Friday, December 17, 2010

Faith's Christmas Journey Part 2.

Friday, December 17, 2010
Faith’s Christmas Journey Part 2. I think that my own personal journey to the Manger was more like the young shepherds that came than like that of the Wise Men. Shepherds were regular, every day people. They weren’t the upper echelon of society. They weren’t the high and mighty. They spent their days with the sheep, defending the flock with their very lives should the need arise. This is the life that God has called me to, as well.
You know how it went down, right? They were out in the fields, attending their sheep and doing what they did best. When out of nowhere angels appeared singing “Glory to God in the highest, peace, goodwill to all.” The angels told them of their King that had been born, and informed them that if they would follow the star to the place where He was that they could worship Him there. So they went. And they found. And they worshipped.
I was so blessed to be raised in a home where God was first priority. I’m thankful for my family. But there came a time in my own life when I had to realize that God doesn’t have any grandkids. No one has a personal relationship with Christ just because their parents did and therefore they inherited it. We all have to come to the place of making our own decision to follow Him.
It was October 31st, and our youth group had gone to the Hereafter House in Benton that night on the church bus. I knew what I needed to do. God had sent His angels, in the form of the many volunteers that took part in that drama that night, to point me to where Jesus was. And they told me of a Star that I could follow to find Him. That Star was the Holy Spirit, and He was already pointing the way to Jesus.
I don’t know why I waited, but nonetheless I did. I waited until I got home. I guess you could call that my “journey to the manger” of sorts. But when I got home, I got in the shower. It was there that I fell on my face before my Christ, admitted my sin to Him, and asked Him to forgive my sin and be my Savior and Lord. And He said yes. He always will.
My reaction was much like I imagine the shepherds reacted after seeing Jesus that night. I wanted everyone to know. I didn’t want to be a “secret Christian.” I wanted to be baptized to tell the world Who I belonged to now. I wanted to tell my friends. I wanted to tell my family. I wanted everyone to come see this Jesus Who had saved me from my sin!
The shepherds found a baby wrapped in swaddling clothes. I found a Savior wrapped in love and grace. They would go on to never forget the night that Christ was born. I’ll never forget the night He was born in my heart, and my heart was reborn in Him. And that, my friends, is my Faith’s Christmas Journey. Have you made yours yet?

That’s just a thought, and I welcome yours.
Until next time,

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Thursday, December 16, 2010

Faith's Christmas Journey Part 1.

Thursday, December 16, 2010
Faith’s Christmas Journey Part 1. They traveled from many miles away to see Him. These “wise men,” these men who had status and great dignity, came a very long way to witness for themselves the Christ child. They knew the prophecies that He was coming. They knew what the age old traditions said. But that wasn’t good enough for them – they had to see Him for themselves.
When they came they brought 3 gifts that we are told about in Scripture. You know the story well enough to know that those gifts were gold, frankincense, and myrrh. They brought gifts because they were coming to visit One who deserved gifts. They were coming to see one that had made a journey from heaven to earth – a far greater distance than they had travelled to see Him. And these gifts they brought had a much deeper significance than many knew.
Gold was a reminder that He was royalty. Not only was He born a king, but rather He was born the King of kings. The very Son of God Himself came in human form to be one of us so He could be our redeemer King. He was royalty, and they were admitting that by bringing gold. Have you brought your gold to Him yet? Have you admitted to Him that He is the king of your life? Maybe today is a good time to start.
Frankincense was a reminder that He was sinless and holy. This incense was used in Temple worship to signify the holiness of a perfect God. And these wise men knew who Jesus was – He was the sinless Son of Jehovah, who would remain sinless throughout His life for our sake. Have you brought your frankincense to Him yet? Have you admitted to Him that you accept His sinlessness, holiness, and perfection? Maybe you could do that right now.
Myrrh was a reminder that He was born to die. This was an element commonly used to prepare bodies for burial. Strange that they should bring this as a gift for a newborn child. But they are reminding us by bringing this gift, that this Child was born for one purpose: to be a sacrificial lamb, our Redeemer, and pay for the sin of all mankind, past, present and future. Have you brought your gift of myrrh yet? Have you admitted that you are a sinner to Him, and asked Him to forgive that sin by what He did on the cross so long ago? He died for you, will you accept that gift today?
You may know the Christmas Story. You may know all the background of what happened in Bethlehem. But have you seen Him yourself? It’s not enough just to know about Him. You’ve got to know Him personally. That’s the story of the wise men’s journey to meet Him and give of themselves to Him. Tomorrow – part 2 – My Faith’s Christmas Journey…

That’s just a thought, and I welcome yours.
Until next time,

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Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Hope's Foundation.

Tuesday, December 14, 2010
Hope’s Foundation. “My hope is built on nothing less that Jesus’ blood and righteousness. I dare not trust the sweetest frame, but wholly lean on Jesus’ name. On Christ the solid Rock I stand, all other ground is sinking sand; all other ground is sinking sand.”
Every good, sturdy building must have a solid foundation. Cabot High School is building a massive basketball arena right now. It will hold thousands, and will be an impressive structure once finished. But the first thing they had to do in the building process was prep the foundation. Otherwise, once they constructed the huge building, one little wind could take it all down. They couldn’t go back and prep the foundation after construction, either. That part has to be done first in order for everything else to fall into place.
And so it is with our lives. Jesus said it’s like 2 men who decided to build a house. One chose to build his house upon the sand. When the rain and wind came, the house collapsed. The other chose to build his house upon the rock. The rain and wind came just the same to his house, but it stood firm. It stood firm all because of the difference in foundation.
We choose to build on sand when our lives are all about us. Many have been the follower of Christ that have said, “I’m just trying to be happy, that’s all. After all, that’s what matters most – my happiness.” That’s a sand foundation. And the strange thing about a sand foundation is that it might seem solid for a while, but with time it will erode and fall apart. Just watch – it’s inevitable.
But the Rock is our foundation when we make the choice to live for His renown and glory. When our life isn’t about us or our own personal will, but rather Him and His leading and guiding in our lives – that’s a Rock foundation. And when we make the Rock our foundation, we have a hope that is steadfast and sure.
So today – what is your house built on? Are you living a life that won’t stand up against the storms that are sure to come? Are you building on the sand of yourself? Or is there a Rock underneath your feet? Start today strong – give it to Him. Ask Him to be the builder of your life, and ask Him to do it upon Himself. “On Christ the solid Rock I stand, all other ground is sinking sand; all other ground is sinking sand.”

That’s just a thought, and I welcome yours.
Until next time,

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Monday, December 13, 2010

100th Blog: World Changers.

Monday, December 13, 2010
100th BLOG: World Changers. Last night I closed my eyes for sleep just after praying these words to the Lord, “Use me – I want to change the world.” This morning as soon as my eyes opened from an incredible night’s sleep, the first words out of my mouth were to Him, “Use me – I want to change the world.” Some would read that and think I’m idealistic. Some would think I’m being unrealistic. Some would even say that I’m day dreaming. But I really do want to be a world changer.
But I’m not satisfied with just being a world changer myself – I’m challenging the students that God has entrusted to my watch-care to be world changers, too. That’s why we call our student ministry a Movement. It is a movement of God within each of us, that will in turn bring a movement of God to our campuses and our city. We’re going to be world changers. And it begins with one heart.
That lady that is checking you out at Wal-Mart today may have just had the most horrible day of her life. She may have been yelled at by her husband, and then reprimanded by her manager. She may have just gotten a shut off notice from the electric company, or an eviction notice from her landlord. We probably have no idea what struggles that young girl is facing when she clocks out from work today. Our smile – our kind word – our reminder to her that God loves her – that could change her world.
That homeless and hungry man on the street that you pass on your way to work needs a world changer. Maybe he hasn’t eaten a good solid meal in a very long time. He sleeps in the frigid temperatures of winter with nothing but a mere blanket and cardboard shelter. He begs for money just to survive. Some would look at him as a nuisance and dismiss him as an inconvenience to their busy day. But your donation of a meal or coat, or assistance in finding a job, or a kind word about the love of God could change his world. Forever.
That student is about to walk onto a campus this morning that is full of hundreds and hundreds of other students. They’ll face being mocked today. They’ll be made fun of for the clothes they wear. They’ll be laughed at because they’re different. And they may be thinking that it will never get better until they are gone. Our kind word – our acceptance of them unconditionally – our God’s love being poured out to them through us – that might change their world in a forever way.
Can’t you see? You can change the world! We can be world changers! The catch is – the world WILL change – but it will change one life at a time. Today you can be a part of a broad movement of God to bring His gospel to a lost and dying world. You can be a part of a movement of God to change the world, and not just temporarily, but for eternity! You can be a world changer for someone. So will you, today, commit yourself to changing the world by investing yourself and all that you are into the life of someone – anyone – today? Will you join us in changing the world? "Use me - I want to change the world."

That’s just a thought, and I welcome yours.
Until next time,

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Friday, December 10, 2010

Pinky Promise?

