Wednesday, August 31, 2011

An Angle of Victory.

Wednesday, August 31, 2011
An Angle of Victory. As I shared with you in yesterday’s blog, last night was a pretty big game night in the town in which I live. For many years a stiff rivalry has existed between Cabot and Jacksonville. Once a year they face off in the “Backyard Brawl”. Last night was that face off. And the outcome was very pretty.
At halftime the game was tied up, 13-13. Now, I must be totally honest: I walked into Panther Stadium truly believing we were going to win that game. Maybe I’m just a faithful fan, idealistic, or optimistic, because I am certainly not an expert on all things football. I had an expectation of success, though, when it came to my Panthers.
Someone else walked into that stadium with the same expectation, though they weren’t hoping for the outcome I was. Just a few feet from me sat a dear friend whose grandson was playing for Jacksonville. So in a matter of inches there was a very real contrast in hopes as it related to the end of the game. And at game’s end, one of us walked away having experienced victory while the other walked away having experienced defeat.
That last sentence made me begin to think about the Christian life vs. the life of a non-believer. No, life isn’t a game, and the truth is that life’s ending is much more serious than that of a football game. But, at life’s end there will be a contrast in winning and defeat much more stark and real.
All we have to base the afterlife on is Scripture. There are those who will debate its validity until they are blue in the face, too. Simply put, the Bible was written over 1,500 years by 40 different men in 3 different languages and in different parts of the known world with no corroboration time, yet it never once contradicts itself. It is timeless, and has proven through the ages that it doesn’t catch up with the science/knowledge of man, but rather man’s science/knowledge only catches up to It. Not to mention that the Words written therein have changed my life. So you can see why I am so apt to trust what’s found written on Its pages.
The Book simply says there are two options for after this life ends: heaven and hell. God truly desires every man, woman, boy and girl to be in heaven someday, because He said so! “God is not willing that any should perish, but that all should come to repentance.”
Yet, when everything we know comes to a close, it will be mere inches that separate those “in Christ” from those “without Christ” – the distance from the mind to the heart. Scripture says that to truly know Him a decision must be made within our heart to believe and trust in Him for our sins to be forgiven. It’s so much more than simply knowing in our mind – it’s a heart condition.
So where do you sit, this morning? Are you on the winning team, and in Christ? Are you ready for the moment when you will stand before God, which is an appointment you’ll have to keep some day? Or are you trusting in yourself, your goodness, your ability, and your knowledge and intellect to carry you through? Turn to Him – He’s waiting to give you eternal victory.
By the way, the outcome of last night's game was pretty, as I said. Cabot - 33; Jacksonville - 13. Turns out I was on the right side, after all.

PS: Please continue praying for the Summers (Marty, Jordan, and baby Morgan). They got some encouraging news last night but there are still many challenges and uncertainties that are ahead. Continue praying for Mary, as well. God is doing a work in her recovery that is already bringing glory to Him!

That’s just a thought, and I welcome yours.
Until next time,

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Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Team Identity.

Tuesday, August 30, 2011
Team Identity. Today is a big day for folks who are fans of Cabot High School football. Each year the Panthers face off with Jacksonville as the season opener in a little game we like to call the “Back Yard Brawl.” On an average Friday night at a Cabot football game around 10,000 people will fill the stadium to support their team. Tonight, however, you can rest assured there will be substantially more than that.
There’s something fairly ironic about this game, though. You see, our teams have basically the same school colors. So, on both sides of the stadium tonight you will see lots of red and white, regardless of who spectators are actually cheering for. Sure, there are other ways to tell who they’re supporting during the game. However the most noticeable statement of team identity will be slightly confusing.
A clear identity is a huge plus when you’re cheering for or representing someone or something. If you go to sporting events very much at all you no doubt know what your favorite team’s colors are, and you wear them when you go to support them. You want it to be known from the start who it is that you are there to support and shout for. Your “team spirit” leads you to desire “team identity.”
What does your life say about the eternal team you’re on? When people see you reacting to life situations, who do they think you’re cheering for? If they listen to your vocabulary, what side does it seem like you’re on? If they observe the reaction you have to being done wrong or mistreated, what team colors will they see in your life? When they watch for evidence of love or hate in your daily life, what do they find and who does it tell them you're with?
After all, “team spirit” leads you to desire “team identity.” If I’m excited about the team I’m rooting for I want it to be known I’m there with them. I’ll be sure to put on a Panther shirt tonight before going to the game so there will be no mistaking the fact that I’m there with them. I want my life to shout to the world that “I’m here with Him! Don’t mistake me for the other team – I’m on the side that’s winning!”
So today, would you join me in asking God to help us have a strong team identity? Would you join me in asking Him to use our lives, and every aspect and detail of them, to point people to Him, the Captain of the team we're on?
Now get up, put on your team colors, and get with it! We’ve got some living to do! (If you'd like to know more about what it means to know Christ, feel free to email me at anytime.)

