Thursday, August 20, 2009

To win the war...

Today's blog thought will probably be brief, because it's basically just a question. A couple of weeks ago, I had a conversation with someone that was seemingly "on fire" for the Lord. After a brief bit of talking, you'd walk away thinking that this person was ready to "charge hell with a bucket of ice water" as Bro. Bill Birdsong used to say. But a statement was made that concerned me. No, I'm not their judge, nor do I want to be because I am very much imperfect myself, I assure you. But the statement troubled me, nonetheless. Okay, you are curious now aren't you? Well, here it is: "I'm ready to beat the S*** out of the devil and really kick his a**!" I don't even like putting that in this blog with the letters "bleeped" out, because it's obvious what's being said there.
Was there a "fire" there? Obviously. Was there some "fervor" there? I think it's clear to see. The issue that troubled me was this: can we really win the war using the enemy's tactics? If we want to live in victory in this spiritual battle on earth called the Christian life, my understanding is that we've got to make the commitment to do it His way.
"Watch the way you talk. Let nothing foul or dirty come out of your mouth. Say only what helps, each word is a gift." (Ephesians 4:29, The Message)
I had this discussion with that person a couple days after that conversation because I was troubled. They understood, we prayed, and moved on. And since that moment I've tried to watch what I say, as well. After all, I'm fighting on the winning side...but I don't want to lose even one soul in the process.

Serving them for Him,

That's just a thought, and I welcome yours.
Feel free to write to blake at .

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Tuesday, August 18, 2009

I Finally Did It!

Good morning all you blog readers out there...I finally did it! After being both guilt-tripped and shamed, I finally went to the gym with my Shauna this morning at 5am, and I loved it. It's now 7:45am, and I am awake and ready for the day ahead, after working out, showering, drinking a cup of coffee with the love of my life, and spending some time with the Lord - I've made it to the office to do some writing. What a day this has already become - with a beautiful sunrise to boot! Let me tell you a few things about this morning's workout that you might find amusing...
First of all, I'm so badly out of shape it's not even funny anymore. Shauna, who has been going to the gym every weekday since the first of the year, got on her machine (I think it's called an elliptical) and went to town. In the amount of time it took me to jog/run/walk/gasp for air for 2 miles, she had gone 3.5. So here it is - an admission: my wife could beat me up if she so tried. And I guess I'm okay with that...she's earned it. Back to my point.
Since being diagnosed as a diabetic a couple of months ago, well meaning people in my life, several of them, have strongly encouraged me to get back into the routine of exercising. The bottom line is - it's good for everyone to exercise, but it's phenomenal for a diabetic to. It's such a good decision both for my health and for my mindset. When I exercise, it's my way of reassuring myself that this disease doesn't control me - I control it. No, I'm not a control freak, but some of you can understand how it feels to wake up every morning knowing that your body doesn't work right and the day before you could end with you feeling about 4" tall because of a blood sugar "malfunction." And exercise is a way for me to be offensive, and stop just playing defense with this condition.
So, tomorrow morning the alarm will go off at 5am, and I will get up, put on the ole' gym shorts that I'd prefer not to ever be seen wearing in public after daylight, and go with my bride to the gym to exercise. But this entire time I can hear the words of Paul echoing in my mind..."Bodily exercise profits little...Godly discipline profits much..." So I've gone a while without exercise, and I'm out of shape, so much to the point that it'll take me a while to be back where I used to be strength and stamina wise. How many of us are that badly out of shape spiritually?
Here's the point: I got out of shape by not exercising. We can allow ourselves to become spiritually weak and shallow if we refuse to spend some "exercise" time with the Lord - talking to Him and letting Him talk back - regularly. Otherwise, our walk with Him won't be a long distance run - it'll be a sprint - one that ends and allows us to give up and quit every time it hurts a little.
I'm tired of sprinting in my life...I'm ready for the marathon! What about you?

If you need help training for that marathon, let's talk.

That's just a thought, and I welcome yours.
Feel free to email blake at anytime with your questions or comments.

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Thursday, August 6, 2009

The truth behind "Vacation"...

So here goes - my last post before leaving on a week long adventure to Florida (exact location will remain undisclosed... :) ). Shauna and I are leaving Saturday morning for a week of absolutely nothing but R&R. It'll be great - and did you know it's also Biblical?
In the book of Genesis we can see the story of how everything that we know began. It took our amazing God just 6 days to create everything that is - just 6 days. A friend of our here at the church is building a deck on his house - and it's taken longer than 6 days to get that done! But God made it all in that amount of time...but the next day, the 7th, is where we get the principle of rest and vacation.
When I was young in the ministry and knew everything (it's amazing that as I grow older I lose that vast, unending knowledge more and more...) I was the guy that said, "I'm never on vacation - I'm a servant of Christ!" I didn't know much, turns out. See, I thought it wasn't "spiritual" to take time off. I thought it was a waste of the little time we have left in this world to reach the lost. I didn't think it was a good practice. And so for years, I didn't. I just didn't take time off. And if I actually did take a vacation time, it was usually because and loving and caring Pastor I served under made me do it. And even then - I usually had a preaching appointment wherever we decided to go on vacation to.
And then I wandered upon this HUGE dose of truth straight from God Himself: am I more "spiritual" than He is? "Of course not" is the obvious answer. So if it's nonspiritual for a servant of God to take some time off for R&R, why did the God that servant is devoted to take time off? That's a simple answer: to set an example for us. Our bodies need rest!
So, after a year of intense ministry both at Lake Hamilton Church and the Lake Hamilton FD, we're leaving for a week and turning off the cell phone & the fire radio. It's all going to be off, and we are going to be on the beach working on a sun tan that will make my missionary friend in Mexico jealous! (Granted, I have, as of now, a "farmer's tan" so that will be probably be baked like a lobster, but I'll enjoy every minute of it!)
So what's the point? Don't run yourself ragged! Don't run until you fall apart! Take the example that God Himself gave us - rest when you need to! At least once a week, take a day off and focus on refueling yourself for the work He's called you to. But, vacation from ministry doesn't mean vacation from Him.
Mark it down - Sunday morning we'll be in a place of worship with fellow believers in Pensacola, FL lifting up the name of Christ. Why? Because I don't desire or require a vacation from my God - it's not a job, it's a relationship.

Until next time,

That's just a thought, and I welcome yours!
Email pastor blake anytime at !

Pastor blake will be on vacation next week, but upon his return stay tuned for our next blog, "Make it your best ever..."!