Friday, December 10, 2010
Pinky Promise? Do you remember when we were kids and something was really serious, and required serious commitment, and we would pull up the pinkies? Remember looking someone straight in the eye and saying, “Do you pinky promise?” There's so much innocence and purity in the hearts and eyes of children. Though we were young, we understood, to a pretty sharp degree, what commitment was.
Somewhere along the journey to adulthood so many lose that. We forget the seriousness of commitment at some point as we grow, or so it seems. I remember witnessing someone break a pinky promise. You would have thought the world was coming to an end. I remember hearing someone, on the playground of Vilonia Elementary School, say to this person, “What…a promise doesn’t mean anything?” It’s amazing how some memories never leave you. That one was so poignant I hope it never does.
When you give someone your word, you should keep it, no matter how hard it is to do so. The old saying goes that “a man is only as good as his word.” I suppose this is true. Being a promise keeper in all degrees is an integrity issue. It’s an issue of who you are deep down where it counts the most. We are all imperfect humans, scarred and marred by sin and its effects since birth. But honesty – integrity – commitment keeping – those are all crucial values to the lives of all of us in society.
Kids get it. They understand the value of honor and honesty. And as much as we adults may mess it up, we understand the importance too. Just think about it: how do you feel when someone commits something to you, a promise, and they break it? You may try to put up a rough exterior and act as if it doesn’t hurt, but the truth is that deep down inside it does. When someone promises you something, you expect it to be kept. It’s the nature of a promise.
However there is One that will never break a promise made to us. Breaking promises just isn’t something He can do – it’s not in His character. So when He says, “I’ll never leave you nor forsake you,” or “My grace is sufficient for every trial,” you can place full faith in that. He’s never gone back on a promise, and He never will. He is trustworthy, and He is faithful.
So today, who are you placing the most trust and faith in? Are they human institutions like the stock market, banks, your job, friends, or even church? Or is your life entrusted to the One that will never let you down, ever? If not, begin right now by admitting your sin to Him and asking Him to forgive it and become your Savior and Lord. That’s trusting Him with your life and eternity, 2 things He’s more than capable of taking care of. And that’s a pinky promise.

That’s just a thought, and I welcome yours.
Until next time,

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Thursday, December 9, 2010


Thursday, December 09, 2010
Cold. Well, it would appear that the season of bundling up has arrived. For the record, I would just like to say that I have never, not even once, complained about the hot weather. When we’re sweating our heads off in the 100 degree heat of the Arkansas summer, I enjoy every minute of it. I’m a summer kind of guy. I just don’t handle the winter very well. As a matter of fact, on this 26 degree morning I am bundled up in the thermals and layered up like a Taco Bell burrito.
This happens every year, though. We enjoy the warm season, then the hot season, then the cool season, and then it’s just straight up cold. It happens like clockwork. I still don’t think I ever get used to it, though. Nonetheless, here it is.
I wonder how many of us find ourselves with a decreasing temperature on the inside, as well. No, I don’t mean our actual body temp, but rather our spiritual temp. Do we ever find ourselves getting cold to the needs around us? Do we find it easier and easier to turn a cold shoulder to the lost and hurting that God has placed around our little world of influence?
Last night I got to meet with an amazing group of students that God has given us to help grow in Him. And I’ll tell you something that warms my heart every time: I absolutely love watching them interact with each other. I love watching those growing friendships among one another, and getting closer as time goes on. And I love watching them meet new folks. I love watching them grow, especially in their love for people.
You see, the last thing I ever want to be is cold hearted. And the absolute last thing I ever want to just stand idly by and see happen to the people God has entrusted to us in ministry is that they grow cold hearted. One of the traits of a person that’s falling more and more in love with Christ daily is that they’ll love people more and more as well. If we are truly becoming more Christ-like as we grow in Him, we will have to love people more because He loved people.
So today, ask yourself a simple question: are you cold? Do you find it easy to simply walk away from a hurting person? Do you feel anything when you know someone around you is lost? Does your heart break when you see a homeless person that’s alone and hopeless? Can you simply turn a deaf ear to the cries of a dying world around you?
If so, do me, and yourself, a favor today…ask God to begin thawing you out. Ask Him to start lighting you up with the “blow torch” of His Spirit. Ask Him to make your heart melt before Him, beginning right now. So when it’s all said and done, imperfect as we all may be, the last thing anyone can say about us is that we’re cold. I’d much rather be on fire!

That’s just a thought, and I welcome yours.
Until next time,

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Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Be Real.

Wednesday, December 08, 2010
Be Real. Each day as I sit down at my kitchen counter with my Bible, prayer list, and laptop, I begin the day by thanking God for His amazing goodness He’s poured out into my life. And then I pray for each request on my prayer list, asking Him to pour His goodness into each life represented there. And then I ask Him to speak to me, and show me what it is I am to write about in this blog that day. And this morning, I’m simply hearing these 2 words: “Be Real.”
So today, short, sweet, and to the point as it may be, here’s my blog. Be real. Take off the mask today. The world doesn’t need to see how awesome you are. The world doesn’t need to see how capable you are of tackling every single problem that comes your way. The truth is, we can’t handle much of what comes to us in life on our own. We just can’t. So let’s stop trying to convince the world we can. The world doesn’t need to see our attempts to look good. They need to see us be real.
Let’s admit we’re nothing without Him. Let’s admit that just as we proclaim to the world their need of Him, we need Him too. We need Him every moment of every day of every week of every year. Stop pretending for once. Join me in this challenge to put down the masks and stop playing charades. Be real today. And as you live real, my prayer for you is simple: “May the peace of God guard your hearts and minds in Christ Jesus.” Amen.

That’s just a thought, and I welcome yours.
Until next time,

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Tuesday, December 7, 2010

He's God. I'm Not.

Tuesday, December 07, 2010
He’s God. I’m Not. I have to remind myself of this fact fairly often. I’m just like anyone else, really. I like to know what’s next. I like to make decisions for myself most of the time. And when things don’t go as I’d like for them to, I don’t understand why it couldn’t just work out the way I’d planned. It’s in those times that I have to whisper those familiar words to my own heart – He’s God, I’m not. And that’s where the peace comes from.
The truth is He’s promised so many things in His Word, all of which He’ll always keep. One that seems to jump out at me when I’m facing adversity is Romans 8:28, which very simply says, “God works all things together for the good of those who love God, who are the called according to His purpose.” Did you notice the wording there? Go back – read it again. He doesn’t promise all things will be good. No, rather He promises that He will “work all things together for the good of those…” That means He actually has the ability, as God, to steer events in our lives toward our good.
And that’s why He’s God, and I’m not. I can honestly tell you that there are so many things in my life thus far that, had I had the ability at the time, I’d have reversed. There are so many things that I would have changed in the blink of an eye if I could have. And the natural man within me questions, honestly. I’ll tell you the straight truth: I have, at times, wondered why. I don’t remember asking “Why me?” But I have asked “Why?” And do you know what God tends to say, time and time again? Are you ready for this? “….”
That’s right. So many times when my question is “why” the answer is nothing. He’s silent. And it’s in those times that I have to trust the promises He’s already made, like Romans 8:28. Paul wrote that verse, and if you’ll spend a little while reading the latter part of the book of Acts you’ll see that Paul didn’t exactly have an easy life in his service of God. Prison, beatings, stoning, betrayal, threats constantly, being disowned – and that’s just to name a few of the things that became daily events for Paul’s new life in Christ. But there he is – writing those precious words, “God works all things together for the good…”
Sure makes it real, doesn’t it? When I read of some millionaire TV preacher telling me everything will be sunshine and smooth sailing if I serve Christ, that I’ll never have any problems, and that there’ll always be tons of money in my bank account if I’ll just have enough faith…well, honestly, it’s upsetting. That’s not found in His Book. Sometimes it’s hard. Sometimes it’s impossible.
That old adage – “God never puts anything more on you than you can handle” is not true. I’ve found just the opposite – that He actually does allow more to come into your life than you can handle on your own. Because when that’s the case, we are brought to a place of dependence on Him, and that’s the perfect place to be.
So today, let Him have the driver’s seat in life. Let Him lead, guide, and direct in your every day decisions. Let Him be Lord in your job, family, marriage, hobbies, or church. Take a moment right now and admit to Him what you already know – “You are God. I’m not.” Because He is. I’m not. And I’m perfectly okay with that.

That’s just a thought, and I welcome yours.
Until next time,

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Monday, December 6, 2010

Fully Functional.

