Friday, December 17, 2010

Faith's Christmas Journey Part 2.

Friday, December 17, 2010
Faith’s Christmas Journey Part 2. I think that my own personal journey to the Manger was more like the young shepherds that came than like that of the Wise Men. Shepherds were regular, every day people. They weren’t the upper echelon of society. They weren’t the high and mighty. They spent their days with the sheep, defending the flock with their very lives should the need arise. This is the life that God has called me to, as well.
You know how it went down, right? They were out in the fields, attending their sheep and doing what they did best. When out of nowhere angels appeared singing “Glory to God in the highest, peace, goodwill to all.” The angels told them of their King that had been born, and informed them that if they would follow the star to the place where He was that they could worship Him there. So they went. And they found. And they worshipped.
I was so blessed to be raised in a home where God was first priority. I’m thankful for my family. But there came a time in my own life when I had to realize that God doesn’t have any grandkids. No one has a personal relationship with Christ just because their parents did and therefore they inherited it. We all have to come to the place of making our own decision to follow Him.
It was October 31st, and our youth group had gone to the Hereafter House in Benton that night on the church bus. I knew what I needed to do. God had sent His angels, in the form of the many volunteers that took part in that drama that night, to point me to where Jesus was. And they told me of a Star that I could follow to find Him. That Star was the Holy Spirit, and He was already pointing the way to Jesus.
I don’t know why I waited, but nonetheless I did. I waited until I got home. I guess you could call that my “journey to the manger” of sorts. But when I got home, I got in the shower. It was there that I fell on my face before my Christ, admitted my sin to Him, and asked Him to forgive my sin and be my Savior and Lord. And He said yes. He always will.
My reaction was much like I imagine the shepherds reacted after seeing Jesus that night. I wanted everyone to know. I didn’t want to be a “secret Christian.” I wanted to be baptized to tell the world Who I belonged to now. I wanted to tell my friends. I wanted to tell my family. I wanted everyone to come see this Jesus Who had saved me from my sin!
The shepherds found a baby wrapped in swaddling clothes. I found a Savior wrapped in love and grace. They would go on to never forget the night that Christ was born. I’ll never forget the night He was born in my heart, and my heart was reborn in Him. And that, my friends, is my Faith’s Christmas Journey. Have you made yours yet?

That’s just a thought, and I welcome yours.
Until next time,

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Thursday, December 16, 2010

Faith's Christmas Journey Part 1.

Thursday, December 16, 2010
Faith’s Christmas Journey Part 1. They traveled from many miles away to see Him. These “wise men,” these men who had status and great dignity, came a very long way to witness for themselves the Christ child. They knew the prophecies that He was coming. They knew what the age old traditions said. But that wasn’t good enough for them – they had to see Him for themselves.
When they came they brought 3 gifts that we are told about in Scripture. You know the story well enough to know that those gifts were gold, frankincense, and myrrh. They brought gifts because they were coming to visit One who deserved gifts. They were coming to see one that had made a journey from heaven to earth – a far greater distance than they had travelled to see Him. And these gifts they brought had a much deeper significance than many knew.
Gold was a reminder that He was royalty. Not only was He born a king, but rather He was born the King of kings. The very Son of God Himself came in human form to be one of us so He could be our redeemer King. He was royalty, and they were admitting that by bringing gold. Have you brought your gold to Him yet? Have you admitted to Him that He is the king of your life? Maybe today is a good time to start.
Frankincense was a reminder that He was sinless and holy. This incense was used in Temple worship to signify the holiness of a perfect God. And these wise men knew who Jesus was – He was the sinless Son of Jehovah, who would remain sinless throughout His life for our sake. Have you brought your frankincense to Him yet? Have you admitted to Him that you accept His sinlessness, holiness, and perfection? Maybe you could do that right now.
Myrrh was a reminder that He was born to die. This was an element commonly used to prepare bodies for burial. Strange that they should bring this as a gift for a newborn child. But they are reminding us by bringing this gift, that this Child was born for one purpose: to be a sacrificial lamb, our Redeemer, and pay for the sin of all mankind, past, present and future. Have you brought your gift of myrrh yet? Have you admitted that you are a sinner to Him, and asked Him to forgive that sin by what He did on the cross so long ago? He died for you, will you accept that gift today?
You may know the Christmas Story. You may know all the background of what happened in Bethlehem. But have you seen Him yourself? It’s not enough just to know about Him. You’ve got to know Him personally. That’s the story of the wise men’s journey to meet Him and give of themselves to Him. Tomorrow – part 2 – My Faith’s Christmas Journey…