PS: Continue to pray for baby Morgan Noelle Summers and her mom and dad, Jordan and Marty. They got some tough news last night about her condition, and I hope you’ll join me in asking God to lay His mighty hand on the three of them. Also pray for a friend, Mary Landers, as she continues to battle for her life in ICU right now.

That’s just a thought, and I welcome yours.
Until next time,

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Monday, August 29, 2011

Good Morning, Japan.

Monday, August 29, 2011
Good Morning, Japan. I have an app on my iPhone that gives me Fox News Breaking News Updates. Sometimes this news ranges anywhere from financial news to high profile sports news. Basically anything worth sharing is sent as a “Breaking News Alert” to my cell phone. This morning when I woke up I had one waiting to inform me that Japan had a new leader.
Maybe my mind works differently than it should, but that news update made me begin to think. All the way around the world, the people of Japan are experiencing change. I have no idea how this new man will change the course of that nation, but no doubt most of the people of that nation do. I don’t know what he stands for or what his agenda is, yet the people who he will now lead most assuredly know much of that. Just because it’s not news to me doesn’t mean it isn’t news to someone else.
Today we will all walk past people who have some major breaking news in their own lives. That woman you meet walking into Wal-Mart may be dealing with the news that her husband is leaving her today. That man who opened the door for you at McDonald’s may have just found out he has cancer. That teenager walking down the sidewalk that you pass may feel so hopeless and numb that they inflict pain upon their self just to feel something. That elderly man driving in front of you may feel so alone since his wife passed away that he’s decided to take his own life. News is happening in their world.
And we have a choice to make. We can see these people and treat them as if they’re in our way, only slowing us down and keeping us behind schedule in our busy lives. Or we can think outside our own little box of personal news and try to show them Jesus. The choice is up to you.
We all have our own issues and news that’s breaking in our lives. The truth is, however, that just because your news is good today doesn’t mean everyone else’s is.
So look around and take notice today. You may very well be the person that actually cares enough to save a life today. Now, where was I? Oh yes, good morning Japan.
PS: Please continue to pray for Marty, Jordan, and baby Morgan Summers. Some tests will be run today and apparently some decisions will have to be made. Pray for strength, guidance, wisdom and most of all a measure of faith to be poured out on these two incredible young parents as we pray for God’s healing to be poured out on precious baby Morgan.

That’s just a thought, and I welcome yours.
Until next time,

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Friday, August 26, 2011

Pray Much?

