Wednesday, November 30, 2011


Wednesday, November 30, 2011
Quitter? I’m now living in my 14th year since I surrendered my life to the ministry of preaching God’s Word. I fully realize that many share their “tenure” with others as sort of a “bragging right.” At times, it’s almost as if some preachers wish they could wear stripes on their sleeve so the world could see how long they’ve been serving God in ministry as if it were a badge of honor. Don’t get me wrong, ministry is the greatest calling and life-focus on the planet, and I believe that with all of my heart. However, my length of service to Him isn’t a reason to brag on myself, but rather is something that impresses me about Him.
You see, it’s not that I’ve somehow remained faithful to Him all this time because of some great thing in me. Honestly, why wouldn’t I continue serving Him? After all, He’s so good! I’ve got everything to gain in this scenario! The past 14 years haven’t been years of great “sacrifice” or laboring with no reward. It’s actually been just the opposite! Ministry is the greatest “job” of sorts in the world – and I have had the greatest “Boss” anyone could ever ask for. Serving Him isn’t a great sacrifice at all – it’s the most rewarding and blessed life there is. So why wouldn’t I have “hung in there?”
The remarkable thing isn’t me at all, friend – it’s Him! You see, for 14 years now He hasn’t quit on me! That’s incredible!
In any given week I give God dozens of reasons to quit on me. I fail so much more often than I succeed, and no matter how passionate or committed I think I am for Him, I’ll find ways to drop the ball. If there’s anyone that pushes the limits of grace it’s me. Paul said he was the “chief of sinners,” but that was before I lived.
Yet He has never walked away. Time after time after time – failure after failure after failure – in times when I lived more by the flesh than by faith – He was and still remains always faithful.
So no, I’ve never walked away from God and been a quitter as it relates to the life of ministry, but that’s not remarkable. It would be crazy to walk away from this God I know.
The incredible truth is that He has never quit on me. If there’s anyone that deserves a pat on the back for tenure and longevity, it’s Him, by far.
Join me today in praising Him for His unmatchable, unquestionable, mind-blowing, amazing grace! Commit your day to bringing Him honor, glory, and praise for His maintained and continuing faithfulness toward us.

That’s just a thought, and I welcome yours.
Until next time,

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Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Bruised Shins.

Tuesday, November 29, 2011
Bruised Shins. Common sense would tell you that wandering around in a dark house is dangerous. Most people would agree that simple furniture such as coffee and end tables aren’t in dangerous places unless the lights are off. And anyone that is the average height would also agree that the heights of the aforementioned articles of living room furniture are strategically and coincidentally the same as the average person’s shins.
I suppose this is a good time to mention that I, personally, have two deeply bruised shins right now. Both bruises were not earned at the same time, but rather are two separate and equally exciting examples of my desire to do things my own way. They are distinct and noticeable, not just in color but also in shape, as they are both nice sized knots on both shins. Each time I catch eye of them they are simple reminders of my terrible abilities to both see and navigate an all too familiar house while in the dark.
Darkness makes things dangerous. A familiar parking lot during the daytime can become a haven for crime and violent acts after dark. Simple roads that are easily driven during the day suddenly become dangerous and risky when the sun goes down. And yes, even a living room can become a virtual minefield for the average person when the lights are off. But there’s a simple solution to the presence of darkness.
Light shatters darkness. The inability of darkness to exist in the light should serve as a huge dose of truth to us every time we see it. Each time we turn on a light switch we should, at least for a moment, take into account and allow ourselves to remember that darkness flees from the light. This is so very true in the spiritual realm.
Our lives are often filled with bruised shins, right? Spiritually speaking, we find ourselves bruised and beaten by sin time and time again. We wonder how sin can continue to defeat us over and over, often in the same ways. And darkness is never satisfied with partial control, but rather once sin begins to sneak in, eventually its chains bind us in total ways. Darkness never stays confined to a corner, but will slowly but surely take over a room if light is turned off.
My shins would be okay today if I’d made a simple choice the other night. You see, there is a switch, a simply operated switch, that could have eliminated BOTH my painful experiences. I was in a hurry, however, and simply thought I didn’t have time to reach for that switch. I could just get what I came for each time and go back to bed. And now my shins are paying the price.
Take the time to turn on the switch, friend. Spend regular time with God in prayer, and let Him speak back to you through His Word. “Hide His Word in your heart that you might not sin against Him,” as the Psalmist said. Darkness will flee when the Light is turned on. Don’t let yourself become convinced that darkness isn’t that big of a deal. The truth is, a life lived in darkness will produce a lot more scary consequences than simple bruised shins.