That’s just a thought, and I welcome yours.
Until next time,

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Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Hope's Foundation.

Tuesday, December 14, 2010
Hope’s Foundation. “My hope is built on nothing less that Jesus’ blood and righteousness. I dare not trust the sweetest frame, but wholly lean on Jesus’ name. On Christ the solid Rock I stand, all other ground is sinking sand; all other ground is sinking sand.”
Every good, sturdy building must have a solid foundation. Cabot High School is building a massive basketball arena right now. It will hold thousands, and will be an impressive structure once finished. But the first thing they had to do in the building process was prep the foundation. Otherwise, once they constructed the huge building, one little wind could take it all down. They couldn’t go back and prep the foundation after construction, either. That part has to be done first in order for everything else to fall into place.
And so it is with our lives. Jesus said it’s like 2 men who decided to build a house. One chose to build his house upon the sand. When the rain and wind came, the house collapsed. The other chose to build his house upon the rock. The rain and wind came just the same to his house, but it stood firm. It stood firm all because of the difference in foundation.
We choose to build on sand when our lives are all about us. Many have been the follower of Christ that have said, “I’m just trying to be happy, that’s all. After all, that’s what matters most – my happiness.” That’s a sand foundation. And the strange thing about a sand foundation is that it might seem solid for a while, but with time it will erode and fall apart. Just watch – it’s inevitable.
But the Rock is our foundation when we make the choice to live for His renown and glory. When our life isn’t about us or our own personal will, but rather Him and His leading and guiding in our lives – that’s a Rock foundation. And when we make the Rock our foundation, we have a hope that is steadfast and sure.
So today – what is your house built on? Are you living a life that won’t stand up against the storms that are sure to come? Are you building on the sand of yourself? Or is there a Rock underneath your feet? Start today strong – give it to Him. Ask Him to be the builder of your life, and ask Him to do it upon Himself. “On Christ the solid Rock I stand, all other ground is sinking sand; all other ground is sinking sand.”

That’s just a thought, and I welcome yours.
Until next time,

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Monday, December 13, 2010

100th Blog: World Changers.

Monday, December 13, 2010
100th BLOG: World Changers. Last night I closed my eyes for sleep just after praying these words to the Lord, “Use me – I want to change the world.” This morning as soon as my eyes opened from an incredible night’s sleep, the first words out of my mouth were to Him, “Use me – I want to change the world.” Some would read that and think I’m idealistic. Some would think I’m being unrealistic. Some would even say that I’m day dreaming. But I really do want to be a world changer.
But I’m not satisfied with just being a world changer myself – I’m challenging the students that God has entrusted to my watch-care to be world changers, too. That’s why we call our student ministry a Movement. It is a movement of God within each of us, that will in turn bring a movement of God to our campuses and our city. We’re going to be world changers. And it begins with one heart.
That lady that is checking you out at Wal-Mart today may have just had the most horrible day of her life. She may have been yelled at by her husband, and then reprimanded by her manager. She may have just gotten a shut off notice from the electric company, or an eviction notice from her landlord. We probably have no idea what struggles that young girl is facing when she clocks out from work today. Our smile – our kind word – our reminder to her that God loves her – that could change her world.
That homeless and hungry man on the street that you pass on your way to work needs a world changer. Maybe he hasn’t eaten a good solid meal in a very long time. He sleeps in the frigid temperatures of winter with nothing but a mere blanket and cardboard shelter. He begs for money just to survive. Some would look at him as a nuisance and dismiss him as an inconvenience to their busy day. But your donation of a meal or coat, or assistance in finding a job, or a kind word about the love of God could change his world. Forever.
That student is about to walk onto a campus this morning that is full of hundreds and hundreds of other students. They’ll face being mocked today. They’ll be made fun of for the clothes they wear. They’ll be laughed at because they’re different. And they may be thinking that it will never get better until they are gone. Our kind word – our acceptance of them unconditionally – our God’s love being poured out to them through us – that might change their world in a forever way.
Can’t you see? You can change the world! We can be world changers! The catch is – the world WILL change – but it will change one life at a time. Today you can be a part of a broad movement of God to bring His gospel to a lost and dying world. You can be a part of a movement of God to change the world, and not just temporarily, but for eternity! You can be a world changer for someone. So will you, today, commit yourself to changing the world by investing yourself and all that you are into the life of someone – anyone – today? Will you join us in changing the world? "Use me - I want to change the world."

