a. Philophobia: fear of falling in or being in love
b. Basophobia: inability to stand due to fear of falling
c. Phobophobia: fear of phobias
ii. Yet some fears are healthy:
1. Fear of jumping off a 10 story building without a parachute
2. Fear of poisonous snakes
iii. But what does God’s Word say about fear?
1. 2 Timothy 1:7 – “For God has not given us a Spirit of fear, but of power, love and a sound mind.”
2. A Spirit of power fell on the day of Pentecost!
a. Just read the book of Acts and you’ll see their boldness!
b. They followed the Shepherd wherever He led them – without blinking in the face of torture or death!
c. They stood and proclaimed, “Whether it is right in the sight of God to give heed to you rather than to God, you be the judge; for we cannot STOP speaking what we have seen and heard!” (Acts 4:19b – 20)
3. They feared no evil, even in their own valley of the shadow of death!
iv. But how?

c. “For Thou Art With Me…” (v. 4c) – Our Source
i. Our Shepherd has promised not to walk away from us – EVER!
1. “I will never leave you, nor will I ever forsake you!” (Heb. 13:5)
a. Look at the context of that Scripture!
b. “Let your character be free from the love of money, being CONTENT with what you have; for He Himself has said, ‘I will never leave you, nor will I ever forsake you.’”
2. Contentment in life comes when the Shepherd’s presence is realized!
a. And when the SECURITY of that presence is accepted as truth! (Why is security so important?)
ii. Nothing can stop us – when our Shepherd is near!
1. Our abilities, our talents, our financial resources, our history, our accomplishments – they are all immaterial when compared to the presence of the Shepherd!
a. Our #1 question should always be – is God in this?
i. If not – we don’t need to drop it, we need to drop it and run from it!
ii. If so – we need to quit making excuses and become a part of it!
iii. The Shepherd’s presence is crucial to the contentment of a believer!
1. And the contentment of a believer is crucial to the peace, joy, and success of that believer’s life!
iv. “Even though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil, for Thou art with me!”
III. (Conc.)
a. But He isn’t with you unless you are His!
i. Talk about FEAR!
1. I would be terrified to face this life without Him!
2. And even more horrified to think about death!
ii. Do you have that looming fear hanging over your head?
1. We will ALL stand before God some day.
b. Today, the Shepherd calls to you.
i. “Come to Me, all you who are weary and heavy laden, and I will give you rest.”
c. “The Lord is my Shepherd (the Shepherd is my Lord), I shall not want (for I am content), He makes me lie down in green pastures (of His Word), He leads me beside the still waters (of His Spirit), He restores my soul (daily), He guides me in the paths of righteousness (His own tracks), for His name’s sake (because His name is worthy and wonderful), even though I walk THROUGH the valley of the shadow of death (it’s dark but I’m on my way OUT!), I fear no evil (because His Spirit gives me power), for Thou art with me (The God of the universe inhabits my life!)…”
i. Is He your Shepherd yet?
1. Are you lost?
2. He’s FOUND you – will you listen to His voice calling you now?


I Shall Not Want – Part 4
Psalm 23:4b (NASB)

I. (Intro.)
a. Living a Life of Contentment – Psalm 23 Series
i. How?
1. Know our Shepherd (The Lord is my shepherd…)
2. Know His provisions (I shall not want…)
3. Know His compassion (He makes me lie down in green pastures, He leads me beside the still waters…)
4. Know our promise (He restores my soul…)
5. Know our pathway (He guides me in the paths of righteousness…)
6. Know our purpose (For His name’s sake…)
7. Know our location (The valley of the shadow of death…)
8. Know our strength (I fear no evil…)
9. Know our source (For Thou art with me…)
b. Now look at the Shepherd’s tools!