Friday, August 26, 2011
Pray Much? There are a lot of people that have some misconceptions about prayer, I think. So often people have the assumption that prayer is something you do only while at church. There are some who may believe that there’s more of a chance of God hearing them if they pray at church, as opposed to other locations. To some, prayer is more of a ritual or routine than a simple conversation or dialogue with God. What do you think about when I mention the word prayer?
The first thing that comes to mind when I consider the idea of prayer is talking. Turns out, I know a little bit about the “art” of talking. Ask anyone that knows me very well and they will agree: I can talk…a lot. That used to bother me, and I’ll admit that there are still moments when I catch myself holding my words for fear that I’ve already used too many. But not with Him – He wants to hear everything I’ve got to say!
There is no such thing as “talking to God too much.” Can I get a hallelujah from the saints because our God never gets tired of hearing our voice? No matter what is on your mind or heavy on your heart, He’s always ready to listen. He loves you just that much.
But prayer isn’t always talking, either. There have been moments in my life when I came to God to pray and simply didn’t have any words to use to express what was in my heart. Though I wanted desperately to talk to Him, I was speechless. I couldn’t come up with anything to tell Him what was going on inside of me. Yet I could still pray. Is that possible?
Yes, it is. You see, I think the best part about prayer is that God already knows what we’re going to say before we even say it. True, He still wants to hear from us, but when we can’t speak it’s still ok. Scripture says that in those moments when we don’t know how or what to pray that the “Holy Spirit makes intercession for us in groans that cannot be uttered.” There’s a “language” that the Holy Spirit can pray in for us when we can’t pray ourselves. Isn’t that exciting?
You’ll have countless conversations today with everyone from your husband or wife to the gas station clerk to a co-worker to the drive through worker at the fast food restaurant. No matter who you’re talking to, no doubt you’ll talk about a few things that really aren’t that important. We’ll expend energy and oxygen to talk about the weather, sports, hobbies, and who knows what else.
What if we had conversations with God as frequently? What if every time a worry or concern came to mind we took just a moment to mention it to God? What if when things are going great we took just a second to utter a “thank You” to Him for His goodness? What if when we saw someone hurting or struggling we mentioned them to Him? What would happen if we actually began to pray like we truly believe He’s listening? What if…?
PS: Prayer Request – right now there’s a beautiful little newborn baby named Morgan Noelle Summers that’s having some tests run to find out what her struggles will be in the days to come. They’ve already discovered a few of them, and it already appears that her little life will be a testimony of God’s faithfulness in the coming days, weeks, months, and years. She has an awesome dad named Marty and an awesome mom named Jordan. I’ve never known any two people more special or in love with their Savior than these. And the heartache and uncertainty they feel right now is bigger than most of us can understand. So would you take a moment and call their names out to the Father, asking Him to intervene and show Himself mighty in their lives right now? I appreciate it, and I know they do as well.

That’s just a thought, and I welcome yours.
Until next time,

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Thursday, August 25, 2011


Thursday, August 25, 2011
Miracles. I heard of a minister not too long ago that denied the existence of miracles in the present day. He claimed that God just “doesn’t work that way anymore.” According to his theological beliefs, when the days of the early church, as recorded in Acts, ended, so did the miraculous things that God chose to do in our world. To say that I disagree would probably be the biggest understatement I’ll use today.
Miracles happen around us all the time; we just don’t recognize them as such. Every time a person who is lost in their sin and headed for eternal separation from God in a place known as hell realizes their sin condition and trusts Christ to forgive it and wash it away – that’s a miracle. An eternal destiny is changed – new life has been given – and a name has been written in the Lamb’s Book of Life! Sounds pretty miraculous to me!
Every time someone who has been hurt or betrayed gives trust and love a chance again, a miracle has happened. That person may have even said at some point that they would never allow themselves to be in the position to be hurt again. And yet when the walls begin to fall and the trust begins to develop once more in a new relationship – that’s a miracle!
Every time a new life makes his or her entrance into the world, a miracle has happened. My little brother (technically my cousin but I consider him my brother so don’t correct me) and his wife are having a baby today in Conway. I can’t wait to get there this morning to share the exciting moment when he comes carrying her out into the nursery for us all to peek through the windows and brag. A whole host of lives are changing today, and the world’s population will increase by one. Jordan has carried this little girl for 9 months, and today she and Marty will hear the precious cry of their new world for the very first time. Miracles happen.
Every time someone is told by the doctor, “There’s nothing we can do, your time is very limited,” yet as time goes on the doctors suddenly can’t find any evidence of the previous diagnosis – that’s a miracle! I’ve seen people who were being eaten alive by cancer who went on to live long, happy lives because of the healing hands of God!
Every time a person reaches the end of their earthly life and makes their entrance into the very presence of God in heaven, that’s a miracle. To think that we could be talking to loved ones here, breathing air into our lungs only to be breathing the very next breath in a place that God has built just for us to live in for all eternity. God will take us on the ride of our lives after life ends here, and He’s promised that there’s nothing to fear about it at all, if we know Him.
So don’t tell me that miracles don’t happen today. To deny the reality of the miraculous in our day is the deny one of the most fascinating attributes of God. When we put Him in a box that is small enough for our minds to understand Him, we’ve attempted to make Him just another religious leader that can be explained away. So ya don’t understand everything about Him? Good – that’s what makes Him God and you a mere human that He loves. And that, my friends, is a miracle in and of itself.

