Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Trust vs. Fear.

Wednesday, June 22, 2011
Trust vs. Fear. Have you ever noticed that when God is up to something big in your life the enemy comes along to attack you with his most favorite of weapons? That’s right – fear. It seems like every time I see a major moving of God in some way around me or in me I begin to be afraid. That fear can manifest itself in so many different ways, but regardless I’ve come to realize that it always holds the potential to derail what God is doing.
We’ve got to remember where fear comes from. There are 2 types of fear as it relates to a child of God. There’s a healthy fear, which is really more of a reverence and respect, such as what we are to have for God. And then there’s an unhealthy, debilitating fear, which has its origins in hell.
God Himself has told us in The Book that we aren’t “given a spirit of fear, but power and love and discipline.” So not only has God not given us this fear that holds us back, He’s given us the exact opposite through our relationship with Him. We aren’t designed to be afraid when He starts to lead us into new levels of walking with Him – He wants us to charge ahead, in full trust and faith in Him.
Fear also causes confusion and chaos. Anytime we find ourselves afraid, we immediately begin to second-guess everything, don’t we? We begin to wonder what’s real and what’s manufactured around us. We question people that we care about, and doubt them. We doubt the validity of the things God is saying to us. We may even begin to wonder about our calling, of all things. And when it’s all said and done, it all comes back to fear. But God gives us the solution to fear: trust.
When you really get down to it, trust comes to us almost naturally when we immerse ourselves in the attributes of God. God is faithful – how can we NOT trust Him? God is good – and He works all things together for our good. God is love – and He’ll never do anything to us or through us that contradicts His love for us. God is in control – so the things in our life that seem to be spinning out of control really aren’t if God is in the mix. Get the idea?
God has revealed to me that I need to trust more and fear less. Yes, it’s easier said than done, but the truth is that it’s necessary. So when fear comes knocking at my door, I’ll just send Jesus to answer. I’ll immerse my spirit in the attributes of God, and allow the reality of Who He is to drive the darkness of doubt and fear far away from my mind. I am His, and that’s never going to change. So what, on earth, do I have to be afraid of?

That’s just a thought, and I welcome yours.
Until next time,

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Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Life's Waiting Room.

Tuesday, June 21, 2011
Life’s Waiting Room. There you sit, waiting. The doctor has been looking at your test results for what seems like an eternity now, and you continue to wait for him to come out and tell you something. Minutes seems like hours, and hours seem like days. You have no idea if everything is ok or if there’s something seriously wrong. The wait is excruciating.
No doubt you have been in that situation, or have been there with someone who has. The waiting is so difficult because you just don’t know what the news will be. In our minds we have two options for the outcome: good or bad. Obviously, good news will be that we are healthy. But the bad news could be that we have some form of illness, possibly cancer or something else very serious. And so you wait, with total uncertainty about your future.
Life is full of waiting, isn’t it? Sometimes we’re waiting for things not quite as serious as a doctor’s prognosis, but it’s waiting nonetheless. I honestly believe that for me, one of the most challenging aspects of my relationship with God, at least in this leg of my journey, is waiting.
You see, I’m a fixer. Once I see a problem or something that’s lacking in some way, I want to remedy it now. And then there are times that I feel a certain peace or solid rock certainty in my heart about something I’ve prayed about, and yet still I continue to wait for Him to move. It’s challenging, I’ll admit. But it’s in those times I have to be reminded of two very important truths: He’s in control, and there’s no bad outcome.
He’s in control, and I can trust Him. No matter what the obstacle or opportunity, He knows what He’s doing. He knows what’s best, and He is working out a plan for my life that only He understands at this point. God is never caught off guard or by surprise. From His angle He can see it all – beginning, middle, and end. And so I can trust Him.
There’s also no bad outcome. God’s own Word says that “God works everything to the good of those who love Him and are called according to His purpose.” How’s that for a dose of good news! No matter what happens, though I may see it as painful or tough, God will turn it around and steer it in the direction of my good, somehow, someway. It all comes down to trust.
So what about you today? Are you in the waiting room of life? Are you begging God for some desire of your heart that you feel like you’ll never be content without? Trust Him…and wait. He’s up to something, and when you find out what it is you’ll understand His timing. Now, I’m going to log off and attempt to take my own advice…