That’s just a thought, and I welcome yours.
Until next time,

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Monday, November 28, 2011

Idol Minds.

Monday, November 28, 2011
Idol Minds. “Thou shalt have no other gods before Me.” We read those words from the 10 Commandments, and automatically our minds go to the idolatrous worship that Israel found itself wrapped up in so often in the Old Testament, or at least my mind does. We think of a golden calf or some strange little statue of a 2-headed god sitting in some false temple somewhere. We think of pagans, or of those foreign to the true worship of the One, true God. But maybe that command should land a little closer to home for us.
A “god” or an idol can be defined as anything that steals the worship away from the One who is truly deserving of it, Jehovah God. Worship can be defined as the giving of adoration or the highest place of priority in a life. So if worship is giving someone/something the first priority in our life and a “god” is anything that steals glory from the true God, so much of what we consider everyday life is a god today!
We need not go down a list of things in our own lives and ask the question, “Is this a god?” We only, really, need to ask ourselves the question, “Does this matter more than Him?” And please, when you ask that question, give yourself and Him an honest answer. He knows your heart anyway.
Does this extra hour or two of sleep on Sunday morning matter more than Him? Does this dinner or entertainment matter more than Him? Does this hobby matter more than the worship He deserves? Does this animal that grunts, snorts, oinks, quacks, or has a trophy rack matter more than giving Him the praise and worship He deserves?
The more I’ve thought about this issue over the past few weeks, the more I’ve come to believe that so many of my generation feel as if they have a minimum requirement they have to fulfill with God. In other words, so long as we give Him our Sunday morning we can keep our Sunday nights and be ok. So long as we’re serving Him enough on other nights of the week, we can skip times when we need our rest. We’re bargaining with our worship to a God that doesn’t NEED it but DESERVES it at every single opportunity we have to GIVE it to HIM.
When our walk with God becomes more obligation and necessity than a relationship motivated by a LOVE for a Savior Who is deserving of every single ounce of who we are, our minds become focused on doing the least we can for Him. We begin to compare ourselves to others, and that becomes our justification. After all, we’re still more faithful than someone else. The only problem is that our lives are measured against someone else.
We all have some work to do in this area of idolatry. All I’m asking is that we honestly examine our hearts, and ask God to do the same. When He begins to show us things or areas where we are lacking, let’s give them to Him. Let’s recommit ourselves to a life of whole-hearted commitment to Him. Let’s allow ourselves to fall in love with a God that is head over heels in love with us. Let’s treasure every single privileged opportunity that we have to worship Him, whether it’s Sunday morning, Sunday night, Wednesday night, or some other blessed time when the doors of the church are opened and we can worship with other believers.
Let’s put Him first, and not allow any other “god” to be before Him in our lives, not even for a minute. He’s worthy.

That’s just a thought, and I welcome yours.
Until next time,

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Thursday, November 17, 2011

Floating Upstream?