That’s just a thought, and I welcome yours.
Until next time,

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Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Face Lift.

Wednesday, August 24, 2011
Face Lift. We live in an era of plastic surgery. I remember when the only time you heard of someone having a “nose job” or having something else altered was in Hollywood. Now there are commercials on TV right here in Arkansas for “tummy tucks” and “face lifts” just up the freeway in Little Rock. It seems like everyone is searching for a way to make themselves look like someone else.
I’ve gotten a face lift or two occasionally. I know what you’re thinking, “Tell me who your surgeon is so I can stay away…” No, no, I’m not talking about plastic surgery. I’m talking about something even better – something that goes deeper than only the surface.
Have you ever had a day when a smile just didn’t come naturally? Maybe you’d gotten some bad news, or were having a difficult time at work, or even just didn’t feel that great. A smile didn’t just throw itself on your face that day because you just didn’t feel like it. And then along came someone with some kind word, a hug, or just caring company and like magic the smile showed up. That’s a real face lift.
God has blessed me with a few folks like that in my life. Some have been in my life for years and others have only come along recently. Regardless of how long they’ve been turning my frown upside down (had to use that reference at least once this morning…), they’re good at it. It’s amazing how even something as simple as a “: - )” in a text message can make me smirk.
But this morning, as grateful as I am for these “face lifters” in my life, the question comes to my mind: how many can count on me to do the same? How many people do I bring joy to? How many folks should be getting some inspiration from me on a daily basis when they’re in need of a simple smile?
What about you? Scripture is filled with references to a “merry heart” or “joy.” God’s Word is also clear that we should be inspiring others to “good works,” and being an “encouragement to others.” I want that for myself from others, and I want to be that to others myself.
So what about you today – do you need a face lift? My prayer is that someone will be faithful today to say something, do something, or just be there for you and bring a little joy to your face. We don’t need a plastic surgeon to look better – only a few faithful friends. And those, my friends, are worth more than any money could ever buy.

That’s just a thought, and I welcome yours.
Until next time,

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Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Sticks and Stones.