That’s just a thought, and I welcome yours.
Until next time,

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Wednesday, June 15, 2011


Wednesday, June 15, 2011
Dance. Why are we so afraid of labels? It has occurred to me in recent years that so much of our time, especially in ministry, is spent worrying about what people will say about us. We are concerned that if we do something people will talk. Some may even label us something if we do certain things. They may even go so far as to think we’re crazy if we do something that’s outside of the “box” they are used to.
It’s been my experience that many of the things we are afraid of being labeled for were commonplace in Scripture. It wasn't considered strange to be different then, but rather was expected if you knew Christ. I want that.
Have you ever had a moment when you were just so full of the joy of the Lord that you just felt like you could dance? I’m not talking about the Macarena; I’m talking about cutting loose. I’m not referring to something you have to learn or some rehearsed steps, but just letting what’s inside you come out.
I’m not sure why we have become so afraid of displaying our joy. After all, one of the greatest gifts of being a child of God is joy in the midst of good or bad circumstances. So why on earth would we “hide it under a bushel?”
Maybe your joy won’t manifest itself in dancing. Maybe that’s not you. I’m not telling you to force it. I’m telling you to let yourself express it, however that joy may come out. Surely, at least, a smile is part of that expression. Check yourself throughout your day and see how much joy you’re sharing with the world around you. Can they see anything in you that they might want, at all?
So maybe you won’t dance, but can I make an admission to you this morning? I have, and it’s usually been in the solitude of a time with just me and God. I’m sure I didn’t have moves as impressive as David of the Old Testament, but I danced nonetheless. When my joy becomes almost uncontainable, I just let it out. Why would I hold that in, afterall? God gave it to me, and is giving it to me, so I want to give it back to Him in some way.
Your dance may not be literal, but we all have a “dance” of sorts. The way you treat the cashier at Wal-Mart today is your dance. The way you talk to your spouse today is your dance. The way you represent Christ out and about today is your dance. Let His joy overflow from you, so that others will see Him in your dance.
Now I’ve got to sign off…I’ve got a rug to cut.

PS: due to the fact that I’ll be moving to my new home tomorrow, there will be no Thought From Blake tomorrow or Friday. If everything goes as planned the new office should be set up by Monday of next week and I’ll be back up and running by then. Have a great, sunny, dance-filled weekend, and thanks again for reading!

That’s just a thought, and I welcome yours.
Until next time,

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Tuesday, June 14, 2011


Tuesday, June 14, 2011
Created. Have you ever taken the time to just stop and think about the fact that God made you just like He wants you? We spend so much of our life wishing we looked like someone else. I know there have been many times in my life when I’ve dreamed of how great it would be to sing like someone else, or preach like someone else, or have the knowledge of someone else. Yet God made me as me for a reason.
That’s not to say we shouldn’t strive to grow and mature. God wants us to grow up in Him, and learn more OF Him and IN Him. He also wants us to develop the gifts He’s placed in us for His glory and renown. That’s all healthy. But there is something to be said about contentment with who you are.
Undoubtedly, many have used this as an excuse for sin. They may say things like, “This is who God made me to be so I can’t help it.” I beg to differ. Friend, God doesn’t make us sin. His will for our lives is so much better than what sin has to offer us, I promise you. His Word is clear that He wants righteousness for us – holiness. He wants us to look different from the world, and to be like His Son more and more each day as we grow in Him. Often it’s the “growing in Him” part that’s lacking, which leads to those excuses.
I’m talking about the genetic makeup of the person that you are. So you aren’t as tall as other people. Big deal (no pun intended). I feel your pain. But God made us this way. So you can’t run as fast as others. It’ll be okay. This is who God made you to be. So you can’t sing as well as that person whose voice you really admire. That’s not a biggie – you can sing like God intended for you to.
At the end of the day, the beauty of the life God has given us is found in the simple fact that we were CREATED. We are not a mistake, and we are certainly not the product of millions of years of “oops’s”. God made us, intentionally, and for a specific purpose. So today, take a moment and thank Him for His creativity. Thank Him that you don’t sing like everybody else, look like everybody else, or talk like everybody else.
He made you YOU. And the true beauty of it? He made YOU in HIS image. Now just think about that one for a minute…

That’s just a thought, and I welcome yours.
Until next time,

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Monday, June 13, 2011

Growing Pains.