That’s just a thought, and I welcome yours.
Until next time,

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Friday, December 10, 2010

Pinky Promise?

Friday, December 10, 2010
Pinky Promise? Do you remember when we were kids and something was really serious, and required serious commitment, and we would pull up the pinkies? Remember looking someone straight in the eye and saying, “Do you pinky promise?” There's so much innocence and purity in the hearts and eyes of children. Though we were young, we understood, to a pretty sharp degree, what commitment was.
Somewhere along the journey to adulthood so many lose that. We forget the seriousness of commitment at some point as we grow, or so it seems. I remember witnessing someone break a pinky promise. You would have thought the world was coming to an end. I remember hearing someone, on the playground of Vilonia Elementary School, say to this person, “What…a promise doesn’t mean anything?” It’s amazing how some memories never leave you. That one was so poignant I hope it never does.
When you give someone your word, you should keep it, no matter how hard it is to do so. The old saying goes that “a man is only as good as his word.” I suppose this is true. Being a promise keeper in all degrees is an integrity issue. It’s an issue of who you are deep down where it counts the most. We are all imperfect humans, scarred and marred by sin and its effects since birth. But honesty – integrity – commitment keeping – those are all crucial values to the lives of all of us in society.
Kids get it. They understand the value of honor and honesty. And as much as we adults may mess it up, we understand the importance too. Just think about it: how do you feel when someone commits something to you, a promise, and they break it? You may try to put up a rough exterior and act as if it doesn’t hurt, but the truth is that deep down inside it does. When someone promises you something, you expect it to be kept. It’s the nature of a promise.
However there is One that will never break a promise made to us. Breaking promises just isn’t something He can do – it’s not in His character. So when He says, “I’ll never leave you nor forsake you,” or “My grace is sufficient for every trial,” you can place full faith in that. He’s never gone back on a promise, and He never will. He is trustworthy, and He is faithful.
So today, who are you placing the most trust and faith in? Are they human institutions like the stock market, banks, your job, friends, or even church? Or is your life entrusted to the One that will never let you down, ever? If not, begin right now by admitting your sin to Him and asking Him to forgive it and become your Savior and Lord. That’s trusting Him with your life and eternity, 2 things He’s more than capable of taking care of. And that’s a pinky promise.

