Monday, February 28, 2011

Shaking Your Bubble.

Monday, February 28, 2011
Shaking Your Bubble. It was about 11:00PM and I had fallen asleep just a few minutes earlier. I woke up to the feeling of my bed shaking, and at first thought it was a dream. Then I began to think it was possibly just a really close lightning strike/thunder, since it was supposed to be pretty bad stormy last night. Then the thought crossed my mind that it might be a tornado. After realizing there wasn’t any accompanying noise, I began to wonder what on earth I was feeling.
Just as the shaking stopped, I got a text message asking if I had also felt the earthquake. Obviously, the answer was yes, even though at first I didn’t know what I was feeling. I’ve never felt seismic activity before, so this was an entirely new experience. I have friends/family in the Conway and Greenbrier areas that have become all too familiar with the feeling of the earth shaking under their feet as of late. We just haven’t had any in the Cabot area yet, until now.
The news reported that the quake was a 4.7 magnitude, and its epicenter was a few miles north of Greenbrier. That’s a pretty good jump in mileage from where I live, yet I felt the effects. It was been reported that folks as far away as Memphis, TN and Tulsa, OK even felt the earthquake. That’s an even farther jump from where I live. You see, for a brief moment we all got to share in the fear that the residents of Faulkner County, AR have been experiencing for months now.
It’s a shining illustration of where my mind has been over this past weekend. We live in a bubble. So many times all we can think about or focus on is what’s going on inside the bubble of our own lives. When others are hurting, often we don’t even notice or care enough to help, because our own bubble has us distracted. We also, at times, begin to think that when we are hurting no one else notices outside our little bubble, and that we’re all alone in our condition. Neither of those facts should be true.
This past weekend 20 students and a host of adults at Victory Baptist Church in Cabot embarked on an adventure of hunger, ultimately raising around $7000 altogether to save lives in the world’s most destitute of places. We lived the reality of not eating for a 30 full hours. We spent 24 of those hours together, doing things that helped us relate to the plight of the hurting children around the world, specifically in Haiti. Our little bubbles were shaken by the quake of devastation that is being lived every day by those children.
News came to me Sunday afternoon of a student in our ministry that’s hurting in a deep way. He’s been hurting for a while, but now his pain and heartache have gone to an entirely new level. And it broke my heart all over again. His bubble that he thinks no one else feels or understands has been felt, and has shaken me to the core.
Those of us who know Christ are a family – one, huge, family – the family of God. When one of us hurts, we should all hurt. When one of us has a life-shaking experience in our bubble, we should all feel the quivering in our own. Those who don’t know Christ yet are hurting, and we should be sensitive those hurts and fears as well, and allow it to rattle our bubble enough to care by loving them. Our bubble should be shaking, friends.
Greenbrier and Conway – you aren’t in this alone anymore. Though my quake wasn’t nearly as dramatic as yours’ have been, I can relate to your fear now. My physical bubble was shaken enough for me to.
Hurting people – you aren’t alone, nor have you ever been. I just understand your fear and pain a little better now. I want my bubble to shake every time yours does. Because, after all, if we share a quake or two in life, the load gets more bearable with each passing step that we carry it together.

That’s just a thought, and I welcome yours.
Until next time,

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Friday, February 25, 2011

Real Love Does...

Friday, February 25, 2011
Real Love Does… Have you ever taken the time to think about the difference in saying and doing? This morning, briefly, I want to dive into the difference in the two. Just consider it…
There’s a house ablaze. Inside is a family of 4, trapped. They need help getting out of the house before they perish. Time is running out. An engine from the local fire department shows up. Out jumps a crew of able, trained, and ready to go firemen. They gear up, drag out a hose line, and stand in amazement watching as the house burns, commenting that someone should really rescue that family inside. These "wanna be" firemen talk about rescuing the people inside…real love does.
There’s a homeless man living on the streets of Little Rock. Everyone seems to have the answer to why he’s there whether that’s drugs, alcohol, laziness, or maybe even that he’s not even really homeless but just making a buck off of people’s compassion. But no one on this earth truly knows his story except him. Day after day, hundreds of people pass him by, passing him off as a fraud. A few people talk about how sad it is, and how much they should help him in some way…real love does.
There’s a child in Haiti who is all alone. Her parents were either killed or fled after the 2010 earthquake that demolished everything she’s ever known as home. She now lives in one of many “tent cities” still spread across the famished country not too far out off the coast of the USA. She doesn’t go to school because her time is already absorbed with just scavenging for food and clean water so she can survive. Many folks would hear her story and feel sorry for her, talking about the fact that someone should give a little money to fund the organizations trying to help the people of Haiti. Groups all over the country are gathering this weekend for an event called the 30 Hour Famine, committing to 30 hours without food to raise funds for one such organization called World Vision. These students realize that while many people like to talk about helping the destitute and broken, real love actually does.
The problem began in the beginning of it all. God gave 1 simple rule: Eat of everything else, just not that tree. But they did, and since that moment we’ve all known this thing called sin personally. That issue of sin held us captive and sentenced us to eternal separation from God after this life ends. Then came Jesus. He didn’t just talk about doing what it took to deal with that sin issue, He willingly laid down His life to offer us the forgiveness of that sin that we so desperately needed. Anyone can talk about making a sacrifice for the cause of someone else…but real love does.
Jesus paid it all for us by giving Himself. You can know Him by asking for the forgiveness of your sins through what He did on the cross. Would you consider this decision for yourself today?
He showed us what it means to go beyond simple talk. Because our Savior showed us how to go the distance, this weekend the students at Victory Baptist Church in Cabot, along with the faithful volunteers and a few parents of the student ministry here, are going without food for 30 full hours to help raise funds for World Vision. You can find out more about this amazing organization by going to $1 feeds/cares for a child for a day, $30/for a month, $360 for a year. The famine begins after lunch today, and the Famine Weekend Event begins at 6PM. Would you pray for us? And would you consider making a gift of any amount to help us save lives? Anyone can talk about doing their part…but real love does.