Monday, December 06, 2010
Fully Functional. Have you ever had a day when you weren’t fully up to “par?” I had one such day yesterday. My favorite day of the week is Sunday. I look forward to Sundays so much. Since God has allowed me the high honor of serving Him in fulltime youth ministry again at the greatest place to ever call home, I have lived each week from Sunday to Sunday. You just never know what God is going to do among us when we meet together. And besides all that, I just can’t wait to see my church family!
And yesterday was no exception. I was looking forward to seeing everyone, and to meeting together with God. I couldn’t wait to see what He had in store for us on yet another awesome Victory Sunday. But my head was killing me. And when my head decides to ache, I’m not at full function by any means.
I’ve had migraines for years, but sort of went into “remission” I guess you could say, for the past several years due to a prescription I was on. I stopped taking that about 10 months ago, and have been doing well since. Until the past few weeks. The headaches have returned, with a vengeance.
To be perfectly honest, the pain isn’t the worst part for me. You see, I love what I do. I love the people God has given me to serve Him alongside. I love seeing students growing in their walk with Christ. I love seeing children come to know Him and fall more in love with Him daily. I LOVE MY JOB! So the worst part of the headaches is the loss of function that I have when the headaches show their face. I’m just not myself, and I don’t like it.
I can feel the difference when I’m not fully functional, even if others can’t notice. I notice. My personality isn’t quite as bubbly. My ability to listen in a conversation isn’t quite as keen. My thoughts are clouded and I can’t form my words quite as well as I’d like to. And I get frustrated. I just don’t like not being fully functional.
And so is the Church today. Paul said that the Church is the “body of Christ.” He goes on to say that a body has members (arms, legs, ears, a nose, mouth, eyes, etc.). If one member isn’t doing its job – isn’t fully functional – the whole body suffers. I honestly believe that’s why Churches across the nation today aren’t exploding with growth as they reach a lost nation with the Gospel. It’s sad but true – they just aren’t fully functional. They’ve got a few members that just aren’t pulling their weight.
So today – what about you? Are you the arm that has decided to go numb to the events around you? Are you the leg that just isn’t carrying your weight? Are you the eyes that choose not to see the hurt and pain in those around you? Or are you the ears that have chosen not to hear the cries for hope and help of a lost world?
Join me in committing ourselves to being the fully functional, totally committed, radically living members of the Body of Christ that He’s called us to be. Give yourself no matter what “breaks, rips, or tears” as the late Bro. Bill Birdsong used to say. No matter who hurts your feelings, who gets on your nerves, who makes you mad, or who stabs you in the back – you’re going to be who He wants you to be no matter what. Then, and only then, will the Church of the Lord Jesus Christ be at its full capacity, and fully functional for His honor and glory again.

That’s just a thought, and I welcome yours.
Until next time,

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Friday, December 3, 2010

Our Great Cloud.

Friday, December 03, 2010
Our Great Cloud. The writer of the book of Hebrews wrote of a “great cloud of witnesses” that is cheering us on as we run the race of the faith. It’s found in Hebrews 12:1 – 2, and I understand that contextually he was speaking of those who have gone before us in the faith. People like Abraham, Moses, Isaac, Joseph, etc make up this “cloud of witnesses” that is spoken of there. But last night, yet again, I was reminded of another cloud that I’m surrounded by.
The greatest passion of my life is the ministry God has called me to. He has used all of the experiences of my life thus far to prepare and train me for where He has me right now, I honestly believe. But I think it’s so important that I always remember 2 things: what He is doing isn’t about me, and I couldn’t do it alone.
We had our quarterly training last night with our children’s ministry staff. As always, it was an awesome time of learning together how to better serve Him for the sake of the kids He’s entrusted to us. Our particular training session last night that I got the privilege of leading was “How to Most Effective Lead a Child to Christ.” My heart’s cry is for everyone that serves Christ in any ministry I oversee to be able and comfortable in sharing Christ with any of the kids/students we work with. We’re actually looking at scheduling a Saturday workshop in January to further train in this area.
I said all this to say, I’m surrounded by an amazing cloud! These folks really do have a deep, deep love, not only of God, but of these kids. Some of these folks have been serving, faithfully, in kids’ ministry for 5 or more years. And week after week they show up, maybe even after a long, tiring day at work, because they care. That’s a huge deal.
So today, very simply, just ask yourself this question: whose cloud am I? Who has God placed in your life that you’re to be a cloud of encouragement or witness to? How faithful are you to be that cloud? Are you a Dead Sea Christian – always taking in, but never allowing God to flow out from you? The end result of such a life is death and stagnation…is that why so many Christians are so grumpy and dry?
I’m not judging, I’m just asking questions…so what about you today? Where is your place to serve? I challenge you to ask God to reveal to you where He wants you to serve Him, faithfully, and then get with it. The greatest joy on earth is to be serving Him where He wants you! Trust me – I have experienced both this joy and the lack thereof! And I wouldn’t go back if you paid me. Are you ready to serve?

That’s just a thought, and I welcome yours.
Until next time,

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Feel free to write blake anytime at

Thursday, December 2, 2010

Our Noise.

Thursday, December 02, 2010
Our Noise. I am a Youth Pastor fulltime at one of the greatest churches in the world. I love my ministry, and it’s my life. I also drive a school bus in Cabot, Arkansas. I have done this for several years, and God continues to give me so many opportunities to share Him on the bus with my students there. It never fails, at least once a day, that someone will try to have a long conversation with me. The only problem is, there are about 60 other students having conversations, which, of course, produces noise.
It’s hard for me to focus when there’s a lot of noise. Maybe I’m an undiagnosed ADHD. Maybe I have a hearing problem. Or maybe it’s just called being a human. It just seems that I have an extremely difficult time hearing what one person is saying to me in the midst of great noise and chaos. Oh, it isn’t that I don’t try. I really try. I focus as hard as I can on what that one person is saying. But as hard as I may attempt to hear them, sometimes it just isn’t possible with everything going on around us.
Our lives are really noisy, aren’t they? We have work, school, family, hobbies, not to mention everything else we deem necessary to our lives. Our day begins with an alarm clock and the noise continues right up until the time we go to sleep at night, or so it seems anyway. Constant noise – constant activity. And I believe the entire time God is whispering, “Here I am…can you hear Me?”
He was a great prophet – a great spokesman for God. He had spoken some fairly unwelcomed things in regards to the king and queen about their moral bankruptcy. This caused a bit of a problem for this man of God, and the queen decided she wanted him dead. So he fled. (Did you notice my unintentional rhyme? I'm a poet and don't know it...okay, enough corniness...let's continue...) He made his way to a cave in the mountains. That’s when God’s voice came to him, “Come to the entry of the cave, I’m about to pass by.”
As he made his way to the mouth of the cave, an earthquake happened. It wasn’t God. Then a great fire happened. It wasn’t God. Then a great wind happened. It wasn’t God, either. And then, almost out of nowhere, came a still small voice – a gentle whisper. After all the noise and commotion, God chose to speak to His man in a soft, “you’ve got to be listening intently to hear Me” kind of voice. And that’s where he heard his comfort, “You are not alone.”
I often wonder how many messages I miss from Him because of the noise. Undoubtedly there are many of us that are living in a desert wasteland, and we need some comfort and strength spoken into our lives. He still does that, ya know…we just have to be listening. He won’t scream. He won’t shake the earth. He won’t silence everything else. He’ll whisper. The, question, then, is very simple: how often to you get away from the noise to hear Him?
So today, here’s a challenge: find a few minutes to quiet the noisy life that you live. Make an appointment with God today, and keep it. Make it all about Him and you. Pour your heart out to Him. And then be still – silent – and listen. Give Him a chance to speak to you through His love letter, the Bible, maybe through a Psalm or Proverb. And then listen. He’ll whisper. And the Voice you hear and the message He brings will no doubt be exactly what you need to hear…”You are not alone…”

That’s just a thought, and I welcome yours.
Until next time,

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Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Our Forever.

Wednesday, December 01, 2010
Our Forever. We see this word used so much today – forever. Best friends use it to describe their friendship. It’s used in toilet paper advertisements. We use it to describe the long drive through line at our favorite fast food place, even. It’s used so much around us, have we begun to forget what it means?
I think one of the reasons so many of us have such a hard time accepted and believing the “forevers” of God’s promise is simple: so many “forevers” in our lives have fallen through. Just think about it: “BFF” doesn’t usually last forever. That toilet paper roll that will last “forever” eventually runs out. The long line for our hamburger will eventually end. Even the institution of marriage in our society rarely lasts “forever,” and if it does that forever is only as long as a lifetime. And so when God says that something He’ll do for us is truly forever, our vision of forever is tainted a bit.
But just consider for a moment a few of His forevers. “I’ll never leave you nor forsake you.” That’s forever. “Lo, I will be with you even to the end of the world.” That’s forever. “No height, nor depth, nor any other created thing shall be able to separate us from the love of God with comes to us through Jesus Christ our Lord.” That’s forever. “God so loved the world that HE gave His only begotten Son that whoever believes in Him should not perish but have everlasting life.” That’s forever. And when God says something is forever, mark it down: He’s never broken a promise in His eternal existence.
But there’s one more “forever” that’s worth noting, I think. “It’s appointed to every man once to die, and after that to face the judgment.” The consequences of the choices we make in life are forever, especially the one choice of what we’ll do with Jesus. God did what had to be done to take care of our huge debt of sin – He sent Jesus to be the sacrifice for us. Our sin is paid for by His blood. Forever.
The question today isn’t “Has God done enough?” The question is, “Have you accepted what He’s already done?” You see, we are all forever beings. We will, beyond any shadow of any doubt, live forever – somewhere. The choice is ours where. The Word says there are two destinations: heaven, for those who accept what Christ did, and hell for those who don’t. This place called hell was never created for us, but rather for the devil and his imps. But we can go there if we reject Jesus’ sacrifice on our behalf.
Human forevers are rarely true. God’s forevers always are. Which do you choose today: forever paradise or forever torment? Please choose the first, by asking Christ to forgive your sin and be your Savior and Lord. He’ll be with you forever. And that’s a promise you can count on. That's a forever that truly never ends.

That’s just a thought, and I welcome yours.
Until next time,

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Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Our Life Commercial.