Thursday, November 17, 2011
Floating Upstream? If I were swimming in a river going upstream against the current and I decided to stop swimming and merely float for a few minutes, which direction would I immediately begin to go? Would I magically continue upstream, going against the direction of the current even though I was simply floating?
I’m sure we all understand that if I were to stop putting effort into going upstream I would automatically begin to float downstream, right? I would be at the mercy of the current, going wherever it chose to take me. Even if I weren’t actively swimming with the current, I wouldn’t be sitting still. My decision to not intentionally swim against that current would be a decision to float along with it.
I’m pretty confident that’s a great analogy of our relationship with God. Scripture tells us that if we will “draw near to God He will draw near to us.” There’s some effort involved in “drawing near,” friend.
Every relationship takes work – and effort. Please understand that I am not, even for a moment, insinuating that we gain a relationship with Christ because of our work. We understand clearly that the Word says it’s “by grace we are saved through faith, that not of ourselves, it’s the gift of God and not of works so that no one can boast.” That’s Ephesians 2:8-9, and we can all quote that well. I challenge you, however, to look up that text so you can read the next verse. You see, verse 10 speaks of the “good works” that God “created us” for.
If I want to be actively pursuing God and in a growing relationship with Him, it takes some work on my part. I can’t allow myself to fall prey to the false notion that once we know Christ we can simply float through life and be drawing closer to Him at the same time. If I’m not investing my time in the Word, prayer, giving, serving – basically nourishing my relationship with Him – I’m drifting. If I’m drifting, it’s important for me to understand that the natural direction of man’s drift is away from God, not toward Him. Therefore, if I’m not actively pursuing God, I’m drifting farther away.
I believe with all my heart, based on the Word, that once a person is in a relationship with Christ that they’ve received by grace, that we are also kept by grace and enjoy the blessing of security. However, intimacy and closeness isn’t guaranteed simply because we have a relationship. I dare say that there are many who know Christ that are walking defeated, miserable lives because they are being lived in great distance from Him – simply because they are floating.
So today, ask yourself if you’ve become a floater in your relationship with Christ. How much time do you spend with Him? How actively are you pursuing closeness with the Almighty? A great place to start is to open up the Word and do some reading, then tell God how much you want to know Him more.
It’s time to start swimming upstream. After all, I’ve seen where the river ends, and the current you might be currently floating in doesn’t lead anywhere very pretty or pleasant.

That’s just a thought, and I welcome yours.
Until next time,

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Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Good Coaching.

Wednesday, November 16, 2011
Good Coaching. Give me a basketball, a gym, and a group of players and I’ll tell you what you’ll have: a mess! Give me a football, a field, and a group of players, and I’ll tell you, again, what you’ll have: another mess! Someone that leads a group of athletes is expected to have a more advanced knowledge of the sport than those they are leading, right?
I have a good friend that is a coach, and she does a great job at it. She knows basketball like the back of her hand, and she knows how to teach it to the players she’s entrusted with. In order to believe that, all you have to do is go and watch her team play while she coaches and you’ll quickly realize that she knows what she’s doing. She knows the sport, and she knows it well. The result is simple: some changed lives by a person whose knowledge is being imparted to them.
Do you have a coach in your walk with Christ? The truth is, God never intended for believers to be “free agents,” wandering through life on their own without any spiritual instruction. All throughout the Word we are told of teachers, preachers, pastors, etc. God has specifically called out many to teach the Word, and we need them desperately!
In my own life I have several spiritual coaches, and I’m thankful for them. I’ve been blessed to know many great men of God throughout my lifetime. I have some great women of God in my life, too, that have made tremendous impacts on me.
We need to be coached – we need to be mentored. I would challenge you to spend some time figuring out who your primary coach on your walk with God is. Treasure that person. Pray for that person. And spend as much time with that person as you can, soaking up every bit of teaching and wisdom from them as possible.
But also realize this: you may be someone else’s coach. Someone else may be looking at you for spiritual wisdom and leadership. Whether you choose or not, you are leading others in their search for or walk with God. How well do you know the subject matter? Are you growing in Him – or just floating?
I couldn’t coach a basketball team if you paid me, and I’m thankful for folks like my friend that can. I have been called to lead, though. Join me today in recommitting ourselves to a fresh passion of growing in Him so we can better lead them, would ya?
(Tomorrow’s blog: “Floating Upstream?”)