That’s just a thought, and I welcome yours.
Until next time,

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Thursday, February 24, 2011

Separation Anxiety.

Thursday, February 24, 2011
Separation Anxiety. I think most all of us have at least a little bit of anxiety at the thought of a relationship we’ve become comfortable with coming to an end. Some of us may have a harder time than others, but I think it’s something we all feel to a degree. When there’s a person in your life, whether it’s a friend, spouse, co-worker, minister, etc, that you have an expectation of being there for the long haul, it’s hard when they have to not be in our lives anymore. Whether it’s by their own choices, or choices out of our control, it’s no fun – the heart hurts.
Many today are experiencing such a pain because of failed marriages or broken friendships. There are many that are hurting today because a loved and cherished one has died as a result of some tragic event, such as an earthquake or even war. Some may be facing a move that is forcing them to leave behind someone, or several someones, that play a huge role in their life. And the heart hurts.
Jesus said in Matthew 11:28, “Come all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest.” That’s a promise of help in carrying the burdens we all face in life. A relationship with Christ brings much needed help in bearing the load that life drops on us so many times. There’s a gigantic benefit of knowing Him: He helps heal the hurting heart.
But I think that one of, if not the, most amazing part of knowing Christ is very simply this: security. He’s not going to walk away from us – ever. “I’ll never leave you, nor forsake you.” “Nothing can separate us from the love of God…” On and on goes the Scripture that tells us that God isn’t going to give up on us. No matter what life throws at us, one thing we can be sure of: we’ll never have to be anxious about being separated from God again once we’re in Christ. That’s what the cross is all about – bridging the divide between God and man. And once we walk across that bridge by faith in Christ, there’s no going back.
So say what you will. I’ve certainly been down the road of heartbreak over separation from a loved one, both due to death and due to people’s choices. But when it’s all said and done, at the end of the day, I’ve got my Jesus. And friend, you can have Him too. No matter what happens all around us, He’s not going anywhere. And that makes my heart sing.

That’s just a thought, and I welcome yours.
Until next time,

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Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Hear That?

Wednesday, February 23, 2011
Hear That? The Middle East has become a chaotic hotbed of revolt and protest. In the streets of Egypt and in many other surrounded nations, loud violent protests are filling the streets as governments are being overthrown and “revolution” is coming. The so called “Muslim Brotherhood” of the Middle East is rising to the challenge, and one by one they are laying out plans for strict Islamic law to be instituted and the Islamic worldwide Caliphate inches closer to existence. But wait…hear that?
Earthquakes are shaking up communities that are unfamiliar with the feeling of the ground shaking in such ways. Christchurch, New Zealand is in rubble this morning after a mega-quake struck that mega-town. Even in our own backyard in Arkansas, towns like Greenbrier and Conway are being shaken by the rumbling beneath the ground. Earthquakes are definitely striking in “diverse places.” But hold on a minute…hear that?
Disease is rampant across the globe, as is hunger. Today 2/3 of the earth’s population will live with the very real reality of hunger. Tens of thousands will die today on planet earth from preventable causes, most of which relate back to lack of basic nutrition. Children are dying in the streets of nations just a stone’s throw from our own such as Haiti. The problems and plagues of the world are inching their way into developed nations that haven’t known these issues as of yet. It’s crazy out there…hear that?
The world is slowly but steadily turning its back, more so than ever in recent history, against the nation of Israel. Even Israel’s closest ally, the United States, has taken ever increasing steps in recent days to distance herself from these people of promise. It seems as though the nations of the world are preparing some great, massive uprising against this tiny nation in unison, and the United States is preparing to step aside as the one most consider to be Israel's primary defense. It’s getting all stirred up, but wait…hear that?
These are just a few of the major events on the world scene right now. For a more detailed view of today’s events, just turn on Fox News or any other news provider. Chaos is the rule across the globe. It’s almost as if the world itself is just poised and waiting for some man with all the answers to step up with the solution to the problems we face. There it is again…hear that?
Off in the distance, I can almost put my finger on that sound. I recognize the pitch, and though faint I can almost guarantee you I know what it is. Oh yes, there it is again – I know what it is exactly! Can you hear it? I can – though faint and distant, it’s very real. No doubt about it, that sound is unmistakable – it’s a trumpet. Get ready folks, Jesus is coming, and He’s almost finished waiting.