Tuesday, November 30, 2010
Our Life Commercial. There I was. The time was about 1am and I couldn’t sleep. I had turned on the TV hoping to find something that would cause me to doze off. And then it came on – that commercial. That Big Mac was mouth watering. And even though I knew it was 1am, I had to have one. Call it a Big Mac Attack, or call it the power of advertizing, I was up putting on my shoes and heading all the way across the town of Hot Springs for the 24/7 McDonald’s before the 30 second commercial was even finished. Oh, the mighty power of suggestion!
And so is our life, as believers. We are walking billboards for Christ everywhere we go. Didn’t you know that? People are watching you daily to see what this God you serve is all about. To be honest, that concept sort of scares me a little. It’s scary because I know, for a fact, that much of my life is not a very good representation of Him. And so often it’s not necessarily what we DO that’s a bad advertisement – it’s usually what we DON’T do.
When we see that person at school that’s been cut down by somebody’s cruel, heartless words and we just walk on by – we’ve missed it. When we stop at the red light and the homeless veteran is sitting there with a sign that simply says, “Hungry, Please help,” and we simply look away – we’ve missed it. When our co-workers continually talk about their hopelessness and loneliness and we know the real answer for them is found in knowing Christ, yet we never muster up the courage to say so – we’ve missed it. When a friend is walking down the path of terrible choices and we just let them walk without sharing the message of the Gospel’s saving power – we’ve missed it.
You see, it’s often what we fail to do that tells the world the most about Who is it we serve. When we see hurting people and choose not to offer compassion, we are advertising that our God doesn’t have time for them. When we encounter the lost and hurting that are without Christ and choose not to offer them the hope of knowing Christ, we are advertising that God doesn’t want people like that. When we know the truth of reaping and sowing but simply stand idly by and allow those we love to destroy their lives with sin, we’re advertising that grace isn’t strong enough for their sin. All those statements aren't true, but it's what our life is screaming nonetheless.
We’re walking billboards – commercials – for who God is. And the power of suggestion is strong. God has given us the ability to show the world Him in our lives. He’s called us to be Him to them in every possible way. He’s called us to show them how fulfilling He is, how deep joy can be, how vast forgiveness can be, and how wide His arms of love are.
That night I had a Big Mac Attack that motivated me to drive all the way across town for a burger. The world needs a Big J (Jesus) attack that will motivate them to give their hearts to Him. And by the power of the Holy Spirit, along with a change being seen in us – God’s going to do great things…if we’ll only allow Him the lordship of our commercial.

That’s just a thought, and I welcome yours.
Until next time,

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Monday, November 29, 2010

Our Biography.

Monday, November 29, 2010
Our Biography. Do you have any regrets? Sure you do, we all do. They often say that hindsight is always 20/20. I suppose that’s true. And there have been times in my life that had someone come along and offered me a time machine to go back and undo, or redo decisions I would have jumped at the chance. But I believe I’ve changed my way of thinking a bit in recent days.
I was in kindergarten. We were on the playground, and we were lining up to go inside after recess. There were about 4 other boys standing around with me, all holding rocks. Some of them were throwing them up and catching them. Some of them were preparing to throw them at someone else. One boy was even eating them. Yet there I stood, simply holding a rock. Yet the teacher chose to grab me, take me to the office, call my mother, and paddle me. Did I think it was a great injustice? Of course. Would I have gone back and never have picked up the rock had I known it would lead to this? Of course. Did I learn that there are consequences in life, and the decisions you make bring them regardless of what everyone else around you is doing? Yes.
There are tons of other life lessons and stories that could be shared, but I'll skip ahead for the sake of time...A fast forwarded few years down the road and I’m grown. At this particular page in question I’m sitting in a deep, dark, hard valley. I feel alone. I feel abandoned. I feel ashamed. Had someone come to me and offered me that time machine again, at that particular time I would have jumped on it. I would have gone back in time and never begun that particular relationship. I would have come to that crossroads of decision and steered my wheel in a different direction entirely. Had I known how it would end, it never would have begun. But I would have never been blessed by so many of the bi-products of that chapter, either. The faithfulness of God would have never been quite so real to me, had I not had to trust Him in blind faith as I did in that chapter's ending.
You see, we are all witnessing our biography being written every day. Every experience, whether we label it good or bad, is just another page in another chapter. And whether we want to admit it or not, we are the people that we are today, ultimately, because of the chapters that have already been written.
There are many around us that want theirs to be an auto-biography. They want to do the writing. They want to be in the driver’s seat. They want to be the “masters of their own fate.” Not me. You see, the Author of my biography already knows how it ends. He’s writing everything, daily, with the end in mind. This life of mine is a work of literature for the ages. He already knows the plot, and He’s steering each chapter in the direction of that happy ending He knows awaits me.
So today, remember: you’re living your biography. Someone will read the finished product some day, just as there are curious bystanders watching the work in progress now. Will the pages of your chapters point them to the Author, or just back to yourself? Do you long to be the star of the show, or do you truly want the world to see Him in you? Would you join me today in whole-heartedly giving the pen of this book of life to the Author – and allowing Him free reign in writing this story just as He sees fit?

That’s just a thought, and I welcome yours.
Until next time,

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Feel free to write blake anytime at

Friday, November 19, 2010


Friday, November 19, 2010
Lead. Last night I got to see something that made my heart swell. We took our student ministry to a church to lead the service during their revival. This church is struggling, and has gotten down to their last 2 members, a husband and wife. This revival is a “fleece” of sorts. They’ve laid it out, and asked God to do a work this week during revival if He wants this church to continue. If not, when the service is over this coming Sunday night they’ll lock the doors and the building will sit empty. That’s heartbreaking, isn’t it?
Nonetheless, I saw some amazing students in action last night. To say that I’m proud of what God is doing in the lives of these teenagers would be a tremendous understatement. There just aren’t words to describe what I feel when I see them leading a group of people in worship. We’ve got a couple of guys that are just about as talented musically as anyone you’ll ever meet, and they did a fantastic job. And the rest of the students sang, with all their heart, to the God they are learning to love more every day. And this youth pastor was beaming.
They were able to lead. They’re ability to do so had come from a time of preparation before the actual service last night. They were prepared to lead. And so is the case with anyone that leads in any capacity in life. There must be a time of preparation, a training ground, before an effective leader can step out from the crowd and lead people anywhere or to anything. God wants us in the battle – He wants us to step up as believers and lead a lost, dying world to Him. But we must spend time on the training ground.
Have you ever been behind someone while driving that just wasn’t exactly fit for the job of leading? They don’t know where they’re going, and you even begin to doubt if you’ll ever make it anywhere at all if you continue to follow them. Speed up, slow down. Speed up, slow down. Blinker comes on, and then suddenly goes off, without a turn being made. It’s sort of frustrating, actually. There have been times my sin nature has wanted to shout, “Either lead or get out of the way!” (I don’t, of course. Because that, after all, wouldn’t be the right thing to do…so I don’t… That’s my story and I’m sticking to it…)
Today, the world is hurting. They’re in the dark. They are hopeless, and without Christ they are headed for destruction that will last for an eternity. That’s a scary reality, but very much true. How often do they look to us and see us speeding up, and slowing down? They see the blinker come on, and then suddenly go off. They are looking for direction. They want to know how to get to God and away from the sin that has them trapped. And so many times when they look at us they see confusion and misdirection.
So today, let’s give ourselves a challenge shall we? Lead – or get out of the way. Let’s show them how to get to the One that changed us. Let’s use the time we’re in right now as a training ground, allowing God to speak to us through His Word and strengthen our faith and dependence on Him. And when we have the opportunity, the privilege, the honor – let’s lead. After all, if we know Christ, we know where we’re going. So on into the dark we go – leading others to the Light. I want my Savior to be beaming – beaming all the way into the darkness of the darkest hearts on earth. Let’s lead.

That’s just a thought, and I welcome yours.
Until next time,

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Feel free to write blake anytime at

Thursday, November 18, 2010

Forget Not.

Thursday, November 18, 2010
Forget Not. I had a conversation last night at our church’s annual Thanksgiving Meal with some friends of mine. We were discussing Thanksgiving Day and Christmas Day. We came to the agreement that it almost seems like Thanksgiving gets lost in the shuffle. Sure, most people still get together with family and eat. But when they do, how many times are there already Christmas decorations up, and Christmas music playing? Some even already have gifts under the tree…though I will not mention any names (Susan Martin)…ha.
Oh, don’t get me wrong, I see nothing wrong with that at all. Christmas is exciting, and it’s a holiday that most of us greatly look forward to. It is, after all, the celebration of the birth of our Savior into this world. That's certainly worth celebrating year around! Over the years my motivation for looking forward to it has changed drastically, I must admit. When I was a child, I remember looking forward to that JCPenney Christmas catalog coming in so I could pick out the toys I was so longing to open on Christmas. And the closer we got to the big day, the more anticipation I felt about seeing whether or not they were under the tree. Now I feel the same level of excitement, but not for gifts. I can’t wait to see family, and spend that quality time with them. But before Christmas there’s another very important holiday.
God was at the center of the foundation of this amazing nation called the United States of America. If you’ll take the time to read some of the historical writings of our founding fathers, you’ll see just how His hand was so instrumental in shaping all that brought about settlement of this land. And on that first “Thanksgiving Day”, the early settlers of this country sat down to eat with the true ancestors of this land, the Native Americans. They were celebrating thankfulness to God for His provision, protection, providential leadership, and plan for the future. And so we come to today.
Exactly a week from today, most of us will gather around with family we may only see a few times a year. We’ll laugh, hug, eat, and just enjoy the company of so many loved ones. Undoubtedly there are many that will face a dinner table that’s missing someone for the first time this season, and their hearts will be heavier than normal. Nonetheless, we have so much to be grateful for on this day. So why not choose to focus on God’s provision, protection, providential leadership, and plan for the future?
God is so faithful, even when we just don’t understand. Well, actually especially when we don’t understand. He is good. He is just. He is holy. He is love. He is righteousness. He is faithful. Forget not.
Join me in spending the next 7 days leading up to Thanksgiving Day, by spending at least 15 minutes a day praising Him for all He’s done. During this time of prayer, I’m committed to not ask Him for a single thing. Period. This will be a time to simply tell Him how much I love Him and how thankful I am, to Him, for all He’s done and continues to do, in my life.
On the day after Thanksgiving, I’ll turn on the Christmas music and begin to put up the décor. But until then, it’s all about Thanksgiving. And I’ll do my very best to make sure I forget not.

