Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Everything in my life is...

A Gift. Everything in my life is a GIFT! I have been very unappreciative, many times, of the goodness of God in my life. I can't list all of His good gifts in my life, but there are a few that stand out to me this morning...

...My Savior. Oh what a Savior, oh Hallelujah! He gave His lifeblood, for even me! And I fail, fail, fail...and He loves, loves, loves! Oh, how He loves you and me! Oh, how He loves you and me! He gave His life, what more could He give? Oh how He loves you, oh how He loves me, oh how He loves you and me! I love Him today - but only because He first loved me!

...My calling. Not only does He love me, but He gave me a purpose! Sharing the Word of God with people is not only something I greatly enjoy doing, it's something I would not be able to survive without! And I get to do it daily!

...My family. God gave me Christian parents, grandparents, and two great sisters, and now brother in laws, that I wouldn't trade for anyone or anything in the world. I love my family, even though I don't get to see them nearly as often as I'd like. I love them - and my nieces, even my brand new one, are such dolls I can't even describe them in words. God is good.

...and my Shauna. I couldn't make it without her. She's my heartbeat - she's my dream girl. I am so head over heels in love with her that if she were gone a hole in my heart would exist that would be so big nothing to even begin to attempt to fill it except God Himself. I love her - and I'm thanking God everyday, more now than ever before, for giving her to me.

The greatest day of my life - Oct. 31st, 1997 - the day I became a child of God.

The close second - February 14, 2004 - the day I became Shauna Erman's husband...she took my name (Martin) and my heart too.

Thank Him today for all He's given you. He truly is good.

Until next time,

That's just a thought, and I welcome yours.
Feel free to write to blake anytime at pastorblakeman@yahoo.com .

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