That’s just a thought, and I welcome yours.
Until next time,

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Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Torn Britches.

Tuesday, February 22, 2011
Torn Britches. It’s been said that if you don’t like the weather in Arkansas just hang around until tomorrow – it’ll be different. Those of us who have been blessed enough to live in the most beautiful state in the country know that reality all too well. For the past several days we’ve been sporting short sleeved shirts, some even wearing shorts, because it’s been near 70. This morning it’s half that. It seems like the weather can’t decide if it wants to be warm or cold.
In the book of Revelation, Jesus spoke to one of the Seven Churches and said something similar to them. He told them to either choose to be hot or cold, but not lukewarm. He said it turned His stomach when His followers were lukewarm. In other words, He’s saying, “Choose to totally sell out to me and serve me wholeheartedly, or just walk away. But don’t claim to serve Me and then live for yourself with your life. That’s a double message for the world.”
Have you ever spent much time on a farm? I was so blessed to have spent a large portion of my growing up years on my grandparents’ farm in Hillcreek, AR. Most weekends and most of every one of my summers were spent behind the wheel of a tractor doing something. And I absolutely loved it, so much so that my dream today is to wake up each morning someday to that setting again.
Anyone who has lived any amount of time on a farm will understand the phrase I’m about to use: “Don’t straddle the fence. It won’t end well.” Get it? Most fences on most farms are constructed of barbed wire and t-posts. If a person chooses to straddle such a fence, they’ll walk away with torn britches most likely. And who wants to tear a good pair of britches?
Yet in our walk with Christ we so often choose to straddle the proverbial fence of life. We want enough Jesus to get us to heaven, but enough of us to maintain control of our life. Yet Jesus plainly says to us that it just doesn’t work that way. If we want Him to be our Savior, He also desires to be our Lord. Savior means He’s forgiven our sins and saved us. Lord means He’s in the driver’s seat of our life. The two can’t be separated.
So what about you today? Have you been walking about with some torn spiritual britches? It can’t be comfortable, and before long folks are going to notice. Why not choose, today, to give it all to Him? The end result is out of this world. And the life in the meantime is second to none. Your future Bestfriend is waiting to hear from you…let Him mend those tears today.

That’s just a thought, and I welcome yours.
Until next time,

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Monday, February 21, 2011


Monday, February 21, 2011
Dreams. Have you ever had a dream that you thought was totally random, and then later realized some truth that was contained in it? I think God can teach us things in our dreams. Last night I had such a dream. Though it was random, and I have no idea where it came from, I gathered some thoughts for today from it.
I was a Conway Police officer. The dream begins with me pulling up, lights and siren blaring, to a Dollar General Store to the report of shots fired. There was a guy inside that had apparently gone nuts and was shooting up the place. I went in, gun blazing, to realize that I knew him – very well. My heart broke as I saw this guy that I knew in such a messed up condition. I was able to talk him into putting down the gun as he was tackled and cuffed.
I led him to my patrol car and put him in the backseat. As we drove away I remember feeling so incredibly sad about his situation that he was now in. I remember telling him, “_______, this isn’t just going to be a fine, man. You’re going to do time for this. This isn’t something your parents can just come bail you out of. You’re in serious trouble, dude – serious trouble.” My heart was breaking with each word.
As we got to the jail for booking I realized apparently I was a rookie, because I had no idea where to go or what to do. I was going to get on the radio and check in at the jail, but I also didn’t know my officer number. There was so much important information I didn’t know. That also messed with my mind a bit. And then I woke up. It was about 1am.
Now on to what I learned. First of all, the suspect in my dream was someone I really do know – he was a former youth group member from my early days at Victory in Cabot. This explains why my heart was breaking so badly at the reality that I had to arrest him to begin his long internment ahead. It helped me realize that so many of the students I have the privilege of being a part of the lives of need help so they don’t end up in the midst of some really bad consequences in life.
When he and I got to the jail, I didn’t know what I was doing or who I was to identify myself as. This, too, was a stark realization for real life when I woke up. You see, how often do we find ourselves there in a spiritual sense? We know what we’re supposed to do, just as I knew I was supposed to take him to jail. But so often we don’t know what to do once we arrive there. We know our job is to tell others about Jesus, but we don’t, mainly because we don’t think we know how. The truth is that telling others about Jesus is as simple as telling them what He’s done in us – how we came to the place of asking Him to forgive our sins and be our Savior. That’s being a witness.
I also didn’t know my officer ID number. Have you forgotten who you are in Him? You aren’t just like everyone else on planet earth – you belong to the King of kings and Lord of lords! You are a child of the King, an offspring of the Creator of the universe! God is your Father, Jesus is your big brother, and the Holy Spirit lives in you, if you’ve asked for your sin to be forgiven and for Him to be your Lord. Don’t forget who you are – our identity is crucial to the lost world around us!
Dreams can sometimes be so totally random, but maybe there’s something of meaning we can glean from them anyway. So today our challenge is simple: step up to be who you are in Him by telling others who He is and what He can do for them. It’s so important, for the sake of the folks God has entrusted into our lives, so their lives can be saved forever.