That’s just a thought, and I welcome yours.
Until next time,

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Wednesday, November 17, 2010


Wednesday, November 17, 2010
Snooze. My alarm clock has a nifty little feature on it that sometimes gets me in trouble. It’s called “snooze” and I’m sure you’re familiar with it. At 4:45am when my alarm goes off, it’s all too easy to hit that magic button that gives me 9 more minutes of precious sleep. The truth is, I really don’t sleep after hitting that button. It’s only 9 minutes, and that’s not nearly enough time for me to go back to sleep. All I can do is lay there, but for some reason that extra 9 minutes of laying there seems so enticing at 4:45…
God sends us some spiritual alarms along this journey with Him. You know what I’m talking about, right? You attend a revival and the message hits a little too close to home for you. You go to church camp and God speaks to your deepest spiritual need in such a way that there’s no mistaking it was Him. A friend just happens to bring up a subject in conversation that almost makes you think they know more about what’s going on in your life than you thought they did. They’re all just spiritual alarms – gifts from God to get us back on the right track with Him.
And the message from Him in those alarms is sometimes pretty straight forward. Sometimes His desire is for us to walk away from some things in our lives that are no good for us or Him. Sometimes He wants us to walk towards other things that need to be a part of who we are. And other times He simply wants to encourage us as we struggle on in a world that’s adamantly opposed to the God we serve. Nonetheless, the alarms sound just when we need them. The only problem is, sometimes we bow to habit and roll over to hit the snooze button.
We get comfortable with our choices, good or bad. We get familiar with the life we have, and we just want to continue as we are. Even if God makes it so obvious to us that He’s calling us to a higher plane of living, the snooze button is so enticing. And in all honesty, we know that it will only last for a short time. We know eventually there will be consequences for oversleeping, yet we lay there. And we know that eventually there will be consequences, usually painful ones, for choosing to resist God’s voice in our lives. Yet, we just continue to lay there.
So today, do you hear the alarm sounding? God is saying to us this morning, “Wake up! The world needs to hear about Me from you! Your family, your friends – they need you to point them to Me! Your life needs to look different! It’s time to stop hitting snooze! It’s time to start really living! Wake up!”
Beep…beep…beep…beep…the choice is yours.

That’s just a thought, and I welcome yours.
Until next time,

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Tuesday, November 16, 2010


Tuesday, November 16, 2010
Hobbies. We all have them, right? Some enjoy a round of golf from time to time. Some enjoy shooting hoops with their friends. Some folks like to jump on a four-wheeler and take a long ride in the woods. Still others like to head out to the deer woods and do a little hunting. From knitting to painting, everyone has hobbies.
Hobbies are those things we don’t actually have to do to survive, but we do them anyway because we enjoy them. Most of the time we don’t do them faithfully, but rather when we get the extra time. (I understand that there are exceptions to that rule.) But for the most part, that’s the nature of a hobby. We enjoy it so much because it’s something we aren't required to do like work or school.
I’ll just come out and ask the blunt question this morning in the interest of time: is God a hobby to you? Do you spend time with Him in prayer just when you have the extra time? How about His Word – do you read it when it’s convenient? Is worship a casual, extracurricular activity to you, also? What about church itself? Is it just something you occasionally attend for your entertainment sake, when you have nothing better to do?
Here’s the thing: our relationship with God produces so much in us that we can enjoy. When we’re walking in step with Him daily, we’ve got love, joy, peace…you remember the fruit of the Spirit, right? And we live full of them if we’re committing ourselves to Him daily! But the truth of the matter is, He’s more than just a hobby – we absolutely, without a doubt, NEED Him.
Not only do we need Him for an eternal salvation, but we need Him to live the full life He longs for us to have! The world is powerful and strong. Its influences are so much stronger and mightier than we are, and that’s the honest, realistic truth. You can’t win, on your own, against the world’s system. You just can’t. It’s bigger. It’s stronger. It’ll whip you every time. And so we need Him. Period.
And so today, examine your relationship with Him. If you have never begun one by asking Him to forgive your sin and be your Savior, take a moment right now and call out to Him. Admit to Him you realize you’re a sinner. Ask Him to cleanse that sin, and ask God to apply the sacrifice of Christ’s blood on the cross to your account. If you know Him and are simply serving Him in a casual way, recommit to Him today. Ask Him to be your everything – your all in all. Then make (and keep) a daily appointment with Him to spend some time in His Word, praying, and praising Him for His constant goodness in your life.
Hobbies are great, and I think they’re healthy. But the most unwise decision in the universe is to reduce the God of the ages to a simple hobby in our lives. He’s bigger than that. So today, let Him be big in your life. The adventure begins now…

That’s just a thought, and I welcome yours.
Until next time,

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Feel free to write blake anytime at

Monday, November 15, 2010

God's Choice.

Monday, November 15, 2010
God’s Choice. It was a family meeting like never before. Samuel, God’s prophet, had come for a special visit. And as he passes down the line, he walks past son after son of Jesse. Yet the answer he continually hears from God is, “No…no…no…no…” Had he not heard right from the Lord when he thought the instructions were to go to Jesse’s house to find God’s choice for the next king of Israel? Why hadn’t he been able to find him there?
When he finally comes to the end of the line, he asks the obvious question “Is this it?” Jesse speaks up and informs him that there is one more son, the youngest. But they didn’t even figure it was important for him to be at this meeting. After all, he was the youngest. And he had older brothers that were wiser, stronger, better looking, and maybe smarter, with more life experience. Nonetheless, they sent for the young shepherd to come home.
Can’t you just see the fire and excitement in the eyes of this young teenager named David as God’s man looks him squarely in the eye and says, “You’re the one”? Can’t you just see the amazement as he begins to anoint David as the next King of the people that God has called His own? This young boy that others had written off would someday be the leader of the most mighty fighting force the world would ever see. This young boy that others thought was only good for watching herds of sheep would someday lead the massive nation of Israel. Others saw a young nobody. God saw a king. That was God’s choice.
There were tons of more qualified guys all around this young man. There were great speakers, great thinkers, great socially skilled guys, and even some deeply rooted students of Scripture. There were slightly older, more experienced ones. There they were – surrounding this young, 14 year old boy. No doubt, had you done a poll and asked the question, “Who, in this crowd, will be a preacher?” you’d have gotten a different answer than what became reality.
Yet I remember the morning I walked the isle and made the decision to follow God’s leadership in my life into ministry a public matter. Some scoffed, and for good reason. I couldn’t even drive myself, let alone lead anyone. Yet there I was, as green as a blade of grass and as inexperienced as anyone had ever been. Others saw a young nobody. God saw a preacher. That was God’s choice.
David wasn’t chosen because of his great leadership ability. He wasn’t chosen because of his vast knowledge of military strategy. He wasn’t chosen because he had proven himself capable of leading people effectively. He was chosen because he was a human being, perfectly capable of messing things up. He was chosen because it would be obvious to all that when he accomplished things it was God doing the accomplishing, not him.
I wasn’t chosen because of anything of myself. God didn’t say, “Well, look at that fine example of a human being. He is a natural leader, and his oratory skills are out of this world. And man oh man, look at his holiness! I think I’ll pick Him to preach my Word and lead my people.” Oh, quite the contrary. Much of my life has been spent as a poor example of a human being. I’m not a natural leader, and my oratory skills aren’t exactly the best on earth. And my holiness? Well, I’m a recipient of grace – need I say more? God chose me because anything and everything that would ever be accomplished through this ministry He’s called me to would very obviously be of Him, and not me.
No doubt many doubted God’s choice of David. And I know for a fact many doubted God’s choice of me. But when it’s all said and done, He chooses those who will ultimately point others back to Him. So with all of the many imperfections that make up blake Martin, I will spend the rest of this life I have here doing just that. After all, that’s God’s choice. And I want my life to honor it.

That’s just a thought, and I welcome yours.
Until next time,

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Friday, November 12, 2010

When I Simply Come (Archives)

I had a few requests for this piece I wrote back in October 2008. So much of my life has changed in so many dramatic ways since then, that considering my blog from this morning ("Our Mountains") I thought it'd be nice to bring back an archived blog from the past, just to show how far God has brought me on this journey with Him.

I hope it's a blessing in some way to you.