Monday, June 13, 2011
Growing Pains. One of the students at our church is now taller than me. He very recently had a growth spurt, and has now passed me up. Just 2 weeks ago I was taller than him, and now he’s got me by an inch. Just this past Saturday he and his dad went to a golf tournament and he was complaining of really bad leg pains all day. Now we know why.
It’s really not that big of a deal, I guess. After all, very few of the students God has blessed me to minister to are shorter than me. As a matter of fact, I feel more at home height wise among the elementary school kids. But they, too, will grow up and tower over me some day. My guess would be that it won’t be too long, either.
Part of growing up is dealing with growing pains. We all remember them – our legs would hurt so badly, and there didn’t seem to be anything we could do to make the pain go away. At the time we didn’t enjoy it one bit, but in the end we were thankful that we gained those inches so we could be taller. The pain was worth the gain, right?
Our Christian life sometimes brings us pain. We all know that to be the truth. Sometimes it’s emotional pain, and we just can’t seem to do anything to make it go away. But God is growing us. Sometimes it’s relational pain, and we just don’t understand. But there He is – growing us in those hurts and heartaches.
And sometimes the pains come because He’s stretching us to new levels in our walk with Him. My experience has been, and is, that He usually brings that growth gradually, but it usually comes when you least expect it. God brings something or someone into your life to help you step up to a new level of commitment and experience with Him.
Is it scary? Sometimes. As a matter of fact, at times it’s downright terrifying. God is in control and He is faithful, yet when we can’t see what’s next we get worried and afraid. “Trust God” is so much easier said than done in moments and times like that. Yet in those times of growing, He leaves us that one, simple choice, so we really have to. Let me retract that statement: we don’t have to. We have a choice: trust Him, or distance ourselves. But let me just save you the trouble: distancing yourself from God is a bad decision that makes growing pains look like a walk in the park.
So today, where are you? Do you feel the ache of God growing you? Are you at the place of nearing a pretty scary leap of faith, not knowing what awaits you on the other side of a decision? Maybe you find yourself distant from Him today because back there somewhere you chose not to trust Him and started easing away. There’s hope for us all today.
God is faithful. He is in control. And He stands with arms wide open, ready to receive you. Are you distant? Come back home. Are you scared? Let Him carry you. Are you hurting? Let the Healer guide your steps until the aching eases. No matter what, He has what you need. So why not trust Him? I think I’ll take my own advice…

That’s just a thought, and I welcome yours.
Until next time,

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Friday, June 3, 2011


Friday, June 03, 2011
Amazed? We use the word “amazing” way too much, I think. “Man, that football game was amazing!” “Whoa – did you see that show last night? It was amazing!” “When I got on that roller coaster the feeling was simply amazing!” See what I mean? We use the word “amazing” so lightly and I doubt, very seriously, that we are really amazed by the things we call amazing.
But what about the fact that He knew we would be failures at every single rule He gave us to keep, yet He made us anyway. He knew long before Adam and Eve ever ate of the fruit that they would. Yet, because of His great love for mankind, even before mankind existed, He bent down and formed man from the dust of the earth and breathed His very own breath into his lungs. He knew that Jesus would have to come to die to fix the sin problem so these people could spend eternity with Him, but He created man anyway. Amazed?
The same story is true for our lives. He knew before the foundation of the world that I would be a messed up pile of bones. He knew that I would fail at much of what I endeavor to do. He knew that I would sin at every turn, and would sometimes even bring shame and reproach upon His Name in the eyes of the world. He knew there would be more qualified, more talented, and more passionate, better looking and more in shape people that could do the job of serving Him far better than I ever could, yet He called me anyway. Amazed?
He is amazing – really, truly amazing! To be amazed isn’t to be slightly surprised. To be amazed isn’t to be just a little impressed. To be amazed isn’t even to just be brought to tears. You see, to be amazed is to be speechless. To be amazed is to have your mind blown. To be amazed is to have to stop for a moment and think, “I don’t think I’ve ever experienced or known anything that makes my heart beat quite like this.” That’s true amazement.
How long has it been since you’ve allowed yourself to truly think about the greatness of our God to the point of pure amazement? How long has it been since you’ve pondered His attributes for long enough that you literally found yourself amazed?
If it hasn’t happened lately, take some time today and allow it to. Allow Him and everything about Him that your mind can wrap itself around to sweep you off your feet. You ask me, “What’s so amazing about grace?” I’ll give you a simple answer: the One it originates from. And He, my friends, is simply amazing.

PS: today is the last day of school and I'll be recouping and refreshing for a summer full of ministry during my week next week. Therefore, there many not be any Thoughts from Blake until the following week. I appreciate your faithful readership, and I'll see you in a week!