That’s just a thought, and I welcome yours.
Until next time,

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Friday, February 18, 2011


Friday, February 18, 2011
Done. That word is so powerful, and can bring such joy to our hearts if used in the right context. Last week I put a pot roast in the crock pot, and as you know it takes a while to cook in one of those. I waited for 5 hours for that roast. When that time period was up, and I said, “Done” – that brought some joy within me!
This word can also bring some pain and sorrow into our hearts. When two people face hard times in a relationship and one of them says, “I’m done,” this same word that sometimes can bring joy can break a heart. When someone says, “Our friendship is done,” the same sinking feeling can be felt.
This word can be used when someone has had their fill of a job or situation. I’ve heard folks say, “I’m done – I’m out of here!” Granted, that is a pretty over the top dramatic way to quit a job, and a 2 week notice is probably the best route to take, some choose this option because of their level of frustration.
It’s often just that – frustration – that leads someone to use this word, whether good or bad. After waiting for that roast, it was out of a bit of frustration from waiting so long that I shouted, “It’s done!” Relationships, friendships, job situations, and so many other times – frustration gets the best of us. And I’ll be truthful – there have been times in my life when it would have been much easier to say, “I’m done” and walk away. But often times sticking it out has the greater reward.
But let's turn the page and consider this: what if we stepped back and began to examine some of the areas of our lives that don’t build us up and help us grow in our walk with Christ? What if we began to take the time to ask God to show us the stuff that’s part of who we are today that He wants to start to trim away to make us the person He wants us to be tomorrow? It will be painful, I can assure you. And it will take time, I can also assure you of that. But wouldn’t it be worth it? Wouldn’t it be worth it to begin to say, with all the gusto we can find within us, “I’m done with that stuff”?
We will only be “Done” with the junk that crowds our lives when we reach the place of understanding just how much better things could be if His attributes replaced the junk. So what about you today – are you to that place yet? I long to be – would you join me? And though some of you won’t get this expression, others will so here goes: at the end of the day I want to be able to sit down with the Father and say, “Okay, when it comes to this junk you’re tired of in me - stick a fork in me – I’m done!”

That’s just a thought, and I welcome yours.
Until next time,

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Thursday, February 17, 2011

Seeing Jesus?

Thursday, February 17, 2011
Seeing Jesus? When I walked up to the mirror this morning I saw myself. Sure, you may think that’s routine and normal. We expect to see ourselves when we look into a mirror. After all, that’s the purpose of mirrors – so we can look at ourselves. Many of us spend some serious time in front of mirrors on a daily basis getting ready to be seen. For some of you it’s actually hours each day doing makeup, hair, etc…getting ready to be seen.
But this morning I walked into the bathroom desiring something else than the norm. I got up this morning with one pervading thought on my heart: I don’t want to be seen – I want them to see Jesus instead. So when I walked up to the mirror, I wanted to see Him looking back at me. But, as to be expected, when I gazed into that reflection there stood an all too familiar mug staring back at me.
My prayer is that when I walk out my front door this morning that will change. I don’t want folks to see Blake Martin in my life. I don’t want them to see what I may be capable of accomplishing, or what I’m able to attain here. I don’t want to have a fan club, cheering for my latest victory or win. I want them to see my Bestfriend in me.
In the way I love others, let them see You. In the way I forgive when I’ve been wronged or hurt, let them see You. In the way I react to everyday situations, let them see You. In the way I post on FaceBook, let them see You. In the words I choose to use in conversation whether online or in person, let them see You. In the way I dress in modesty, let them see You. In the way I accept others regardless of what “clique” they are from, let them see You. In the way I show respect to others throughout my day, let them see You.
Get it? As you’re living out your life, are they seeing Jesus? If not, would you talk to Him about it right now? We all fall, yes, but it’s the way you get back up afterwards that counts the most. What is your life a walking advertisement for? Do they see Him in you?

That’s just a thought, and I welcome yours.
Until next time,

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Wednesday, February 16, 2011

True Grit.