That’s just a thought, and I welcome yours.
Until next time,

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Thursday, December 9, 2010


Thursday, December 09, 2010
Cold. Well, it would appear that the season of bundling up has arrived. For the record, I would just like to say that I have never, not even once, complained about the hot weather. When we’re sweating our heads off in the 100 degree heat of the Arkansas summer, I enjoy every minute of it. I’m a summer kind of guy. I just don’t handle the winter very well. As a matter of fact, on this 26 degree morning I am bundled up in the thermals and layered up like a Taco Bell burrito.
This happens every year, though. We enjoy the warm season, then the hot season, then the cool season, and then it’s just straight up cold. It happens like clockwork. I still don’t think I ever get used to it, though. Nonetheless, here it is.
I wonder how many of us find ourselves with a decreasing temperature on the inside, as well. No, I don’t mean our actual body temp, but rather our spiritual temp. Do we ever find ourselves getting cold to the needs around us? Do we find it easier and easier to turn a cold shoulder to the lost and hurting that God has placed around our little world of influence?
Last night I got to meet with an amazing group of students that God has given us to help grow in Him. And I’ll tell you something that warms my heart every time: I absolutely love watching them interact with each other. I love watching those growing friendships among one another, and getting closer as time goes on. And I love watching them meet new folks. I love watching them grow, especially in their love for people.
You see, the last thing I ever want to be is cold hearted. And the absolute last thing I ever want to just stand idly by and see happen to the people God has entrusted to us in ministry is that they grow cold hearted. One of the traits of a person that’s falling more and more in love with Christ daily is that they’ll love people more and more as well. If we are truly becoming more Christ-like as we grow in Him, we will have to love people more because He loved people.
So today, ask yourself a simple question: are you cold? Do you find it easy to simply walk away from a hurting person? Do you feel anything when you know someone around you is lost? Does your heart break when you see a homeless person that’s alone and hopeless? Can you simply turn a deaf ear to the cries of a dying world around you?
If so, do me, and yourself, a favor today…ask God to begin thawing you out. Ask Him to start lighting you up with the “blow torch” of His Spirit. Ask Him to make your heart melt before Him, beginning right now. So when it’s all said and done, imperfect as we all may be, the last thing anyone can say about us is that we’re cold. I’d much rather be on fire!

That’s just a thought, and I welcome yours.
Until next time,

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Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Be Real.

Wednesday, December 08, 2010
Be Real. Each day as I sit down at my kitchen counter with my Bible, prayer list, and laptop, I begin the day by thanking God for His amazing goodness He’s poured out into my life. And then I pray for each request on my prayer list, asking Him to pour His goodness into each life represented there. And then I ask Him to speak to me, and show me what it is I am to write about in this blog that day. And this morning, I’m simply hearing these 2 words: “Be Real.”
So today, short, sweet, and to the point as it may be, here’s my blog. Be real. Take off the mask today. The world doesn’t need to see how awesome you are. The world doesn’t need to see how capable you are of tackling every single problem that comes your way. The truth is, we can’t handle much of what comes to us in life on our own. We just can’t. So let’s stop trying to convince the world we can. The world doesn’t need to see our attempts to look good. They need to see us be real.
Let’s admit we’re nothing without Him. Let’s admit that just as we proclaim to the world their need of Him, we need Him too. We need Him every moment of every day of every week of every year. Stop pretending for once. Join me in this challenge to put down the masks and stop playing charades. Be real today. And as you live real, my prayer for you is simple: “May the peace of God guard your hearts and minds in Christ Jesus.” Amen.

That’s just a thought, and I welcome yours.
Until next time,

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Tuesday, December 7, 2010

He's God. I'm Not.