II. (Body)
a. The Shepherd’s Rod (4c) – Our Discipline!
i. Marked what was sacred! (“And for every tenth part of the herd or flock, whatever passes under the rod, the tenth one shall be holy to the Lord.” Leviticus 27:32)
1. Our Shepherd disciplines us to remind us of the importance of our offering!
a. Some disciplines come because of sins of omission:
i. We fail to do what God asks of us:
1. We don’t give faithfully (Malachi 3:8 – 15 TURN IN BIBLE)
a. And God rebukes!
2. We don’t worship properly (Malachi 1:6 – 8 TURN IN BIBLE)
a. And God rebukes!
3. We don’t share Christ (Mark 16:15 – 16, “And He said to them, ‘Go into all the world and preach the gospel to all creation. He who has believed and has been baptized shall be saved; but he who has disbelieved shall be condemned”
a. And God rebukes!
b. Some disciplines come because of sins of commission:
i. We do what God has expressly said not to do:
1. We gossip and tear one another down!
a. And God rebukes!
2. We sleep around like the rest of the world!
a. And God rebukes!
3. We get drunk like the rest of the world!
a. And God rebukes!
4. We lie, cheat, steal, and speak profanely!
a. And God rebukes!
ii. Reminded of the Shepherd’s Authority! (Micah 7:14, “Shepherd Thy people with Thy scepter (rod), the flock of Thy possession…”)
1. Our Shepherd is our LORD – and rightfully so!
a. He created us! (Rights of Design)
i. We are His creatures!
b. He purchased us! (Rights of Redemption)
i. We are His children!
2. He has double-ownership – HE IS LORD!
a. To be content – we must submit to the Lordship of the Shepherd!
iii. Reawakened to the Shepherd’s Love! (Proverbs 3:12, “For whom the Lord loves He reproves, even as a father, the son in whom he delights.”)
1. Proper discipline flows from a heart of love!
a. He is teaching us a better life!
b. He is saving us a life of heartache!
c. He is showing us how to be like Him!
iv. Pronounced Judgment on All Predators! (1 Peter 5:8, “Be of sober spirit, be on the alert. Your adversary, the devil, prowls around like a roaring lion, seeking someone to devour.”)
1. The Shepherd is the sheep’s only real protection!
a. Sheep were sitting ducks for a lion if not guarded by a shepherd!
b. The sheep’s security was totally dependent on how capable their shepherd was of protecting them!
2. Our only hope for victory is Christ!
a. Satan is not intimidated by you, apart from your Shepherd’s protection!
i. The devil will eat you alive and spit you out if you aren’t living under the power of the Shepherd’s rod!
v. I can live in contentment when I know my Shepherd can take care of me!

b. The Shepherd’s Staff (4d) – Our Rescue!
i. Luke 15:1 – 7 tells us what the staff is for! (TURN IN BIBLE)
ii. That’s what Christ did!
1. He left heaven’s amazing glory – to come to earth’s disgusting filth!
2. He came to be born in the most humble of ways – in a stall, to 2 Jewish teens/young adults, needing total care/raising.
3. He came to be betrayed, arrested, mocked, beaten, spit upon, flogged, and crucified on a Roman cross.
iii. The CROSS was His STAFF!
1. It was with it that He reached down into the mire and much of our sin and rescued us!
2. He can always reach down to where we are.
3. Today, He reaches down to you – will you accept His gift of rescue?
iv. I can live contently when I accept my Shepherd’s rescue!

III. (Conc.)
a. “The Lord is my Shepherd (the Shepherd is my Lord), I shall not want (for I am content), He makes me lie down in green pastures (of His Word), He leads me beside the still waters (of His Spirit), He restores my soul (daily), He guides me in the paths of righteousness (His own tracks), for His name’s sake (because His name is worthy & wonderful), even though I walk THROUGH the valley of the shadow of death (it’s dark but I’m on my way OUT!), I fear no evil (because He gives me a Spirit of power), for Thou art with me (The God of the universe inhabits my life!), Thy rod (of holy discipline and protection) and Thy staff (my only hope for rescue) they comfort me (through the ministry and power of the cross!”
b. Do you know Him?
i. Are you following Him?