Wednesday, February 16, 2011
True Grit. We so often allow ourselves to fall into the false assumption that serving Christ is hard today. We look at all the “trials and tribulations” of a servant of Christ in our generation in our country, and often we walk away discouraged. We think about the students that are laughed at or made fun of for standing up for Christ. We think of the co-workers that want to have nothing to do with us because we aren’t ashamed of our relationship with God. We even hear of folks whose spouses walk away because they’ve sold out to God too much. And we think this is the tough life.
He woke up this morning without his parents. Last night they were taken by government soldiers because they owned a Bible. He’s alone now, and doesn’t know what he’ll do. An eight year old shouldn’t have to live this reality. But this is the hand he’s been dealt. And he’ll stay true to the God his parents taught him so much about, no matter what.
She’s not seen or spoken to her parents or family in about 6 years now. You see, about 6 years ago she was introduced to Christ by a missionary in her country, and she made the decision to give her life to Him. The ramifications of that decision were harder than she expected. Her family not only didn’t approve of her decision to leave the Muslim faith to be a Christian, but her own father attempted to kill her for becoming a deserter of allah. She ran away, and knows that she’s all but dead to them now.
He’s going to Bible study in just a few minutes. It won’t be in a church building. It won’t even be in a public, advertised location. He’s going to a Bible study in a family’s home, but this isn’t the kind of “home group” we American Christians are used to. He’s going to a secret home Bible study because their church isn’t a government registered, recognized Chinese church. Therefore, they refuse to allow the national government to limit what they can and cannot preach, but rather stay true and faithful to the Bible and message of Christ. If they are found, they’ll be imprisoned and very possibly tortured.
So today – I’ll stand, even if someone laughs at me. I’ll stand even if someone disowns me. I’ll stand even if it hurts a “friendship.” I’ll stand even if it’s not comfortable. Because when it’s all said and done, my stand is relatively painless in this land of the free and home of the brave. My brothers and sisters in Christ elsewhere on planet Earth truly understand sacrifice for Him. They’ve got true grit. I can only pray for that deep of a passion for Him.

That’s just a thought, and I welcome yours.
Until next time,

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Tuesday, February 15, 2011

The Current.

Tuesday, February 15, 2011
The Current. There we are in our little white water raft having the time of our lives. It’s a beautiful day – we couldn’t have asked for better weather. The rapids aren’t too fierce today, so we’ve got the thrill of riding them without the fear of ending up in the water. There are 4 of us in the raft, each of us with our own paddle. Working together has been a breeze thus far. It seems like everything is just perfect on our little adventure on the water. Nothing could go wrong.
Then we see him: an old man, standing on the bank of the river ahead. He’s jumping up and down, waving his arms. As we get closer to him we begin to realize he’s yelling, at the top of his lungs. The more we watch him, the more we begin to crack jokes about him. He must be off his rocker, the way he’s flailing his arms and screaming at us. We can’t tell what he’s saying just yet, but in all reality, who would take this crazy old man seriously anyway?
The rapids continue until we’re almost close enough to hear his shouts. It sounds like he’s screaming at us about being on the water. Maybe he thinks we’re nuts for being out here. Maybe he’s had a bad day and has snapped and needed someone to scream at. Either way, we were very glad we were on the water instead of on the bank with him. He doesn’t look too stable…and the jokes in the raft continue.
Finally we’re close enough to hear him, and our hearts sink. As he jumps up and down, waving his arms to signal us, suddenly he’s not so crazy after all. Suddenly, this old man that we’ve been making jokes about in our little safe raft is a voice of warning that we should have heeded upstream. The concern in his eyes is visible now – his face is screaming louder than his voice. His arms are still flailing, even though he must be exhausted by this point. And his warning sends chills up our spines: “WATERFALL!”
By this point there’s little we can do to prevent the inevitable. Had we paid attention to him upstream and not laughed him off as a crazy old man we could have paddled to the bank and avoided this disaster. Now, sadly, it’s too late. It looks like we’ll have to ride this one out and hope for the best – that hopefully we all survive the fall…
Now – back to real life. How many “crazy old men” has God placed in your life to warn you of the disaster to come? How many people, who care about you and your future, has He sent to flail their arms and yell at the top of your lungs in some way, warning you of the huge fall coming for you? If you can’t think of any, here’s at least one.
The problem is that what’s ahead for all of us isn’t a waterfall, it’s death. We will all face it – it’s a reality that’s unavoidable. “It’s appointed to man once to die and then to face the judgment.” Two certainties in this life: we will die, and we will stand before God. That’s real, and that’s unchanging. What we’ve done with Christ here will make the difference there.
So what about you today – have you made the decision to ask Christ to forgive your sin and be your Savior? Have you then turned from that sin and to Him with your life? Have you made that decision public through baptism? Have you begun serving Him faithfully through the local Body of Christ, the church?
You can know Christ and be living in the midst of a life headed for a waterfall, too. Is that the boat you’re in? Do you know Him, yet you’ve chosen to set out on your own in life, doing things your own way? Have you proudly proclaimed, “I’m gonna just do me, no matter what anybody says”? There’s just one problem with that: this river leads to a waterfall, and you can’t change that. Are you ready to listen to the voice of warning and paddle ashore before it’s too late?
Which current are you being driven by today? Jesus – or your own? I challenge you to ask God to examine your life, and reveal the answer to that question to you. And if the answer is “Your own,” let Him fix that today. You can avoid the waterfall, but you must act fast. God’s ready to help you get to the bank. I pray you allow Him to lead.