Tuesday, December 07, 2010
He’s God. I’m Not. I have to remind myself of this fact fairly often. I’m just like anyone else, really. I like to know what’s next. I like to make decisions for myself most of the time. And when things don’t go as I’d like for them to, I don’t understand why it couldn’t just work out the way I’d planned. It’s in those times that I have to whisper those familiar words to my own heart – He’s God, I’m not. And that’s where the peace comes from.
The truth is He’s promised so many things in His Word, all of which He’ll always keep. One that seems to jump out at me when I’m facing adversity is Romans 8:28, which very simply says, “God works all things together for the good of those who love God, who are the called according to His purpose.” Did you notice the wording there? Go back – read it again. He doesn’t promise all things will be good. No, rather He promises that He will “work all things together for the good of those…” That means He actually has the ability, as God, to steer events in our lives toward our good.
And that’s why He’s God, and I’m not. I can honestly tell you that there are so many things in my life thus far that, had I had the ability at the time, I’d have reversed. There are so many things that I would have changed in the blink of an eye if I could have. And the natural man within me questions, honestly. I’ll tell you the straight truth: I have, at times, wondered why. I don’t remember asking “Why me?” But I have asked “Why?” And do you know what God tends to say, time and time again? Are you ready for this? “….”
That’s right. So many times when my question is “why” the answer is nothing. He’s silent. And it’s in those times that I have to trust the promises He’s already made, like Romans 8:28. Paul wrote that verse, and if you’ll spend a little while reading the latter part of the book of Acts you’ll see that Paul didn’t exactly have an easy life in his service of God. Prison, beatings, stoning, betrayal, threats constantly, being disowned – and that’s just to name a few of the things that became daily events for Paul’s new life in Christ. But there he is – writing those precious words, “God works all things together for the good…”
Sure makes it real, doesn’t it? When I read of some millionaire TV preacher telling me everything will be sunshine and smooth sailing if I serve Christ, that I’ll never have any problems, and that there’ll always be tons of money in my bank account if I’ll just have enough faith…well, honestly, it’s upsetting. That’s not found in His Book. Sometimes it’s hard. Sometimes it’s impossible.
That old adage – “God never puts anything more on you than you can handle” is not true. I’ve found just the opposite – that He actually does allow more to come into your life than you can handle on your own. Because when that’s the case, we are brought to a place of dependence on Him, and that’s the perfect place to be.
So today, let Him have the driver’s seat in life. Let Him lead, guide, and direct in your every day decisions. Let Him be Lord in your job, family, marriage, hobbies, or church. Take a moment right now and admit to Him what you already know – “You are God. I’m not.” Because He is. I’m not. And I’m perfectly okay with that.

That’s just a thought, and I welcome yours.
Until next time,

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Monday, December 6, 2010

Fully Functional.

Monday, December 06, 2010
Fully Functional. Have you ever had a day when you weren’t fully up to “par?” I had one such day yesterday. My favorite day of the week is Sunday. I look forward to Sundays so much. Since God has allowed me the high honor of serving Him in fulltime youth ministry again at the greatest place to ever call home, I have lived each week from Sunday to Sunday. You just never know what God is going to do among us when we meet together. And besides all that, I just can’t wait to see my church family!
And yesterday was no exception. I was looking forward to seeing everyone, and to meeting together with God. I couldn’t wait to see what He had in store for us on yet another awesome Victory Sunday. But my head was killing me. And when my head decides to ache, I’m not at full function by any means.
I’ve had migraines for years, but sort of went into “remission” I guess you could say, for the past several years due to a prescription I was on. I stopped taking that about 10 months ago, and have been doing well since. Until the past few weeks. The headaches have returned, with a vengeance.
To be perfectly honest, the pain isn’t the worst part for me. You see, I love what I do. I love the people God has given me to serve Him alongside. I love seeing students growing in their walk with Christ. I love seeing children come to know Him and fall more in love with Him daily. I LOVE MY JOB! So the worst part of the headaches is the loss of function that I have when the headaches show their face. I’m just not myself, and I don’t like it.
I can feel the difference when I’m not fully functional, even if others can’t notice. I notice. My personality isn’t quite as bubbly. My ability to listen in a conversation isn’t quite as keen. My thoughts are clouded and I can’t form my words quite as well as I’d like to. And I get frustrated. I just don’t like not being fully functional.
And so is the Church today. Paul said that the Church is the “body of Christ.” He goes on to say that a body has members (arms, legs, ears, a nose, mouth, eyes, etc.). If one member isn’t doing its job – isn’t fully functional – the whole body suffers. I honestly believe that’s why Churches across the nation today aren’t exploding with growth as they reach a lost nation with the Gospel. It’s sad but true – they just aren’t fully functional. They’ve got a few members that just aren’t pulling their weight.
So today – what about you? Are you the arm that has decided to go numb to the events around you? Are you the leg that just isn’t carrying your weight? Are you the eyes that choose not to see the hurt and pain in those around you? Or are you the ears that have chosen not to hear the cries for hope and help of a lost world?
Join me in committing ourselves to being the fully functional, totally committed, radically living members of the Body of Christ that He’s called us to be. Give yourself no matter what “breaks, rips, or tears” as the late Bro. Bill Birdsong used to say. No matter who hurts your feelings, who gets on your nerves, who makes you mad, or who stabs you in the back – you’re going to be who He wants you to be no matter what. Then, and only then, will the Church of the Lord Jesus Christ be at its full capacity, and fully functional for His honor and glory again.