“When I Simply Come” by Blake Martin

About 3 months ago I spoke with God about my desire to allow Him to be my total LORD. I had found that in my busy life as a Pastor I had allowed other things to creep in and steal my focus. As a matter of fact, I began to follow things rather than Him. One day as I was doing some reading in preparation for a sermon, God was really speaking to me and the sermon was just rolling. But I stopped, took a break, and I set aside my Bible to pay a bill (my truck payment, as a matter of fact). It was in that moment that I realized that God and I had some work to do. And so I got on my knees.

I began to pray, and little did I know that the conversation I was having with God was going to change me and Shauna’s life in short order. In all honesty, there are those things that you cry out to God in moments where His presence is so intense, yet in the long run nothing changes. And, again, in all honesty, I have had plenty of those moments. I guess I just assumed this would be another one, but was I ever wrong. The words that I mouthed to the Lord were sincere, honest, and heartfelt. They came from the depths of who I am. They were real, and I intended for them to matter. They did, and still do.

I had made a statement a few days earlier to someone about my truck. Granted, my 2007 GMC Sierra 1500 Extended Cab is a beautiful ride, and has been with me through some tough stuff; it’s still just a truck. I told someone that I occasionally give the ole’ Gimmie a pat on the hood when I walk by. I caught myself from time to time trying to catch reflections of me and my truck while driving through town. Ridiculous you say? Yes, it was. My defense, which I used many times, was simple: “You just don’t understand the bond between a man and his truck.” I did exactly the same thing with my new Honda ATV. I was so proud – proud of what I had. Just stuff, but it gave me so much happiness. Do you notice a theme? “It gave me…” Wow, was I ever off base with Him.

That day, sitting in my study at the church, He revealed that to me. If you know me you know one thing about me that trumps everything else probably: I am stubborn. My head is thick, and sometimes it takes even my LORD a while to get a lesson across to me. So now fast-forward a few months into the future. I have taken my annual vacation time, as my need to get away and clear my heart about some things was very evident. So I went to the woods in North Arkansas – Hasty, AR to be exact. I sat at a brook and pondered what God has laid out to me a few months ago, and how I had allowed it to change me in absolutely no way. But I began to put two and two together about some events in my life after that day in the study – and it all began to make sense.

I told God to strip away anything that would prevent Him from being LORD in my life. I told Him I was ready to be totally committed, with nothing standing in the way of whole-hearted service to Him. I told Him I wanted to be able to honestly say that I love Him more than anything else in this world, and that no matter what was taken from me, my love and devotion to Him would not waver. I told Him all that – and I truly meant it. There was no disclaimer that stipulated my excuse to bow out of this commitment if it got too hard – I was truly laying it down. There was no lightning bolt – no thunder – no rattling walls. As a matter of fact, it took about 3 months for me to get my answer in the form of an affirmation.

At that brook in the woods of North Arkansas I picked up a stone and held it up to God and said, “God, this is my worry, my chains, my concerns, my desires, my idolatry, and the things that have held me back from full obedience to you.” I threw the stone as far as I could – across the brook into a place that I will never recover it. I picked up a second stone – a beautiful white stone (an awesome picture of purity). I held it up to God and said, “God, this is a reminder of who You are in my life. I will forever look at this stone and remember the Rock of my salvation, the Stone that the builders rejected, the Chief Cornerstone of the Church, the Foundation of my life, the One who will never leave me nor forsake me. When everything else crumbles, I know I have a Rock who will always stand strong. God, this is my reminder to trust in You. You are my Rock.” And I put the rock into my pocket. It now rides with me in the car wherever I go.

And so we are laying it all down. Some would say that life has thrown us a curve ball. It’s actually much simpler than that. “Life” hasn’t thrown us anything. God has given us the privilege of knowing Him better by simplifying our lives. You see, “When the music fades, and all is stripped away, and I simply come – longing just to bring, something that’s of worth, that will bless Your heart – I’ll bring You more than a song, for a song in itself it not what You have required. You search much deeper within, to the way things appear – You’re looking into my heart!”

My God is bringing me back to the heart of worship! It’s not just music, or singing, or preaching, or praying, or lifting hands, or dancing, or shouting, or standing and clapping, or even evangelizing or teaching! It’s all about Him being God in our lives! It’s all about Him being on the throne of Lordship in our lives! It’s all about Him being in charge! He doesn’t deserve to be the “co-pilot” – He should be the PILOT! And I’m coming back to that –and He’s being patient with me as I do.

So what’s the bottom line? It’s actually really simple: I asked God to take away my distractions and He did. Does it hurt when the Great Physician does surgery on our hearts and lives? You bet – it hurts a lot! But the end result – knowing Him better and following Him more faithfully into the adventure called ministry – it so worth it! So the ball comes back to your court now…who or what is God in your life?

One more thing just so you know: God took some things that I thought I had to have away – but provided for the needs we had through His people. You see, taking a step of faith into the seemingly pitch black darkness of an unknown future is a lot more bearable when you have God’s people, listening to His voice and leadership in their life, to stand with you. So we will not skip a beat – ministry will continue, and my eyes will be fixed upon Him who loves me enough to die for me. Shauna and I will never be the same after this experience, and we will always look back to the day when God woke me up and brought me to the place of total submission to His will. It will forever be known as the day that I simply came and He made me free.

Though so much of what I wrote about in this piece is no longer part of my life, including some relationships, I still have my pure, white stone sitting on the desk in my office. Just another reminder that anything in our life can be taken from us, but He remains. The new phrase I've clung to so heartily in the past year of the journey, God is faithful, fits so aptly here. It's the truth - GIF!

Our Mountains.

Friday, November 12, 2010
Our Mountains. I can almost see Caleb’s determined eyes as he admires the land he has set his heart on. He looks squarely at Joshua and says those famous words, “Give me that mountain.” At the ripe age of 75, many would have thought maybe it’s time for ole Caleb to slow down, to begin to think about retirement. Playing golf with all his retired buddies should be the way his days should be spent, not conquering new lands for God. After all, he’s faithfully trusted and served God for all these years, surely he deserves a break, right?
Well, that’s not his mindset at all. Joshua reminds him that the mountain he has his sights set on is full of giants. These are vicious, angry, aggressive, war-hungry mammoths of men. And yet here’s Caleb, eyes of steel fixed on the mountain before him, saying, “God’s going to fight for me. This is His will, and I’m going to obey. Give me this mountain!” And the rest is history, or should I say His-story.
Last summer, the summer of 2009, I felt God saying something to my heart. There are a few people that can vouch for this, as I spoke to them about it. My sister Kristi is one of those people. I felt, within my heart and spirit, that God was calling me back to reach and disciple students in Cabot. As I prayed through that decision, which I thought was strangely timed and would be greatly misunderstood by the folks I was currently serving with, I spoke to my best friend at the time. Their response was very simply, “No bueno. Not gonna happen. Period.” As I prayed through this troubling predicament that I found myself in, I remember uttering these words to the Lord, “God, whatever it takes, please let me be found serving You where You want me, taking every step in obedience to Your plan and purpose for my ministry.”
“Whatever it takes…” Dangerous words, but they were straight from my heart. And God heard, and God answered. The journey that would lay ahead, the journey of “whatever it takes”, would be extremely painful and difficult. Yet, as I look back over the journey itself, I could not be any more full of joy at where it led me. God used that uphill, painful, excruciating journey to bring me to a full view of the mountain.
Every time I look at students in this town, I see my mountain. I see eternal destinies, thousands of them. Sure there are giants in the land, and they're monstrous. Drugs, alcohol, sex, violence, rebellion, busyness, outright anger…these are just a few. And they are strong. And for far too long, they have controlled this land. But the time has come that God’s people in Cabot, Arkansas are beginning to stand up, look our Calebs straight in the eye, and with a resolve as solid as steel itself say our words of sheer commitment, “Give us this mountain!”
So I wake up each morning, ready for the day ahead. Ready for days filled with conquering mountains. This past week, God has allowed us to see 2 mountains conquered, as 2 students have given their hearts and lives to Christ. Just awesome. But may we remember: there are 10,000 more right here in this town that need Him all the more.
So stand with me, would ya? Let’s face the world straight on. Sure, we’ve been in this for a while. Sure, there are many that doubt the chances of our conquering the land. Sure there are a million reasons why we can’t. But God has called us to this. He’ll fight for us. He wants our obedience and trust. So stand up straight, fix your eyes on the eternal destination of those around you, and proclaim with all the might you can muster, “Give me that mountain!”

That’s just a thought, and I welcome yours.
Until next time,

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Thursday, November 11, 2010

Humanity's Heroes.