I Shall Not Want – Part 5
Psalm 23:5a (NASB)

I. (Intro.)
a. Living a Life of Contentment – Psalm 23 Series
i. How?
1. Know our Shepherd (The Lord is my shepherd…)
2. Know His provisions (I shall not want…)
3. Know His compassion (He makes me lie down in green pastures, He leads me beside the still waters…)
4. Know our promise (He restores my soul…)
5. Know our pathway (He guides me in the paths of righteousness…)
6. Know our purpose (For His name’s sake…)
7. Know our location (The valley of the shadow of death…)
8. Know our strength (I fear no evil…)
9. Know our source (For Thou art with me…)
10. Accepting our discipline (Thy rod…)
11. Acknowledging our rescue (and Thy staff, they comfort me.)
b. But what about when people make it hard to live contently?
i. What does the Master Shepherd do then?

II. (Body)
a. “Thou Does Prepare a Table…” (v.5a) – God’s Goodness!
i. Can we ever talk too much about the goodness of God?
1. The bottom line: God will not leave His children who are seeking Him high and dry!
2. Remember Matthew 6:25 – 34?
a. God provides food for the birds, clothing for the lilies – and He loves us infinitely more!
b. “Seek first His kingdom and His righteousness and all these things (the stuff you need) will be added to you.” (Matt. 6:33)
i. NOT WANTS – NEEDS! (food/clothing)
ii. You may be doubting He’ll come through if you completely sell out.
1. You aren’t the first to doubt Him.
a. The Children of Israel – Psalm 78:11 – 20 (BIBLE)
b. They had forgotten His provision in the past!
i. Are you there today – forgetting God’s past goodness and worrying today?
iii. But follow me down another path of thought today: what if the “Table” He’s prepared is covered with the “manna” of His Word?
1. Look at the concept of MANNA: “Yet He commanded the clouds above, and opened the doors of heaven; and He rained down manna upon them to eat, and gave them food from heaven. Man did eat the bread of angels; He sent them food in abundance.” (Psalm 78:23 – 25)
a. Came down from heaven – ALL GOD, NO THEM (OT grace)
i. Rabbinical tradition said it tasted like whatever you wanted/needed it to – it melted in your mouth!
ii. God’s Word is just the same – it always hits the spot!
iii. They just had to eat it – devour it – it was right before them!
iv. God’s Word: 773,692 divinely inspired words (592,439 OT, 181,253 NT) – all God-breathed – right before us!
b. The manna had three rules (that apply to our lives):
i. “Simple Rule”: the manna came down with the dew & vanished with the sun.
1. Anyone too lazy to gather their daily supply went hungry – that simple!
2. It could not be “stored up” – it was simply a daily thing!
3. So, you think Sunday’s enough Bible, huh?
ii. “Sabbath Rule”: the day of rest – they still ate manna, but rested from their labors (the one day manna would keep)
1. Do you have a day of rest?
iii. “Special Rule”: a pot of manna was miraculously preserved in the tabernacle
1. A reminder of God’s goodness from generation to generation (we must carry the light!)
iv. My God prepares a table of provision out of His goodness!
b. “Before Me…” (v. 5b) – God’s Personal Goodness!
i. God deals with us individually – not collectively!
1. Paul said we make up a “body of Christ” – and that we each have our own purpose (1 Corinthians 12)
a. An eye has its purpose, as does a nose, mouth, ear, hand, foot, etc.
b. They make up a collective body – but their individual responsibility is enormous!
c. If the eye isn’t doing its job – the whole body suffers!
i. We are individuals in something bigger than ourselves!
ii. We must be seeking after the Lord as individuals if the body is to be healthy.
1. “He prepares a table before me…”
a. Do you spend time at the table on your own?
b. Do you spend time in the Word on your own time?
c. Do you spend time talking to the Lord on your own time?
d. Do you worship on your own time?
i. All these thing we should do corporately, yes, - but if we aren’t doing them on our own time we’re missing the picture!
c. “In the Presence of My Enemies…” (v. 5c) – God’s Personal Goodness & Timing!
i. David understood the concept of enemies well.
1. He’d been a shepherd for quite some time.
a. The enemies of a shepherd are those who would like to harm his sheep – David had fought a few of those.
2. He’d stood before Goliath with just a few stones and a sling.
a. A man, no doubt almost twice his size – and enemy of the people of God.
3. King Saul had pursued David to kill him out of jealousy.
a. Saul hated David – yet David spared Saul’s life.
b. It’s during this time that David writes Psalm 23.
ii. But when we come to the New Testament, we find Paul writing, “For our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the powers, against the world forces of this darkness, against the spiritual forces of wickedness in the heavenly places. Therefore, take up the full armor of God…” (Ephesians 6:12 – 13a)
1. You are not my enemy!
a. The ACLU isn’t my enemy!
b. The liberals or conservatives aren’t my enemies!
c. The Democrats or Republicans aren’t my enemies!
d. The Methodist, Presbyterian, Assemblies of God, Churches of Christ – they aren’t my enemy!
2. The devil and his imps – that’s my enemy!
a. When we forget that, we’ll lose the battle!
iii. I believe one of the reasons that the church has lost a lot of our influence in this nation is: we’ve become a special interest political force, waging war against flesh and blood instead of the principalities that are behind it all!
1. Example: “Protest of Prayer” scheduled outside an upcoming political convention!
2. What if we used prayer as a spiritual battle tool, instead of a political statement or social activist routine!
iv. My Shepherd prepares a table in the presence of my enemies – and that’s not people.
1. God supplies our needs in spite of satan’s attempts to thwart His work and purpose in our lives!
2. He supplies us for the battle – but we must understand who we’re fighting.
v. My God provides what I need to “fight the good fight of faith” and stand strong against my enemies!