That’s just a thought, and I welcome yours.
Until next time,

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Thursday, November 10, 2011


Thursday, November 10, 2011
Boundaries. Today I’m speaking at one of our junior high schools during an abstinence workshop. I’ll be spending the day in 7th grade health classes speaking on the topic of “Boundaries.” There are some common misconceptions about this idea of boundaries, though.
Many people think that when I bring up boundaries that I’m automatically limiting their freedom. They begin to think that I’m some type of legalist that wants to take all the fun out of their life in every way. We associate boundaries with fences, and we view them as holding us back and keeping us in. But boundaries are so much more than that.
There are boundaries on the roadways, aren’t there? Surely no one complains that there are lines on the highway, telling us where to keep our car? Hopefully we all understand that those boundaries protect us – they keep us from driving off a cliff or over into oncoming traffic! Those boundaries are there to protect us.
It’s much like my new adopted dogs. They live inside a fenced in area, and for good reason. They’ve lived in the city all their lives (8 years thus far), and they’ve never lived in the country. Where I live there are dangers that they didn’t contend with in their fenced in back yard in the city. If they were to be running out of the fenced area out in the country, there’s no telling what dangers and risks they would encounter that they wouldn’t be prepared to handle.
And so it is with life. With school students we speak of boundaries in dating, specifically. We tell them where to draw lines and limits, with the main goal of helping them see that boundaries protect them from facing temptations that they need to avoid as much as possible. The truth is, however, that we all need to practice the placement of boundaries in our lives.
Regardless of our age, there are some places we have no business going, and there are some things we have no business doing. If you belong to Christ, your boundaries should be especially firm and clear, because wherever you go you wear the name of Christ there.
Boundaries matter, and they are important. Take some time today and consider some positive boundaries for your life. Think through some areas that you face the most temptation in, and ask God to show you where He wants your boundaries drawn to illuminate as much unneeded temptation as possible. Draw yourselves some lines that will help you stay focused on life’s most important goal: drawing closer to the God that gave His only Son to break down the boundaries and barriers that existed between us and Him!

That’s just a thought, and I welcome yours.
Until next time,

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Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Input - Output.

Wednesday, November 09, 2011
Input – Output. The other day I had an epiphany. Please understand, I have these moments when some small thing will occur to me and I somehow manage to see some strange lesson in it. My mind, apparently, is slightly strange in that I sometimes look for “points to ponder” in everyday happenings. This was no exception.
I was performing the simple task of taking out the trash. That’s no big deal, and certainly not something that “great theological truths” could come from. Nonetheless, here I was, removing the old, nasty garbage bag from the can and replacing it, when a huge dose of truth hit me. Suddenly, as if it were written on the wall of my kitchen, I heard the words spoken to my heart, “This is much like the mind of many people – input and output.”
Just think about it for a moment, will you? When I throw something away it’s considered “trash” – right? I dispose of it in the “trash can” – follow me so far? When that trash can is full, I empty it – but the contents are still trash, right? I don’t know of anyone that would consider it anything else.
Why, then, do we somehow think that we can fill our minds with “trash” on a regular basis and it will miraculously convert itself to something other than trash when it works its way out of us?
If the music we listen to is full of profanity and messages that are contrary to the message of Christ and His Word, it’s trash. If we input that into our minds regularly, it will work its way out of us into the way we talk, the way we think, and even the way we live our lives.
If the video games we play are full of filth and trashy talk, those things will eventually work themselves out of us through our thoughts, words, and actions as well.
Are you catching a trend?
It’s the simple rule of “Input – output”: what goes in must come out, in some form. It’s just that simple.
So, choose you this day what your output will be. We could probably all use some work in the media department as it relates to our input. Join me in making the choice to only input things into my mind that will produce an output that honors and glorifies Christ! After all, life is short, and we will stand before Him someday. On that day, I don’t want my mind to be a media library filled with garbage I’m ashamed to “take out” in from of Him.

