Thursday, April 07, 2011
This Little Light of Mine…? The older I get, the more increasingly discontent I become with my “little light.” In Sunday school growing up, we learned that song, “This Little Light of Mine.” It taught us that our lives were lights, shining in the darkness of this world for the glory of Christ. We sang that we wouldn't "let satan ‘woof’ it out...” We said we wouldn’t hide it under a bushel. We would just let it shine.
This song is based on the text in Matthew in which Jesus said we are the “light of the world.” He asked, “Who would light a candle and then put it under a bushel?” Rather, you should light that candle and put it on a mountain for everyone, everywhere to see. I understand all that, and I understand that God has called us all to let our light shine. The world is dark, and it needs all the light it can get.
But the world is SO dark, and has such a tremendous need of light. I’m not content with just my little light shining on its own. The more I see of Him moving around me, the hungrier I am for a brighter, more engulfing light. I don’t want a flicker anymore, I want a blaze. If the world is full of darkness, I won’t settle for anything less than a wildfire of candles lighting up the darkness all around me.
When Jesus told us we were the light of the world, He never intended for us to burn alone. God didn’t create us, as believers, to fly solo forever. He designed a living body called the Church as an avenue for us to burn brighter, because we’re burning together.
Together – isn’t that a beautiful word? I love the fact that God can take people from so many different backgrounds, upbringings, skin colors, people groups, sizes, shapes, and personalities and mesh them together as one body – His body – the Church. Only God can do that. When we understand and practice that, the world will see, in an even brighter way, who we are in Him.
So today, I don’t want to shine on my own little lonesome. I want God to shine through me as I stand with my fellow brothers and sisters in Christ and shine together. The world is dark, but the darkness will not win. Stand up – be counted – and let your light shine with mine as Jesus shows Himself to the world one soul at a time.
That’s just a thought, and I welcome yours.
Until next time,
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