III. (Conc.)
a. “The Lord is my Shepherd (the Shepherd is my Lord), I shall not want (for I am content), He makes me lie down in green pastures (of His Word), He leads me beside the still waters (of His Spirit), He restores my soul (daily), He guides me in the paths of righteousness (His own tracks), for His name’s sake (because His name is worthy & wonderful), even though I walk THROUGH the valley of the shadow of death (it’s dark but I’m on my way OUT), I fear no evil (because He gives me a Spirit of power), for Thou art with me (The God of the universe inhabits my life), Thy rod (of holy discipline and protection) and Thy staff (my only hope for rescue) they comfort me (through the ministry and power of the cross), Thou dost prepare a table (of your goodness and mercy) before me (because you are a personal God) in the presence of my enemies (the spiritual forces of this world – not flesh and blood).
i. Is He your shepherd yet?
1. You’re being led by someone/something – is it Him?
2. If it isn’t, the destination isn’t pleasant.
a. Will you commit to Him today?


I Shall Not Want – Part 6
Psalm 23:5b (NASB)
I. (Intro.)
a. Living a Life of Contentment – Psalm 23 Series
i. How?
1. Know our Shepherd (The Lord is my shepherd…)
2. Know His provisions (I shall not want…)
3. Know His compassion (He makes me lie down in green pastures, He leads me beside the still waters…)
4. Know our promise (He restores my soul…)
5. Know our pathway (He guides me in the paths of righteousness…)
6. Know our purpose (For His name’s sake…)
7. Know our location (The valley of the shadow of death…)
8. Know our strength (I fear no evil…)
9. Know our source (For Thou art with me…)
10. Accepting our discipline (Thy rod…)
11. Acknowledging our rescue (and Thy staff, they comfort me.)
12. Remembering God’s goodness (Thou dost prepare a table...)
13. Remembering God’s personal goodness (before me…)
14. Remembering God’s personal goodness & timing (in the presence of my enemies…)
b. But can we do it in our own power?
i. Where does that supernatural power come from, then?
II. (Body)
a. “Thou Hast Anointed…” (5b) – God’s Action!
i. Anointed – “dâshên”: Hebrew verb meaning to be fat, to become fat, juicy, well fed; to be rich, to be mighty
1. Notice Proverbs 15:30, “Bright eyes gladden the heart; Good news puts fat on the bones.”
a. “Fat” is the same Hebrew word – “dâshên”
ii. The term side references fatty offerings – deeming them acceptable to God!
1. David is saying, “You have put meat on my bones and made me acceptable in Your sight, Oh God!”
iii. It is the result of a righteous heart – seeking God’s face in life! (Hebrews 1:9, “Thou hast loved righteousness and hated lawlessness; Therefore God, Thy God, hath anointed Thee with the oil of gladness above thy companions.”
1. We should seek the anointing of God in our lives and ministries!
a. Apart from His anointing, we’re wasting our time!
iv. It is the consecration of something or someone set apart for the service of God.
1. Exodus 30:22 – 33, READ FROM BIBLE!
2. For instance: tonight we will anoint (set apart) Nathan for the work of the ministry.
v. I can live in contentment when I realize that my Shepherd has empowered me and set me apart for that which He has called me to do!