Thursday, November 11, 2010
Humanity’s Heroes. He wakes up early today. As soon as he opens his eyes he leans over to kiss his wife good morning, only to remember she’s not there. She’s a few thousand miles away, waking up today on her own too. He only has a picture of her, and their 2 small kids, to admire this morning as he gets up to start another day. It’ll be over 100 degrees today, and that’s nothing compared to what it will feel like once he gets his 100+ lbs of gear on. He’ll no doubt be shot at today. He’ll face horrible conditions today. He’ll most likely be underappreciated today. But to him, it’s nothing spectacular. It’s just another day at the office.
He wakes up early today. Seems like after all these years, he just can’t help but beat the sun up like this. The seasons are changing, so his bones and joints are pretty achy thanks to the old friend arthritis. As he opens his eyes, he rolls over to kiss his wife of a lifetime good morning, only to remember she’s not there. She’s been in heaven now for a few years. He only has a picture of her and the hope of seeing her again to keep him going now. He’s been shot at. He’s been underappreciated. He’s faced horrible conditions. But to him, it’s nothing spectacular. Serving his country was just his duty.
And so goes the life of the American soldier, whether of the past or present. Men and women are serving our nation as we speak on battlefields most of us don’t even slightly understand. They’re facing life and death realities on a daily basis. They’re putting on a uniform that bears a flag of a country they’ve pledged their willingness to die for, should the need arise. And they do it for us. For us – the people that so often forget about them and their sacrifice. They are doing it for us.
Veterans are a special breed of human. They’ve seen their battles, and survived only to relive the memories every time they see that flag waving in the breeze. I’ve got a couple of soldiers in my family. My dad is currently in the military, and I lift him up today for his willing service to my country. And my papaw served in Korea so many years ago, and he’s the veteran I spoke of above.
Call them a hero and they’ll argue with you. Tell them they’re heroic and they’ll simply say they were “just doing their job.” You see, that’s a mark of a true hero: they don’t consider themselves as such. These are great men and women. These are the best of the best, whether they served in the Army, Navy, Air Force, Marines, or Coast Guard. These are the pride and joy of a nation that owes so much to their sacrifice. These are humanity’s heroes.
So today, Veteran’s Day, don’t miss a chance to thank a man or woman in uniform for their service. Don’t miss a chance to shake the hand of that veteran wearing that POW-MIA or veteran’s cap. Do something spectacular for them. Buy their lunch at the restaurant you see them at. Pay for their gas at the gas station you run into them at. Do something – anything – to show them how much this nation loves and cherishes them. It’s an honor to know a hero. It’s a God-given blessing to share this earth with them. And it’s our responsibility to let them know it.

That’s just a thought, and I welcome yours.
Until next time,

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Wednesday, November 10, 2010

The Overflow.

Wednesday, November 10, 2010
The Overflow. Just picture with me for a moment a jug of water and an empty glass. As I’m talking with you I begin to pour that water from the jug into that empty glass. The glass is no longer empty, but quickly begins to be filled. As I continue to talk, the water level continues to rise, until finally it reaches the top. I don’t stop, but rather I continue to pour. As I keep on pouring, the water overflows from the glass and begins to spill everywhere. I still don’t stop. I continue by pouring all of the contents of the jug into the glass, until all around us is a puddle of water. That’s the overflow. We’re now standing in the overflow.
All throughout the New Testament, we read of a filling that can occur for believers. We first see it in the Book of Acts when the Holy Spirit is sent to dwell in the hearts of followers of Christ on the Day of Pentecost. But the idea continues, throughout the Word from there on out. It’s not just having the presence of the Holy Spirit – which all of us who have asked Christ to save us have. No, it’s a step further than that. It’s a filling – it’s a desire to not just have Him, but to be FULL of Him. And once we’re living FULL of Him, He wants to keep on pouring into us.
I have seen what happens when people live as overflowing vessels. No doubt, many of you have too. These are the folks that can’t help but talk about Jesus to their lost friends and family. It’s just what comes out when they begin conversation. It isn’t forced, it just seems to overflow. These are the folks that have that encouraging word so eagerly coming from their mouths instead of tearing others down all the time. They don’t have to force those uplifting words, they just seem to overflow. These are the folks that want to serve Christ in the Church no matter what the cost. Sure they get tired, but it’s almost as if they don’t have to force themselves to get up and be a part of what God is doing. It just overflows from their lives. And when you get a few folks like that together, man alive the glory will roll!
But I’ve also known people, and actually spent great deals of time with a few of them, that are overflowing, just not in the same way. It seems like all they have to say is negative. They’re always complaining about something. Nothing is ever right, and if you ever fail them you’ll hear about it from now until eternity. And then they get around someone else of like mind and the gossip begins to roll like the waters of the Nile. But to their defense, it’s not like they’re forcing this type of attitude. They’re just overflowing.
The difference is simple: whatever is being poured into us on a regular basis is what will overflow out of us into the world around us. And when it’s all said and done, the world will be standing in a puddle of our overflow, whether good or bad. The question is: are you allowing Him to pour Himself into you on a daily basis so that your overflow will be His Spirit to those around you? Or are you allowing the enemy to pour himself into you so that all the world feels are the effects of the devilish overflow of your life?
Today, ask God to fill you up to overflowing with Him. Ask Him to overflow you into the lives of everyone you come into contact with. Ask Him to show Himself to them through you. Ask Him for the overflow. And when it comes, just get ready: you’re gonna have some wet feet.

That’s just a thought, and I welcome yours.
Until next time,

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Monday, November 8, 2010

The Angle.

Monday, November 08, 2010
The Angle. So much of our lives are so dependent on the angle that we’re looking from. I have a friend from my old youth group days in Conway that was so tall it was unreal. He was just a big guy – football player big. His name is Joe, and you guess it: we called him Big Joe. He was huge! And I’m not going to lie, it was pretty nice knowing I had him on my side if anyone ever gave me any problems if you know what I mean. And though he was a giant of a guy, he had a heart that was as big as his stature. But this morning I’m remembered this one thing: Big Joe had a different angle on life than I did back then.
So it is true with God. We get so caught up in the moment, don’t we? I mean, whether it’s a good moment or a bad one, it’s almost like to us – the moment is all there is. Just think about it: if something incredibly bad happens, how often do we see people so distraught by that bad moment that they don’t think they have anything to live for? I’ll admit, I’ve been there. I’ve been in the night that was so dark it just seemed like the sun would never rise again. And boy, is that ever hard. As a matter of fact, I really don’t think hard is an apt word to describe that pain. I think excruciating is more fitting. That is a moment that just seems impossible to survive.
And then there are those mountain top moments. You know what I’m talking about. We have those moments when it seems as though nothing in the world could go wrong. We’re living the dream in that moment – everything is perfect. And we forget, in that moment, that life is still life. The world is still messed up. And this mountaintop will only last for so long, and we’ll eventually be spending some quality time in another valley. But we don’t see that, because there we are – on the mountaintop – in our moment.
Yet there sits God. From His angle He sees it all, past, present and future. Though it’s hard for us to imagine, the truth is that He sees us now just as much as He sees the day we were born, just as much as He sees the day we’ll stand before Him. Amazing, isn’t it? See, that’s His angle. And that’s why He can be trusted when He says things like, “All things work together for the good of those who love God, who are the called according to His purpose.” His angle says it all. He really does know!
So who are you entrusting your life to today? Is it all in your hands? That’s a dangerous place to be, friend. Are you allowing your life to be driven and determined by somebody else in this life? I’d be scared to allow someone else here to have the steering wheel of who I am. Or is God your pilot? He knows the way; He sees the entire journey better than we see the right now. So trust Him, would ya? Trust Him if for no other reason than this: He’s got the best angle.

That’s just a thought, and I welcome yours.
Until next time,

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Friday, November 5, 2010

God's Hatred.

Friday, November 05, 2010
God’s Hatred. I’m sure today’s blog title caught your attention somewhat. And I’ll have to admit, I was sort of going for that. For the past several days, I’ve had this idea on my mind for some reason. Everyone quotes Scriptures they like, right? Everyone loves John 3:16, as do I. Everyone loves Romans 3:23, as do it. We love speaking those words like, “God is love.” And He is. But He also hates, did you know that?
God does hate. Proverbs gives us a short list of things the Lord hates, but I believe based upon Scripture His hated is broader than that. And as strange as this may sound to you, and as contrary to everything we normally preach and teach as this may sound, I think the most poignant picture of God’s hatred is seen on the cross. That’s right, the cross. Let me explain.
God does hate. But He doesn’t hate us. As a matter of fact, to the degree that He loves us, He hates our sin. That’s right – He hates sin. And as we look at the cross and see all that Jesus is enduring we see the parallel picture. God loves humanity in such an immense way, yet His hatred for sin is just as immense. He despises it. He abhors it. It sickens Him. Sin is literally called “abomination” in His Book, which literally means it turns His stomach.
Yet today, so many use the “God is love” words to justify their living in a life that is defined by sinful choices. They’re doing their own thing, following the lusts of their flesh, and talking away the conviction of the Holy Spirit and the concern of the believers that love them by simply saying, “God loves me. His grace covers all this.” There’s only one problem: God hates sin. Fervently. And there’s a tremendously compelling reason that He hates sin – He knows what it does to us.
I’m about to make a statement that is pretty bold. I’m not one to make such statements lightly, so please understand these words have been rolling around in my head for a few days before I actually uttered them to anyone. And you, my blog audience, are the first to hear (or read) them. “If God can just wink at our sin as no big deal, then one of two things must be true: either He doesn’t love us as He says, or He’s not all knowing as He says. It’s just that simple.” There you have it – straight talking truth for you this morning.
Seriously, think about it. If He really does LOVE us as He says He does, and if He really does KNOW all things, including the past, present, and future, then He can’t just discount sin as no big deal in our lives. He knows what it will do to us. It’s out of His great love that He chastens us – He disciplines us – when we stray from the lifestyle that He desires for us. He wants to correct us, and to show us that His plan, His will, His righteous choices, are what’s best. Why? Because He knows that sin doesn’t hurt us – it DESTROYS us. It doesn’t break our heart – it SHATTERS it. It doesn’t just affect our lives – it will RUIN our lives. What kind of God – what kind of Father – what kind of Best friend – would He be if He simply allowed that to happen?
So yes, God does hate, and to the same degree that He loves. As a matter of fact, I guess you could say that He hates BECAUSE He loves. He loves you. He hates sin. And today, He wants you to realize both, just as He’s been saying to me the past few days. “Oh how He loves you and me! Oh how He loves you and me! He gave His life, what more could He give? Oh how He loves you! Oh how He loves me! Oh how He loves you and me!” And today, well, that’s the best news in the universe.