That’s just a thought, and I welcome yours.
Until next time,

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Monday, February 14, 2011


Monday, February 14, 2011
Today. We’ve gathered here this morning among friends and family to celebrate the life of our dear friend, Yesterday. Yesterday was born 24 hours ago in our family right here in this very town. He is survived by his relatives Today and Tomorrow. Though our time was brief, we will never forget Yesterday and all he meant to us…is that crazy? Maybe so, but I think that eulogy is a bit more realistic than many of us want to admit.
Many of us hold on to our yesterdays for dear life. We live in the triumphs of our yesterdays. We allow the defeats of yesterday to keep us down. We still feel the pain of yesterday’s heartbreak. We still taste the bitterness of yesterday’s broken fellowship. But need I remind you – that’s yesterday!
There’s a beautiful thing that takes place every single day at exactly 12:01AM – today begins. That’s right – yesterday passes away, and the new day comes. I love the fact that we get a fresh start every single 24 hour period. It’s almost as if God structured time the way He did because He knew we’d need a whole lot of do-overs.
And today is no exception. Yes, I know it’s Valentine’s Day, and many of you may have expected to read a special blog today about the significance of this holiday in my life. In all honesty, that’s what this blog is. Valentine’s Day is a reminder of just that – the significance of today, and that our yesterdays are settled and we have to move on into what’s next.
So in this short piece today, I simply say to you: whether you are struggling to lay aside the events of 7 hours ago or 7 years ago, let yesterday fade and today take center stage. The broken dreams or shattered feelings of yesterday can quickly be replaced by the bright hopes and impassioned visions of tomorrow as we live out His gift to us today – the present.
So celebrate real love this Valentine’s Day – and thank the One who loves you more than anyone else for His gift of today. Now live it for His renown.

That’s just a thought, and I welcome yours.
Until next time,

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Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Looking Like My Father.

Tuesday, February 08, 2011
Looking Like My Father. It happens pretty often, actually. Anytime anyone sees my dad and then sees me, like clockwork they’re more than likely going to say something about how much we look alike. Our hair is the same color (minus the few additional gray hairs he has than me…but I’m catching up!). Even some of our facial features are similar. As I continue to grow older I find that many of his hand gestures and figures of speech have worked their way into my life as well. (Oh foot fire...)
But I’ll be very honest with you – I really don’t mind. I’ve been blessed with a Godly dad. All my life he’s been a hard worker and good provider for our family. He’s loved my mom, and set an example of what marriage should look like for his children to see. He knows the Word, and loves the Word. So for someone to say I resemble him is a compliment.
But in the interest of full disclosure, I have to admit – the characteristics people say they see in me that remind them of my dad aren’t intentional. The hair obviously just happened thanks to genetics. The other things have worked their way into my life after all the time spent with him over the years. It happened because his blood flows in my veins and I’ve spent time with him. Can you see where I’m going with this?
As much as I’m honored to look and resemble my earthly dad, I so much more desire to resemble my heavenly Dad. I want to model His characteristics in my life here. I want others to look at me and be pointed to Him. I want to live a life of His kind of love, patience, grace, mercy, compassion, righteousness, passion, selflessness…need I go on?
I’ve already got one thing going for me – I have His blood flowing through my veins. When we come to Christ and accept Him as our Savior, a blood transaction takes place. Because of what Jesus did on the cross, our sins are paid for and covered by His blood. So when we come to accept that gift as our own, His blood washes our sin away. And we become adopted into the family of God.
Scripture says we are “grafted into the vine” of God’s people. We become one of His. And because it’s a blood covenant, we actually become a blood relation of the God of the universe. So His DNA is in us. It’s expected that we would resemble Him in some regards.
But to truly look like and resemble Him in our lives, we must spend time with Him. I’ve got to hear Him speaking to my heart on a regular basis so I can speak like Him. I’ve got to see Him moving in my life on regular basis so I can live like Him. And in order for those things to happen, He has to be enough of a priority that I’ll desire to spend time with Him daily (or even several times a day) and then follow through.
So go ahead, tell me I look like my dad. It’s a compliment. He’s a good man, and I’m thankful for him. But I long for the day when someone will be able to say, “Man, you sure do look like your Father.” I live for just that.

That’s just a thought, and I welcome yours.
Until next time,

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Monday, February 7, 2011

Give Thanks.

Monday, February 07, 2011
Give Thanks. Today I won’t be writing much. I just want to take the chance to remind all my readers to give thanks. Spend some time today saying “Thank You” to the Lord for all the blessings He’s poured out into your life, whether we view them as big or small. Give thanks. I’ll be giving thanks for so many things today that I take for granted far too often. And I’m saying “Thank You” for you, and praying for everyone that normally reads this blog. May God pour Himself into you today in ways that rock your world.
Also, please say a prayer today for my friends at the Lake Hamilton Fire Department just outside Hot Springs. I used to be their Chaplain, and I got news today that they fought a structure fire yesterday afternoon in which a body was found. These are always tough for the firefighters involved, so pray for them today. Thanks.