That’s just a thought, and I welcome yours.
Until next time,

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Friday, December 3, 2010

Our Great Cloud.

Friday, December 03, 2010
Our Great Cloud. The writer of the book of Hebrews wrote of a “great cloud of witnesses” that is cheering us on as we run the race of the faith. It’s found in Hebrews 12:1 – 2, and I understand that contextually he was speaking of those who have gone before us in the faith. People like Abraham, Moses, Isaac, Joseph, etc make up this “cloud of witnesses” that is spoken of there. But last night, yet again, I was reminded of another cloud that I’m surrounded by.
The greatest passion of my life is the ministry God has called me to. He has used all of the experiences of my life thus far to prepare and train me for where He has me right now, I honestly believe. But I think it’s so important that I always remember 2 things: what He is doing isn’t about me, and I couldn’t do it alone.
We had our quarterly training last night with our children’s ministry staff. As always, it was an awesome time of learning together how to better serve Him for the sake of the kids He’s entrusted to us. Our particular training session last night that I got the privilege of leading was “How to Most Effective Lead a Child to Christ.” My heart’s cry is for everyone that serves Christ in any ministry I oversee to be able and comfortable in sharing Christ with any of the kids/students we work with. We’re actually looking at scheduling a Saturday workshop in January to further train in this area.
I said all this to say, I’m surrounded by an amazing cloud! These folks really do have a deep, deep love, not only of God, but of these kids. Some of these folks have been serving, faithfully, in kids’ ministry for 5 or more years. And week after week they show up, maybe even after a long, tiring day at work, because they care. That’s a huge deal.
So today, very simply, just ask yourself this question: whose cloud am I? Who has God placed in your life that you’re to be a cloud of encouragement or witness to? How faithful are you to be that cloud? Are you a Dead Sea Christian – always taking in, but never allowing God to flow out from you? The end result of such a life is death and stagnation…is that why so many Christians are so grumpy and dry?
I’m not judging, I’m just asking questions…so what about you today? Where is your place to serve? I challenge you to ask God to reveal to you where He wants you to serve Him, faithfully, and then get with it. The greatest joy on earth is to be serving Him where He wants you! Trust me – I have experienced both this joy and the lack thereof! And I wouldn’t go back if you paid me. Are you ready to serve?

That’s just a thought, and I welcome yours.
Until next time,

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Feel free to write blake anytime at

Thursday, December 2, 2010

Our Noise.