That’s just a thought, and I welcome yours.
Until next time,

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Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Sore Topix?

Tuesday, November 08, 2011
Sore Topix? When we were little we quoted a little adage that we thought held great truth: “Sticks and stones may break my bones, but words will never hurt me.” Though we may not have understood it then, there really isn’t a lot of truth in that saying. Words can’t break bones, true. However, what they can break is much more serious than a mere physical injury.
Yesterday I was made aware of a social website that some students in Cabot had been frequenting and using as a tool to degrade other students here in town. On that site were a vast array of topics being discussed, from “hottest teachers” to “top 10 *less virtuous* girls” in Cabot. (I changed some wording due to inappropriate language.) Much of what was being said on the site was grossly inappropriate, and was inflammatory in nature. Words can hurt, friend.
I had never heard of the site before a youth pastor friend brought it to my attention. As soon as I heard about it, I began to notice more and more talk about the controversy surrounding the site itself. Then I became aware that the Cabot Police Department, as well as the Arkansas State Police, had become involved to investigate the students posting the garbage. In this day and age, bullying is taken very seriously whether it be verbal, physical, or cyber. I’m thankful for the diligence of the administration of our school district for pursuing this.
This isn’t foreign to the Word of God, though. James wrote about the power of the tongue. He described it as a “fire”, which when under control can accomplish great things, but when let loose can destroy lives. There is an immense power found within the ability of the tongue. The words we speak, or type for that matter, can build up others or tear them down.
It breaks my heart to think that some student already struggling with depression, abuse, loneliness, or feelings of inadequacy might read the words posted about them on the site mentioned above and begin to consider the option of ending their life. That isn’t a farfetched scenario, either. Friends, it has happened elsewhere, and it could happen here.
I wish I could say that the reason some students use some cruel language towards other students is simply because they don’t know Christ yet, but I’m afraid that’s not always the case. Let’s be honest, Christians – we can sometimes say some pretty hurtful things, can’t we? Oh, but that shouldn’t be the case – ever!
Believers in Jesus Christ – we are called to be LIGHT in a dark world! We are called to bring HOPE to a desolate land! We are called to be SALT to a world in need of preservation! We are called to be LOVE in the midst of sins hatred! We are called to be DIFFERENT than those around us without Him!
So in response to the dramatic saga that was brought to light yesterday, I have a couple of simple words. First of all, THANKS to the administration of the Cabot School District for taking this seriously and very possibly saving some lives. Secondly, THINK before you speak or type, dear child of God. And finally, THIRST for more of Him in your life and let that thirst change the way you treat others. Our words matter – not just here, but for all eternity.

That’s just a thought, and I welcome yours.
Until next time,

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Monday, November 7, 2011

The God Option?