b. “Thou Hast Anointed My Head…” (5c) – God’s Workmanship!
i. Head – “rô’sh”: the head, person; chief, leader…
1. It is with our head that we make the choice to follow the Shepherd or turn away!
2. David says the Shepherd has anointed (set apart, empowered, and made acceptable) our chief decision maker!
ii. Life is full of tough choices, right?
1. Job choices, family choices, financial choices, church choices, etc.
a. Do you ever not have the answer?
b. Do you not know what to do?
iii. David was a young man with the responsibility of an entire flock of sheep!
1. David – I feel ya, man!
2. Do you ever think he had to make tough choices?
a. Of course!
iv. But he writes, “God anoints my decision maker!”
1. WOW!
v. I can live in contentment when I know my Shepherd empowers my ability to make decisions!
c. “Thou Hast Anointed My Head with Oil…” (5d) – God’s Presence!
i. Oil – “shemen”: oil
1. David refers to the anointing with oil because of its various purposes!
a. When God sets us apart and empowers us, He willingly provides everything we need!
2. The many purposes of oil:
a. Sacrifices & Worship
i. When God anoints our head with the oil of His Spirit – we can worship!
1. Ever just not felt able to?
a. Don’t blame someone else – seek God’s anointing!
b. Don’t make excuses – seek God’s anointing!
c. Don’t quit and walk away – seek God’s anointing!
b. Set Apart Someone/Something for Service
i. Don’t know what God wants you to do?
1. Seek God’s anointing!
ii. Wonder what your ministry purpose is?
1. Seek God’s anointing!
c. To Cleanse
i. We should seek God’s anointing daily because we get dirty so much!
1. We get into “flesh mode”, right?
a. We get selfish!
b. We get cynical!
c. We get sinful!
ii. We need to be anointed (empowered & set apart) by God every day!
d. To Light the Darkness
i. We are the light of the world!
1. And is it every dark!
ii. We have got to get back to seeking God’s anointing in our lives!
1. Too many followers of Christ are doing it on their own!
a. And it’s not working!
iii. Our community needs light!
1. And God’s anointing brings that!
2. Our hope shines out!
3. Our love & compassion shine out!
e. Medication
i. Our God is the Great Physician!
1. His anointing brings healing – eternally!
2. It’s God’s anointing that sets us apart as His children and grants us entrance into heaven as joint heirs with Jesus Christ!
ii. We have been healed…
1. …Of our sin condition spiritually!
iii. We will be healed…
1. …Of our sin condition physically!
III. (Conc.)
a. Only through knowing the Shepherd can we say:
i. “My cup overflows!”
ii. He gives us everything we need and more! (Philippians 4:19, “And my God shall supply all your needs according to His riches in glory in Christ Jesus.”)
b. Apart from Christ – you are facing eternity alone!
i. The highest court, the Highest Judge, the highest standards, the highest judgment!
1. And you will stand without an advocate or attorney to defend you.
2. And you will lose.
3. And judgment will be forever.
c. Yet today, the Good Shepherd says come to Me!
i. And then the case is closed!
d. Where are you today?
e. “The Lord is my shepherd (the Shepherd is my Lord), I shall not want (for I am content), He makes me lie down in green pastures (of His Word) He leads me beside the still waters (of His Spirit), He restores my soul (daily), He leads me in the paths of righteousness (His own tracks) for His name’s sake (for His name is worthy and wonderful). Even though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death (it’s dark, but I’m on my way OUT) I fear no evil (for He has given me a Spirit of power), for Thou art with me (the God of the universe inhabits my life!), Thy rod (of holy discipline and protection) and Thy staff (my only hope for rescue) they comfort me (through the ministry of the cross). Thou dost prepare a table (for You are so good) before me (you know me by name) in the presence of my enemies (the spiritual forces of this age), Thou has anointed (set apart and empowered) my head (my chief decision maker) with oil (the element of Your Presence), my cup overflows (I can barely contain myself)!”
f. That’s contentment!
i. Where do you stand today?