That’s just a thought, and I welcome yours.
Until next time,

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Friday, February 4, 2011


Friday, February 04, 2011
Ouch! This morning when I was getting dressed and was bending over to put on my socks I managed to bring my elbow into contact with the corner of my footboard on my bed. It brought a serious, life changing question to mind in an instant: Why on earth do they call it a funny bone? I mean, really, when you hit it there’s nothing funny about it. It hurts – and if you hit it just right and just hard enough – it hurts really badly!
I’ve never been really good at any of the physical sciences, but it’s my understanding that there’s a nerve that runs through the area near your elbow. When you hit your “funny bone,” it’s not a bone at all really. You’re hitting a nerve. And boy does it ever smart.
Have you ever had one of those moments with God when He sort of “hit a nerve” with you? Maybe it’s some area you’ve been struggling with in your life and you’ve all but given up on securing victory in it. At just the right time you hear a message or read a Scripture that speaks to that exact thing, and it hits a little too close to home for you. Your “spiritual funny bone” has been tapped.
The truth is that so many of us don’t spend much time in the Word. Actually, many of us don’t spend any time at all in the Word. And the enemy of our souls, satan (whose name will not be capitalized in any of my writings for obvious reasons) loves it when we choose not to get into the Word at all. God says His Word is “sharper than any two edged sword, piercing deeper than bone and marrow.” It can divide the sin in our lives from who we really are meant to be. That’s powerful, and that will lead to growth in Him that our enemy is terrified of.
That’s why it’s so easy for us to neglect the Word. If we get into it, it is going to change us with time – mark that down. And so if satan can keep us from the Word, he’ll do everything he can to do so. And we will continue to live our lives in spiritual defeat, wondering why it’s just so hard to live for Christ every day. When we are spiritually weak, it will be hard because the battles will be such an uphill climb without the strength that a growing relationship brings. And we need the Word for that.
Many of us push the Bible aside because we know, deep down inside, that reading it will hurt a little. We know God will have a thing or two to say about our life and the choices we’re making in it. And so we have our excuses. We say things like “I’m just too busy,” or “I don’t understand it,” or better yet “I go to church on Sunday and that’s good enough.” If eating one good meal a week is good enough to sustain our physical bodies then maybe I’ll agree. The truth is you and I both know we need more physical food than that to be healthy. And so it is with our spiritual lives as well.
So today, this blog may have hit your spiritual funny bone. Maybe you can feel something right now. I’m sorry to tell you this, but it’s not me. What you feel is the Holy Spirit speaking to your heart, and simply saying, “I want to spend time with you. The Father wants to speak to you. Open up the Word for a bit and see what He’s saying.” As I’ve already said, it may be painful at times, but sometimes growing brings growing pains. And after the discomfort they bring fades, you’re a stronger, more Christ-like person. And that, my friends, is well worth the temporary ache.

That’s just a thought, and I welcome yours.
Until next time,

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Thursday, February 3, 2011


Thursday, February 03, 2011
Ponder. I often wonder where I would be right now had I chosen not to accept Christ when I did. I would certainly not be doing what I am now as it relates to my job. I probably wouldn’t live in Cabot, either. There’s actually no telling where I’d be and what all I’d have gotten myself into by now. I do know this: Christ changed my life.
As I continue to grow in my maturity, I realize more and more how much it isn’t about me. Selfishness is a trait of childhood that has to be broken. We don’t have to be taught how to be selfish; we’re born with that ability. It’s part of our inherited sin nature, and sometimes it’s hard to break away from.
That’s why you hear so many people say so often that life is all about “their happiness.” Sure most folks don’t understand their decisions, and they may not exactly line up with what they have believed or understood the Bible to teach. But so long as they’re happy, it’s okay. That’s a faulty defense.
How many serial killers do you think enjoyed committing murder? How many bank robbers do you think enjoyed robbing banks? When Bernie Madoff stoles millions upon millions from elderly people who were depending on those investments to survive after retirement – do you think he was enjoying himself while getting rich? Do you think these criminals were happy while committing the acts that defined them?
Sure they were. There was probably adrenaline, mixed with the sick pleasure of being in control of their own lives. No one was going to tell them what they were doing was wrong. It didn’t matter. After all, they were happy. That’s all that matters, right?
Here’s the problem: the murderer may have enjoyed what they did, but someone else’s life ended because of it. The bank robbers may have gotten a thrill from robbing the banks, but others lost because of it. And though Bernie Madoff may have gotten rich and enjoyed doing it, some poor elderly folks found themselves without anything to live on when they’d become too old to work.
I hope you’re picking up on a theme here – there are always consequences. When we live our lives for ourselves with only “our happiness” in view, others suffer. People are dying all around us, and they need Jesus. Folks are living in their “lostness” and we have the answer. Someday they will stand before God, and if they aren’t prepared the result will be eternal disaster for them.
But who cares right? So long as we’re happy, that’s what counts most.
Today, I challenge you to think about someone else more than yourself. Begin to ponder how your decisions either point people to Jesus or away from Him. And please, if you realize something you’re doing is pointing folks away from Christ – asking Him to forgive that, and then choose to not allow that to be a part of your life anymore. Sometimes it’ll require huge sacrifice, but I can assure it’ll not be a big as a cross.

That’s just a thought, and I welcome yours.
Until next time,

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Wednesday, February 2, 2011

In The Image.