Monday, November 07, 2011
The God Option? God has recently begun to open my eyes and burden my heart with the reality of the condition of the Church at large in America. I love this nation as much as anyone, and am thankful that God has allowed me to live here. We have the bravest men and women fighting for our freedom, even as I write this blog this morning. There’s nowhere else I’d choose to live if the choice were left to me. I love the USA.
But it stands to reason that the Church in America isn’t a passionate, on fire church as it once was. There are ongoing debates among different circles of thought as to what the “primary problem” with our country is. Democrats say it’s Republicans, and Republicans say it’s Democrats. Occupy Wall Street says it’s the Tea Party and the Tea Part says it’s Occupy Wall Street. And many among my own “circles” would say it’s the ever declining moral climate of our nation that is to blame. May I submit something to you today?
We shouldn’t raise our fists and blame the moral climate of our nation on the lost among us, church. I dare say it’s not the abortionists that have caused our moral dip, nor is it the gay rights movement. I don’t believe it’s the crowd that wants to remove the Ten Commandments from public places that have gotten us here, nor is it the champions of the removal of school prayer. I believe we’re only blaming symptoms of the real problem, and that will never fix anything.
I believe the fault is lying at our own feet, church.
For generations we have allowed God to become an option in our lives. We have placed as higher priorities in our lives things that don’t deserve to rank higher than Him. Hobbies and recreation, relationships and careers, money and influence – all these things have climbed to the top of the priorities of the “happy American dream,” and God has been allowed to slip in as an option when things get bad.
When we are sick or a loved one is, we call on God. When we can’t pay our bills or our job situation looks shaky, we call on God. When there’s an election coming up and we’re concerned about who might win, we call on God. When there’s a national tragedy and we’re terrified of what’s next, we call on God. Catching the trend?
We’ve compartmentalized our lives, and only “allowed” God into a few areas. We put Him in our little God box and only open the lid when we need Him. Whether we’ll admit it or not, in our minds we’ve turned the God of the universe into a genie. He’s not, nor will He allow Himself to be considered as such without serious consequences.
When anyone puts other things before Him, their lives slip. It’s unavoidable. When He deserves our Sunday mornings but not our Sunday nights, it happens. When He deserves our “meal blessings” but not our life, it happens. When He is allowed to have control over some small areas of our lives, but not all of them, it happens. And as we go, Church, so goes the nation.
So the next time we get upset that God isn’t “allowed” into every area of our national scene or government, we all need to stop and ask ourselves the question, “Is He allowed into every area of my life?” And even more than that, “Is He LORD of every area of my life?” Until we address that, the nation we love so dearly will never change. He must be LORD – not an option.

That’s just a thought, and I welcome yours.
Until next time,

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Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Mistaken Identity.

Tuesday, November 01, 2011
Mistaken Identity. I adopted 3 adult labs last week. They are beautiful dogs, too. There is a brother and his two sisters, all 8 years old. They have never been separated since birth, and they are just about the sweetest animals I’ve ever met. They have a bit of an identity crisis, though, or so it seems.
It would appear as though these beautiful pups think, deep down inside, that they are, in fact, roosters. They have come to believe over these past couple of days that they carry the distinct and somber responsibility of notifying the world, or at least me, that the sun is coming up. They are so good at the job that they actually begin notifying me well before the sun actually begins coming up, too. I guess it’s a gift of sorts that they just have.
I’m doing my best to school them in the way of “sleeping while it’s dark,” you can believe that. With gentle and kind words I rebuke them when they choose to begin their shifts of barking at 3:30am. Ok, maybe it’s not always so gentle and kind…busted. They just need to understand they are Labrador retrievers – not roosters!
If you are a believer in Jesus Christ and have had your sins dealt with by what He did on the cross, do you ever find yourself living with a case of mistaken identity? Do you ever allow yourself to be convinced that you are a victim to the world’s system – that you‘re defeated by the enemy and all his forces? Oh friend, let me set you straight, may I?
Scripture says that we are “more than conquerors through Christ!” The victory has already been won by our Jesus, and we are no longer victims of anything! When that stone began to roll away from the mouth of the tomb where Jesus Christ was laid, the devil and his imps were put on notice! A sign was placed by the front door of hell facing inside with the clear notification: “All who belong to Me are permanently out of your reach – PERIOD!”
So today, stop living like a rooster if you’re a lab! Stop living like a beaten down, defeated little victim, Christian! You are offspring of the God of the Universe! He loves us, and has an eternal home signed, sealed, and almost delivered waiting for us! Give your struggles to Him and let Him turn them into victories!
If you don’t know Christ, would you consider giving Him your life? Begin by admitting your sinful state to Him (He already knows, but admitting it is part of repentance.) Ask Him to forgive your sin, turn from it, and begin walking in newness of life! If you’d like more info on a new life in Christ, email anytime!

That’s just a thought, and I welcome yours.
Until next time,

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