Tuesday, August 23, 2011
Sticks and Stones. Do you remember back in elementary school (that’s waaaay back for some of us) when someone would say something cruel or hurtful we would fire back our famous comeback, “Sticks and stones may break my bones but words will never hurt me”? Though we may have really thought those words were true, they weren’t. As a matter of fact, we know all too well that sometimes words can hurt more than mere “sticks and stones.” It’s those emotional injuries that seem to leave the longest lasting scars and deepest pain in our lives.
But sometimes words don’t have to be used at all for the emotional blood to begin to flow. It has been my experience that sometimes people that we hold in high esteem can make choices that hurt us, without ever speaking a word to us about it. Anytime we have been disappointed by someone we respect in a huge way it hurts. We can’t understand their choices oftentimes, which makes the hurt even more severe. And when others ask what is wrong, all we can usually muster up is, “I’ll be fine.” The truth is we aren’t really sure if things will ever be the same or not.
Up to this point in today’s blog thought you’re probably thinking that I’m walking through some valley of hurt or disappointment right now, but I’m actually not. However, a few folks in my life are. I’m finding that when they hurt I can’t help but hurt with them. So this morning, I’ve got to share at least a little bit of good news, may I?
God is faithful. Did you catch that? Go back – read those three words again. ..did you get it? A few years ago, during the time of my own valley experience along this journey we call life in Christ, those three words were my life raft – my survival kit – that brought shimmers of light into a darkness deeper than I’d ever known. They can do the same for you.
Many times, when I haven’t known how to pray because words simply would not come to my mind, two phrases would come to me: “I trust You” and “You are faithful.” There’s a lot to be said about trusting Him in the tough times, and knowing that even in those times He is faithful, no matter what the circumstances may be.
When our giants fall and our heroes have let us down, God is faithful. When the world is upside down and our examples are dashed against the rocks, God is faithful. When things don’t make sense and no explanation will make things better, God is faithful. When seemingly no one understands and everyone’s encouraging words don’t seem to make it hurt less, God is faithful.
So today, in the quiet moments when your mind is racing, take a moment and whisper those words to yourself and believe them. Because the Truth is – no matter whom else isn’t – GOD is faithful.

That’s just a thought, and I welcome yours.
Until next time,

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Monday, August 22, 2011

New Beginnings.

Monday, August 22, 2011
New Beginnings. Well, it would appear as though the summer break has come to an end and a brand new school year is off and running. For many, this means the excitement of being at a new school, being older, and maybe being one year closer to living out the dreams of their career. For some it means new friends, new schedules, new goals, or even new dreams. For others it may even mean new zip codes, new neighbors, or maybe even new living arrangements. But no matter what stage of the journey of life you’re on, one thing should ring true: it means something new.
I think it’s pretty fitting that my first blog of this new school year is one of new beginnings. God brought a verse to my mind this morning during my quiet time that is so fitting for this idea and I couldn’t help but share it. Just listen to these beautiful words, and I’d suggest reading them more than once to allow them to really sink in: “’Come now, let us reason together,’ says the Lord, ‘Though your sins are as scarlet, they will be as white as snow; Though they are red like crimson, they will be like wool.'”
Isn’t that incredible? That’s the definition of a new beginning! God has laid out His promise that when we come to Him, He will not only pick us back up from our failures and fallings, but He will totally start us over on a clean slate. Regardless how half-conscious you are this morning, that should at least put a little pep in your step, friend!
I have spent much of my life failing and falling, and no one knows that better than Him. He’s seen every time that I misstep, mistalk, misjudge, misthink, and misact. He’s seen every time that I’ve doubted Him due to weak faith. He’s seen every time that I’ve had cruel thoughts in moments of anger. He’s seen every time I’ve harbored unforgiveness within my heart after being hurt or harmed. And yet there He is, keeping His promise time and time again – making my dirty, rotten life clean again.
You see, that’s just what He does – He keeps His promises – always. So when He says, “If we confess our sins He is faithful and just to forgive us of our sins and cleanse us from all unrighteousness,” (1 John 1:9), He will do just as He promises – every time, without fail.
In just a few minutes I’ll be climbing on the school bus. I’ll stand in front of about 70 kids today on that bus and tell them that who they were last year is immaterial to who they can be this year. I’ll tell them that if they got in trouble a lot last year that it doesn’t matter at all to me today. I’ll tell them that they have a clean slate – they have a new beginning with me. And I’ll be telling the truth.
So enjoy today – Monday – for what it’s worth. It’s a day of new beginnings. I’m enjoying a few new beginnings in my own life these days, and let me just tell you that there’s nothing more exciting and adventurous that starting fresh. And today – right now – God wants to start fresh with you. That may mean beginning a relationship with Him by asking God to forgive your sins through what Christ did on the cross. That may mean recommitting your life and relationship to Him. Or it may simply mean laying your life on the altar for the coming week and dedicating it to Him anew. Regardless, it’s a new beginning – enjoy it!

That’s just a thought, and I welcome yours.
Until next time,

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