Wednesday, February 02, 2011
In The Image. There’s a statement I’ve heard an awful lot as of late from folks, especially on FaceBook statuses. I think it’s rooted in the independent spirit that's inside each of us, and it traces itself all the way back to the Garden of Eden. “I’m going to do it my way.” There’s a sad truth that comes to those with this as their life’s mantra, though – there’s no such thing as your way.
Solomon wrote in the book of Ecclesiastes that there was “nothing new under the sun.” That’s so very true. Anything we can come up with to do has been done before. So it stands to reason that when we want to do it “our way” and be “our own person”, we really aren’t. All we’re doing is subscribing to someone else’s way, and becoming more like them.
Case in point – someone will say they don’t need church because they don’t want to try to fit into “someone else’s mold.” Well, while I can see what you may mean, by avoiding church you ARE fitting into someone else’s mold. It’s just not God’s.
Scripture says that God has created us in His own image. That means a lot of things, but mainly it means that we are a triune being – we have three parts just like He does. God is Father, Son, and Spirit. We are body, mind, and soul. So there we are – in His image. Yet later on in the New Testament, God inspires His men to write about us being “conformed into the image of Christ,” of having the “mind of Christ.” This opens up a whole new can of worms.
God wants us to look like Jesus – to pattern our life after Him. Many write that off as unrealistic and unattainable and use that as an excuse to quit. I would counter that God would not call us to something that we could never achieve. Of course we can look like Jesus. We will battle a sin nature as long as we are on earth, but the attributes of Jesus can grow more and more ingrained into our lives every day that we serve Him.
When we live for doing things “our way,” we aren’t stepping out on our own on some brave new adventure where our courage is plainly seen by all…we’re simply making a choice. We are simply choosing to look like the world instead of Jesus. It’s just that cut and dried. And we can make that choice, it’s true. You can choose to live your life your way instead of His way. And it’ll seem fun for a while. And you’ll appear to have some great friends for a while. The Word even says that “sin is pleasurable for a season.” But just like beautiful summertime in Arkansas, all seasons will come to an end.
Today I’m challenging you to think about the choice of who you want to look like as a road. Jesus said one is wide and popular, and the other is narrow and few walk it. And each road ends up somewhere. Jesus said the wide road leads to destruction, and the narrow road leads to life. Doesn’t life sound much better, especially when it’s an eternal time frame?
Choose Jesus by asking Him to forgive your sin and be your Savior. And then keep choosing Him daily as you live for Him and grow into looking more like Him for the benefit of the lost around you. The truth of the matter is that whatever road we choose will also be chosen by many who follow our lead. Wouldn’t it be tragic to lead so many to that eternal destruction Jesus talked about, when life was just one choice away for us and them?

That’s just a thought, and I welcome yours.
Until next time,

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Tuesday, February 1, 2011


Tuesday, February 01, 2011
Excuses. This morning God has me thinking about the similarities and differences between my relationship with my parents growing up and my relationship with Him now. I’ll admit what may not come as a surprise to most of you: I wasn’t always the easiest child to raise. Looking back I realize my parents must have had to be really creative to deal with me at times. And trust me – I never got a whooping that I didn’t deserve, and I probably should have gotten a few more.
But when I was told to do something (clean my room, do my chores, etc.) I did them as I began to mature. There were good reasons, too. By the time I began to mature and grow up a little I had learned that when my parents told me to do something it was in my best interest to do it. Not only could I avoid the negative consequences of not doing it, but I also began to realize that when they told me to do something they were doing so because it was really best for me.
When they were telling me to clean my room, they were teaching me the importance of responsibility and cleanliness. When they were telling me to do my chores, they were teaching me the honor of hard work and taking care of the house. And in it all, they were teaching me that in life, we answer to people. That will never change. The quicker we learn to accept that the happier and more successful we will be.
But how often would I try to make excuses for not doing what they said. I was a very imaginative child, with a vividly creative mind. I could come up with some amazing excuses, believe me. But every time, they saw right through them.
And then there’s God. When He says things like, “Go into all the world and preach the Gospel to every creature, baptizing them in the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Ghost, teaching them to observe all things that I’ve commanded you, and I’ll be with you always, even until the end of the age”… And then there’s “Forsake not the assembling of yourselves together as the manner of some are, but all the more as you see the day approaching.”
He’s told us so many things, and every single one of them matters. When He commands us to do things like gather together with other believers as often as we have the opportunity, He is doing so because we need that, and He knows that. Christians need each other – whether you want to admit it or not.
But then come our excuses. We are creative, aren’t we? We have some really good reasons for not going to church, or not sharing the Gospel, or not spending time with Him…don’t we? But the truth is – they aren’t good enough, are they…? And if my parents could see through my own excuses, surely God can see through ours.
Many of you reading this would have had a stroke if you had tried to give your parents an excuse for not obeying something they told you do to. That’s old school, and you knew better. Yet in our lives we do that so often with the God that loves us immensely more than even our parents do. So the simple question this morning is this: if it wasn’t acceptable for our earthly parents, why do we think it’s acceptable for our Heavenly Father?

That’s just a thought, and I welcome yours.
Until next time,

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