That’s just a thought, and I welcome yours.
Until next time,

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Thursday, June 2, 2011

Explosive Words.

Thursday, June 02, 2011
Explosive Words. We have an amazing power with our words. Scripture talks about the unmatched power that is held by the tongue. James compares it to a huge ship’s rudder, being able to steer the course of the rest of the entire body and life. He says it’s like a fire that, when controlled can do great things but when out of control can wreak havoc like never before seen. And he said it’s like a bit in the mouth of a wild animal, able to guide such incredible power if managed just right.
Our words can heal. Did you know that you have the power, with your words, to bring great healing and hope into lives? It’s with the tongue that we speak the words of His Gospel to a lost and dying world. The truth is that people are dying. In the meantime, they are living in a hopeless, scary world. Everyday something new happens that feeds the uncertainty that lives in the hearts and minds of people everywhere. Yet as believers, we can speak hope and calm into that uncertainty by sharing what Jesus has done.
Our words can build up. You can give someone confidence and strength with your words. You would probably be surprised to find out how many people you encounter every single day that are hopeless. They have allowed themselves to be beat down and raked over the coals of this world. They view themselves as worthless, and have no reason to take care of themselves, let alone make good decisions. Your words can turn that around. You can speak the truth that God created them unique, and for a one of a kind purpose because He loves them immensely.
Our words can also hurt. You have, within that muscle called the tongue, the ability to tear others down. You can use your words to break people into small piles of brokenness if you so choose. You can name call, belittle, and gossip. You can throw flaming missiles of hatred that have their origins in the pits of hell, if you choose to do so.
Our words can spread condemnation. The world, without Christ, is condemned because of the lack of acceptance of the Gospel of Christ. If we do nothing, we are allowing that to continue. And if we use our mouths (or typing fingers) to spread filth, perversion, profanity, and ungodly words we aren’t spreading salvation, but rather further entrenching condemnation.
We have the message of Truth, hope, salvation – deliverance! The world needs it desperately. Your Facebook friends need it desperately. Your coworkers need it desperately. Your family needs it desperately. Your fellow students need it desperately. The cashier at the grocery store needs it desperately. The kid behind the counter at the fast food restaurant who just got your order wrong needs it desperately. Those words coming out of your mouth can be explosive – think twice and pray thrice before you use them.

That’s just a thought, and I welcome yours.
Until next time,

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Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Grow or Growl?

Wednesday, June 01, 2011
Grow or Growl? We all go through what Chuck Swindoll likes to refer to as “the tough stuff.” Life is full of hard times, right? We face valleys that are dark, and we face climbs that are too steep. We have to experience heartbreak, and we have to walk through disappointment. Make no mistake about it: everyone on this earth faces these things to a degree. It’s how you come out on the other side of these things that sets us apart.
I’m convinced that God allows us to live through the tough stuff to grow us. Just this past weekend I had a great conversation with my mom and sister about this very topic. God makes us a promise in His Word that He’ll “never leave us nor forsake us” once we are His. He always keeps His promises, no doubt about that. And don’t forget, friend: anything the enemy of our souls wants to launch at us must first be allowed by God (see the story of Job).
I’m deeply convinced that when you go through the tough stuff of life the outcome will be one of two possibilities: you will draw closer to God or push Him farther away. I don’t think there’s any middle ground. When you survive something very traumatic and devastating in your life, you will not be the same on the other side of that pain. It’s just the way it is. One way or another, you’ll be changed.
My prayer is that my journey thus far has led me to a place of growing. I fear, however, that along the way I’ve done my share of growling, too.
As humans we are weak. The thing that most amazes me about God, I think, is that He loves us even though He knows how messed us we are and will continue to be. He created mankind in the Garden of Eden knowing He would fall and ultimately cost the sacrifice of His Son Jesus. But He loved us that much, even before we existed. My God is amazing, no doubt.
So when we catch ourselves growling, may we fall on our faces before Him and ask Him to give us grace to grow instead. The valleys are so very worth it when we consider that the destination can be a more Christ-like life. If the world can see Him in me in some small way, whatever suffering this life may have to endure suddenly becomes more worth it. The hope that one person may spend eternity with Him in heaven instead of the alternative makes it all more bearable. I’m praying I growl less and grow more, how about you?

That’s just a thought, and I welcome yours.
Until next time,

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