I Shall Not Want – Part 7
Psalm 23:6 (NASB)
I. (Intro.)
a. Living a Life of Contentment – Psalm 23 Series
i. How?
1. Know our Shepherd (The Lord is my shepherd…)
2. Know His provisions (I shall not want…)
3. Know His compassion (He makes me lie down in green pastures, He leads me beside the still waters…)
4. Know our promise (He restores my soul…)
5. Know our pathway (He guides me in the paths of righteousness…)
6. Know our purpose (For His name’s sake…)
7. Know our location (The valley of the shadow of death…)
8. Know our strength (I fear no evil…)
9. Know our source (For Thou art with me…)
10. Accepting our discipline (Thy rod…)
11. Acknowledging our rescue (and Thy staff, they comfort me.)
12. Remembering God’s goodness (Thou dost prepare a table...)
13. Remembering God’s personal goodness (before me…)
14. Remembering God’s personal goodness & timing (in the presence of my enemies…)
15. Recognize God’s Action (Thou hast anointed…)
16. Recognize God’s Workmanship (…my head…)
17. Recognize God’s Presence (…with oil.)
18. Realize God’s Immense Blessing (My cup overflows.)
b. So if I am living in contentment, what is the result?
i. Will anyone see anything from my life?
II. (Body)
a. “Surely Goodness & Lovingkindness will Follow Me…” (6a) - Our Testimony & Legacy!
i. Goodness: 1 Peter 3:13 – 17, “And who is there to harm you if you prove zealous for what is good? But even if you should suffer for the sake of righteousness, you are blessed. And do not fear there intimidation, and do not be troubled, but sanctify Christ as Lord in your hearts, always being ready to make a defense to everyone who asks you to give an account for the hope that is in you, yet with gentleness and reverence; and keep a good conscience so that in the thing in which you are slandered, those who revile your good behavior in Christ may be put to shame. For it is better, if God should will it so, that you suffer for doing what is right rather than for doing what is wrong!” (NASB)
ii. Lovingkindness: 1 John 4:7 – 21, TURN IN BIBLE!!!
b. “And I Will Dwell in the House of the Lord…” (6b) – Our Destiny!
i. John 14:1 – 6, “’Let not your hearts be troubled; believe in God, believe also in Me. In My Father’s house are many dwelling places; if it were not so, I would have told you; for I go to prepare a place for you. And if I go and prepare a place for you, I will come again, and receive you to Myself; that where I am, there you may be also. And you know the way where I am going.’ Thomas said to Him, ‘Lord, we do not know where You are going, how do we know the way?’ Jesus said to him, ‘I am the way, and the truth, and the life; no one comes to the Father but through Me.’”
ii. We were created for eternity!

III. (Conc.)
a. I can live in contentment when I understand God’s purpose and expectations of my life with Him, and that He has an eternal home prepared for me!
b. “The Lord is my Shepherd (the Shepherd is my Lord), I shall not want (for I am content). He makes me lie down in green pastures (of His Word), He leads me beside the still waters (of His Spirit). He restores my soul (daily); He guides me in the paths of righteousness (His own tracks) for His name’s sake (for His name is worthy and wonderful). Even though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death (it’s dark but I’m on my way OUT), I fear no evil (for He has given me and Spirit of power); for Thou art with me (the God of the universe inhabits my life); Thy rod (of holy discipline and protection) and Thy staff (my only hope for rescue), they comfort me (through the ministry and power of the cross). Thou dost prepare a table (You are so good) before me (You are so personal) in the presence of my enemies (You are always on time); Thou hast anointed (empowered and set apart) my head (my chief decision maker) with oil (a reminder of Your constant presence in my life); My cup overflows (I can barely contain myself!). Surely goodness & lovingkindness (signs I’m looking more like my Father) will follow me all the days of my life (for I have an eternal legacy), and I will dwell in the house of the Lord (my destiny) forever (because you created me as an eternal being.” (Psalm 23 NASB/DBM)
c. “Forever!” (6c) – Our Options!
i. Hell
ii. Heaven
1. Luke 16:19 – 31 (TURN IN BIBLE!!!)