That’s just a thought, and I welcome yours.
Until next time,

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Thursday, November 4, 2010

Changing Weather.

Thursday, November 04, 2010
Changing Weather. Have you noticed something crazy happening outside? It’s strange – it seems like every day that I wake up it’s slightly cooler. It’s amazing how this seems to always happen this time of the year. Okay, so maybe it’s not that incredible, after all. It is just the weather, and we’ve all come to expect that to change with the seasons. And if you have the blessing of living in Arkansas as I do, you certainly know all about constantly changing weather.
But just as predictable as the changing seasons are, so comes the griping and complaining about them. Have you ever noticed that? During the summer, when it’s 100 degrees, there are so many people that complain about how hot it is. And then, when the cool down comes in the fall, those same people begin to complain about how cold it is. And in between, when the temperature is nestled right between the hot and cold spots, they seem too long for a few degrees of difference in what it actually is. The trend is, very simply, that they just aren’t satisfied…ever.
Which led me to begin to think about this idea of changing weather. After all, it’s going to change. Seasons come and seasons go. It’s inevitable. And there’s absolutely nothing we can do about it. Period. We cannot change the circumstances of the weather. That is out of our control. We just can’t. But there is something we can change…
We can change us. We can change how we deal with the changing weather. We can change our attitude about the hot or cold temperatures. We can change us. That’s right – it’s true.
So today, here’s a thought: when circumstances are beyond our control in life, and there’s absolutely nothing we can do to change the place that we are currently in, focus on what you do have some control over – you. When someone hurts you and you can’t do anything to steer that situation, zero in on your attitude and how you handle those circumstances beyond your control. When life just seems to throw you a batch of rotten eggs, focus on making the best of a horrible situation with your attitude.
We can’t change the weather, just as we can’t change so much of this life. But by placing our faith and trust in Christ, we can steer ourselves in a direction that brings honor, glory, and renown to Him. Now I’m going to go put on my coat and head on out for the day ahead…it’s cold outside, but my heart is full of the warmth of Him.

That’s just a thought, and I welcome yours.
Until next time,

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Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Projected Winner.

Wednesday, November 03, 2010
Projected Winner. I’m sure not everyone is as much of an avid news buff as I am. I love watching Fox News, and even have the satellite radio in my truck tuned to the same channel. And so it’s only to be expected that on days like yesterday I would be somewhat glued to the Fox News team for the latest election coverage. Call me crazy, but it’s just extremely interesting to me to watch the American voice being heard, especially in elections like the one we’ve just come through. And without fail, as the results come in, the political pundits and news anchors say time after time, “Fox News has projected a winner in this race…” That means that before all the results come in all signs are pointing to the fact that a certain person will win that race. Which brings me to our race…
Paul said the life of a believer is much like a race. There’s a finish line we’re all aiming for. And it’s hard – really hard sometimes. I’m not sure if you’ve ever run any kind of a distance race, but I’ve recently taken to the idea of running a 5K, with the hopes that eventually that will lead me to possibly running a marathon. In school I ran track, but I was always a sprinter, and with good reason. The first 200 – 300 meters I was in good shape, and could honestly run faster than most others. But it’s when I hit that 300 meter mark that things always began to go south for me really quickly. I just lacked the stamina to continue. I was a sprinter.
The thing is, the race we call the Christian life isn’t a sprint. It’s not about starting fast and running as hard and fast as you can from day one. It’s a long distance race – a marathon. And in order to be who you’re called to be later in the race, you have to pace yourself. Don’t just run for the short term, as so many seem to be doing. We’re in this for the long haul – for eternity. It will be hard sometimes. It will be uphill sometimes. It will take the wind right out of us sometimes. And it will be extremely painful sometimes. But the finish line is calling our name. And our biggest Fan – He’s calling our name too. And He’s waiting for us to run through that tape stretched across the end.
The thing is sometimes, as rare as it may be, the pundits and anchors get their projections wrong. My mind suddenly goes back to a particular Presidential Election in the year 2000 as an example. And they learn from those mistakes, too. That’s why last night when a race was neck and neck, they would say that it was “too close to call” at the time. But this race we’re in? It’s not too close to call by any means. We’re not the “projected winners,” either. The Book I stand upon with my life says more than that. It says we are the established winners. It’s already finished. Jesus took care of that for us almost 2,000 years ago on an old rugged cross. So today the only question is, have you accepted your victory yet, or are you waiting for some more results to come in? My word to you today: put your trust in the One that’s already won this one…you never know when it will be too late.

That’s just a thought, and I welcome yours.
Until next time,

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Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Just go vote.

Tuesday, November 02, 2010
Just go vote. Today's blog is pretty short and sweet, I know, but I think that what is on my heart today can be summed up in those 3 words: just go vote. Our men and women in uniform have sacrificed too much, so many of them their very lives, to insure for us the right to make our voices heard at the polls on Election Day. I know the weather is slightly less than desirable today. But just consider the sometimes horrible conditions our young soldiers have served in. Do you really want to let a little bit of cool rain stop you from making a difference today?
Call me crazy, but I just can't help but believe that our nation's future is worth the wait in line at the polling location. Make no mistake, your vote today (or if you’ve already voted early like me) is important. Our country is in a tight spot, and only we, the electorate, can bring it out by firing some folks that need to go and ushering in some new blood to Washington, Little Rock, and our home towns. Sure, politicians aren’t usually too great at keeping the many promises they make on the campaign trail. But occasionally there are those rarities that actually come through for us.
So today, here it is: just go vote.

That’s just a thought, and I welcome yours.
Until next time,

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Monday, November 1, 2010


Monday, November 01, 2010
History. I’m a history buff, I’ll admit. I really enjoy American History, especially. I'm just nerd enough to enjoy reading the writings of the founding fathers of our country. I love history. But there’s some history I just don’t enjoy, and really have no right to dig up. When someone brings their past to the Lord and gives it to Him, it’s not my business to dig it back up. I just wonder today…
As a young boy, David stood up before the mighty giant, Goliath, with just a sling and a few smooth stones. Regardless of what all the rest of the soldiers of the army of Israel said, he stood, unashamedly and unafraid. But I wonder: had this episode happened later in his life, after the poor choices that brought Bathsheba into his life, would he have stood against Goliath then? Or would the “people of God” have reminded him of how unfit and inadequate he was to stand against the giant because of his poor choices in the past?
As a profession, Rahab didn’t exactly have a proud living. She was a harlot, and in case you didn’t know, that’s not a glamorous way to make ends meet. Her life was consumed by the secret things of dark bedrooms. Everyone knew who she was. Everyone knew what she was. So when the men of God came scouting out her city for the army of God and she had a choice to make when they needed her help, I wonder if the thought ever crossed her mind that she wasn’t worthy? I wonder if her contemporaries that knew who she was and what she was would be surprised to find that she’s neatly tucked into the family tree of Jesus Christ Himself? I wonder…
Paul hadn’t always been Paul. In his earlier years he was known as Saul of Tarsus. His world revolved around wiping out this “Jesus movement” that was desecrating Israel and was quickly spreading to all men. Whatever it took – whether it was imprisoning these people, or even having them put to death – he was willing to do whatever it took to get the job done. Then when God gave him the Road to Damascus experience, he chose to walk away from his history toward the One that loved him and called him to a higher purpose. The first things he encountered in his journey with Christ? You guessed it – the church. And the church knew who he was. They knew what he was. And they had no intention of forgetting. But God had other plans.
Scripture says that when we bring our sin to Christ, He removes it as far as the east is from the west, never to bring it up again. God’s Word also says that our confessed sin is buried in the depths of the sea. So why is it that when God puts it there, that there are, at times, those who gear up in spiritual SCUBA gear to go treasure hunting in that same sea?
Church, sometimes we make it so hard for folks to be forgiven by Christ and begin living for Him. We allow their history to dictate who they’ll always be, regardless of God’s grace and mercy already radiating from their lives.
God has used the experiences of a dear, dear friend to open my eyes to my own “history digging”. And He’s used this to teach me one thing: when He washes someone’s sin away, leave it be. Just leave it be. Let them move on into the glorious plans He has for them, and away from the mistakes and failures that defined them in the past. God has said to me, “I have forgiven those sins, so don’t you dare go throwing them up into their face now. You have no right.”
And so, I’ll continue to read American History every chance I get. I'll study the founding fathers. I’ll read up on the Native Americans and all that they were. But when I look at you – I’ll leave the history alone. After all, once God forgives, the only thing that matters is the future. And friend – if you’re reading this – know this: your future has never been brighter.

That’s just a thought, and I welcome yours.
Until next time,

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