Thursday, December 02, 2010
Our Noise. I am a Youth Pastor fulltime at one of the greatest churches in the world. I love my ministry, and it’s my life. I also drive a school bus in Cabot, Arkansas. I have done this for several years, and God continues to give me so many opportunities to share Him on the bus with my students there. It never fails, at least once a day, that someone will try to have a long conversation with me. The only problem is, there are about 60 other students having conversations, which, of course, produces noise.
It’s hard for me to focus when there’s a lot of noise. Maybe I’m an undiagnosed ADHD. Maybe I have a hearing problem. Or maybe it’s just called being a human. It just seems that I have an extremely difficult time hearing what one person is saying to me in the midst of great noise and chaos. Oh, it isn’t that I don’t try. I really try. I focus as hard as I can on what that one person is saying. But as hard as I may attempt to hear them, sometimes it just isn’t possible with everything going on around us.
Our lives are really noisy, aren’t they? We have work, school, family, hobbies, not to mention everything else we deem necessary to our lives. Our day begins with an alarm clock and the noise continues right up until the time we go to sleep at night, or so it seems anyway. Constant noise – constant activity. And I believe the entire time God is whispering, “Here I am…can you hear Me?”
He was a great prophet – a great spokesman for God. He had spoken some fairly unwelcomed things in regards to the king and queen about their moral bankruptcy. This caused a bit of a problem for this man of God, and the queen decided she wanted him dead. So he fled. (Did you notice my unintentional rhyme? I'm a poet and don't know it...okay, enough corniness...let's continue...) He made his way to a cave in the mountains. That’s when God’s voice came to him, “Come to the entry of the cave, I’m about to pass by.”
As he made his way to the mouth of the cave, an earthquake happened. It wasn’t God. Then a great fire happened. It wasn’t God. Then a great wind happened. It wasn’t God, either. And then, almost out of nowhere, came a still small voice – a gentle whisper. After all the noise and commotion, God chose to speak to His man in a soft, “you’ve got to be listening intently to hear Me” kind of voice. And that’s where he heard his comfort, “You are not alone.”
I often wonder how many messages I miss from Him because of the noise. Undoubtedly there are many of us that are living in a desert wasteland, and we need some comfort and strength spoken into our lives. He still does that, ya know…we just have to be listening. He won’t scream. He won’t shake the earth. He won’t silence everything else. He’ll whisper. The, question, then, is very simple: how often to you get away from the noise to hear Him?
So today, here’s a challenge: find a few minutes to quiet the noisy life that you live. Make an appointment with God today, and keep it. Make it all about Him and you. Pour your heart out to Him. And then be still – silent – and listen. Give Him a chance to speak to you through His love letter, the Bible, maybe through a Psalm or Proverb. And then listen. He’ll whisper. And the Voice you hear and the message He brings will no doubt be exactly what you need to hear…”You are not alone…”

That’s just a thought, and I welcome yours.
Until next time,

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Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Our Forever.

Wednesday, December 01, 2010
Our Forever. We see this word used so much today – forever. Best friends use it to describe their friendship. It’s used in toilet paper advertisements. We use it to describe the long drive through line at our favorite fast food place, even. It’s used so much around us, have we begun to forget what it means?
I think one of the reasons so many of us have such a hard time accepted and believing the “forevers” of God’s promise is simple: so many “forevers” in our lives have fallen through. Just think about it: “BFF” doesn’t usually last forever. That toilet paper roll that will last “forever” eventually runs out. The long line for our hamburger will eventually end. Even the institution of marriage in our society rarely lasts “forever,” and if it does that forever is only as long as a lifetime. And so when God says that something He’ll do for us is truly forever, our vision of forever is tainted a bit.
But just consider for a moment a few of His forevers. “I’ll never leave you nor forsake you.” That’s forever. “Lo, I will be with you even to the end of the world.” That’s forever. “No height, nor depth, nor any other created thing shall be able to separate us from the love of God with comes to us through Jesus Christ our Lord.” That’s forever. “God so loved the world that HE gave His only begotten Son that whoever believes in Him should not perish but have everlasting life.” That’s forever. And when God says something is forever, mark it down: He’s never broken a promise in His eternal existence.
But there’s one more “forever” that’s worth noting, I think. “It’s appointed to every man once to die, and after that to face the judgment.” The consequences of the choices we make in life are forever, especially the one choice of what we’ll do with Jesus. God did what had to be done to take care of our huge debt of sin – He sent Jesus to be the sacrifice for us. Our sin is paid for by His blood. Forever.
The question today isn’t “Has God done enough?” The question is, “Have you accepted what He’s already done?” You see, we are all forever beings. We will, beyond any shadow of any doubt, live forever – somewhere. The choice is ours where. The Word says there are two destinations: heaven, for those who accept what Christ did, and hell for those who don’t. This place called hell was never created for us, but rather for the devil and his imps. But we can go there if we reject Jesus’ sacrifice on our behalf.
Human forevers are rarely true. God’s forevers always are. Which do you choose today: forever paradise or forever torment? Please choose the first, by asking Christ to forgive your sin and be your Savior and Lord. He’ll be with you forever. And that’s a promise you can count on. That's a forever that truly never ends.

That’s just a thought, and I welcome yours.
Until next time,

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