I Shall Not Want – Part 8
Psalm 23:1 – 6, Matthew 9:35 – 38 (NASB)
I. (Intro.)
a. Living a Life of Contentment – Psalm 23 Series
i. Why?
1. The Master Shepherd is good!
ii. How?
1. Know the Master Shepherd is good!
iii. Why the emphasis on contentment?
1. God has given us too much for us to focus on what we DON’T have!
b. But there were times with Jesus wasn’t content!
i. So when do the times warrant URGENT DISCONTENTMENT, and for what?

II. (Body)
a. When We Go! (v. 35a)
i. Jesus was going – among the people!
1. You will not see people’s needs unless you go to where they are!
2. He could have reached a small handful and been content – BUT HE DIDN’T!
ii. We have been called to go! (“And Jesus came up and spoke to them, saying, ‘All authority has been given to Me in heaven and on earth. Go, therefore, and make disciples of all the nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit, teaching them to observe all that I commanded you; and lo, I am with you always, even to the end of the age.” Matthew 28:18 – 20 NASB)
1. It’s not a matter of “just not being good at it!”
a. Part of being a faithful, obedient follower of Christ is going to the lost and hurting!
iii. Why are so many churches having major internal conflicts today?
1. Most of their membership is sitting, soaking, and souring!
2. We need to be going, church!
b. Where We Go! (v. 35b)
i. Jesus went to ALL people!
1. Not just wealthy OR poor – all!
2. Not just “socially acceptable” or not – ALL!
3. His one determining factor: Did you have a need?
ii. That is our one question, church: Do they have a need?
1. Are they hurting?
2. Are they sick?
3. Are they alone?
4. Are they hopeless?
5. Are they angry?
6. Are they broken?
7. Are they trapped (in a sinful lifestyle)?
8. Are they lost?
iii. We are called to go, with URGENT DISCONTENTMENT, to those in need of rescue!
1. And how?
c. How We Go! (v. 36)
1. You may be so far up on your high horse that you don’t even realize the desperate hopelessness of the people back down in the real world!
2. Oh, that God would knock us off that!
ii. Jesus SAW the multitudes – and His heart BROKE!
1. They were distressed (literally “harassed”)
a. These were predominantly “religions rejects!”
i. Temple outcasts or seclusions!
b. Our world – our COMMUNITY – is full!
i. Legalism ran them off!
ii. Carnal, hateful church-folks ran them off (notice I didn’t call them Christians…”
iii. A ‘dress code’ pushed them outside the inner circle of the weekly church fashion show called Sunday morning in America!
iv. An ungodly church clique made them feel unwanted.
c. And now there they are – either pushed away or driven away by harassment – and there they are.
i. And if your attitude is “it’s their own fault” – why wasn’t Jesus “smart” enough to think of that!
2. They were downcast (literally “thrown down”)
a. They’d been thrown away by religious society that didn’t want OR need them!
i. Next time you glance down your nose at someone I pray that you realize what you’re doing!
3. They were sheep without a Shepherd!
a. In the “deepest, darkest valley”
i. And He did not turn ONE of them away!
b. There is no LOST CAUSE in God’s field of vision!
i. So why do we cast people aside?
1. And ask God to break your heart with compassion for a community in need of rescue!
2. The waters of judgment are rising for this world – do you see the people trapped out there looking for rescue?

III. (Conc.)
b. “Hanging on for dear life!”
i. Cold water isn’t what awaits them – death and hell are.
c. And what if rescue never comes?
i. Jesus has already provided for the rescue – but if those of us who are sent don’t go – what happens?
1. “For there is no distinction between Jew and Greek; for the same Lord is Lord is all, abounding in riches for all who call upon Him; for ‘Whoever will call upon the name of the Lord will be saved.” How then shall they call upon Him in whom they have not believed? And how shall they believe in Him whom they have not heard? And how shall they hear without a preacher?” (Romans 10:12 – 13 NASB)
d. Do you need rescue today?
i. From your unforgiven sin?
ii. From your hard heart?
iii. From yourself?